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§§1181, 1182. Repealed. Pub. L. 85–861, §36A, Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1569

Section 1181, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title I, §102, 68 Stat. 1149, defined terms used in the Reserve Officer Personnel Act of 1954. See sections 101(d)(4), 12003 to 12005, 12202, 12642, 12646, 12647, and 12772 of Title 10, Armed Forces, and section 3731 of Title 14, Coast Guard.

Section 1182, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VII, §703, 68 Stat. 1189, contained savings provisions. See section 3734 of Title 14.

§§1191 to 1202. Repealed. Pub. L. 85–861, §36A, Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1569

Section 1191, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title II, §201, 68 Stat. 1150; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §1(a), 69 Stat. 218, related to constructive service credit on initial appointment. See section 12207 of Title 10, Armed Forces, and section 3738 of Title 14, Coast Guard.

Section 1192, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title II, §202, 68 Stat. 1150, related to eligibility for promotion and to standards and qualifications for active status. See sections 12642 and 14301 et seq. of Title 10, Armed Forces, and section 3743 of Title 14, Coast Guard.

Section 1193, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title II, §203, 68 Stat. 1150, related to appointment, composition, duration of service, quorum, and oath of service of selection boards, and to communications by officers eligible for promotion. See section 14101 et seq. of Title 10, Armed Forces, and section 3741 of Title 14, Coast Guard.

Section 1194, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title II, §204, 68 Stat. 1151, authorized retention of officers with incomplete reserve service. See section 12645 of Title 10, Armed Forces.

Section 1195, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title II, §205, 68 Stat. 1151; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §1(b), 69 Stat. 218, related to retention of officers with eighteen or more years of service. See section 12646 of Title 10.

Section 1196, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title II, §206, 68 Stat. 1152, provided for advancement in grade on retirement or transfer to Retired Reserve. See sections 12771 to 12773 of Title 10.

Section 1197, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title II, §207, 68 Stat. 1152, related to grade on entry upon active duty. See section 12320 of Title 10, Armed Forces, and section 3756 of Title 14, Coast Guard.

Section 1198, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title II, §208, 68 Stat. 1152, provided for recommendation for promotion of officer previously removed from active status. See section 14317 of Title 10, Armed Forces, and section 3744 of Title 14, Coast Guard.

Section 1199, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title II, §209, 68 Stat. 1152, authorized the President to suspend provisions of Reserve Officer Personnel Act of 1954 in time of war or national emergency. See section 123 of Title 10, Armed Forces, section 3733 of Title 14, Coast Guard, and section 111 of Title 32, National Guard.

Section 1200, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title II, §210, 68 Stat. 1152, provided that there shall be no requirement for sea or foreign service for promotion of Reserve officers.

Section 1201, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title II, §211, 68 Stat. 1153, related to grades of Reserve officers. See section 12202 of Title 10, Armed Forces.

Section 1202, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title II, §212, 68 Stat. 1153, related to active status of officers assigned to Selective Service System. See section 12647 of Title 10, Armed Forces.

§§1221 to 1227. Repealed. Pub. L. 85–861, §36A, Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1569

Section 1221, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §301, 68 Stat. 1153, provided that sections 1221 to 1281 should apply only to Reserve officers of the Army.

Section 1222, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §302, 68 Stat. 1153; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §6, 69 Stat. 221, defined terms used in sections 1221 to 1281 of this title. See section 12007 of Title 10, Armed Forces.

Section 1223, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §303, 68 Stat. 1154; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §7, 69 Stat. 221, provided for promotion procedures. See sections 14101 et seq. and 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1224, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §304, 68 Stat. 1154, related to maximum grades for female officers.

Section 1225, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §305, 68 Stat. 1154, related to constructive service credit. See section 12201 et seq. of Title 10, Armed Forces.

Section 1226, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §306, 68 Stat. 1155, related to minimum service in grade. See section 14303 of Title 10.

Section 1227, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §307, 68 Stat. 1155, prescribed the authorized number of officers and for distribution in grade. See sections 12003 to 12005, 12007, and 12646 of Title 10.

§§1231 to 1238. Repealed. Pub. L. 85–861, §36A, Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1569

Section 1231, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §308, 68 Stat. 1155, provided for promotion to first lieutenant. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10, Armed Forces.

Section 1232, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §309, 68 Stat. 1156, provided for promotion to captain, major, and lieutenant colonel to fill vacancies. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1233, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §310, 68 Stat. 1156, related to promotion to captain, major, and lieutenant colonel regardless of vacancies. See sections 12009 and 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1234, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §311, 68 Stat. 1157, related to second consideration for promotion. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1235, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §312, 68 Stat. 1157, related to promotion to colonel and female field grades to fill vacancies. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1236, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §313, 68 Stat. 1157, provided for promotion to brigadier general and major general to fill vacancies. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1237, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §314, 68 Stat. 1158; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §8, 69 Stat. 222, related to method of selection and order of promotion. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1238, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §315, 68 Stat. 1158, related to total years of service for first nonunit promotion.

§§1241 to 1243. Repealed. Pub. L. 85–861, §36A, Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1569

Section 1241, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §316, 68 Stat. 1159, provided for promotion to first lieutenant. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10, Armed Forces.

Section 1242, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §317, 68 Stat. 1159, provided for promotion to captain, major, lieutenant colonel, and colonel to fill unit vacancies. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1243, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §318, 68 Stat. 1159, provided for promotion to brigadier general and major general to fill vacancies. See section 14315 of Title 10.

§§1251 to 1255. Repealed. Pub. L. 85–861, §36A, Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1569

Section 1251, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §319, 68 Stat. 1160, related to examination for Federal recognition upon unit vacancy promotion. See section 309 of Title 32, National Guard.

Section 1252, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §320, 68 Stat. 1160, related to extension of automatic Federal recognition to higher grade. See section 310 of Title 32.

Section 1253, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §321, 68 Stat. 1160, provided for promotion to higher grade upon recognition. See section 14308(f) of Title 10, Armed Forces.

Section 1254, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §322, 68 Stat. 1161, provided for promotion upon transfer to Army Reserve. See section 12213 of Title 10.

Section 1255, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §323, 68 Stat. 1161, provided for appointment of adjutants general and assistant adjutants general as Reserve officers. See section 12215(a) of Title 10.

§§1261 to 1264. Repealed. Pub. L. 85–861, §36A, Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1569

Section 1261, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §324, 68 Stat. 1161, related to discharge of second lieutenants. See sections 14503 and 14907 of Title 10, Armed Forces, and section 323 of Title 32, National Guard.

Section 1262, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §325, 68 Stat. 1161; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §9, 69 Stat. 222, provided for discharge or transfer to Retired Reserve of first lieutenants, captains, and majors. See section 14501 et seq. of Title 10, Armed Forces.

Section 1263, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §326, 68 Stat. 1161, prescribed maximum age for discharge or transfer to Retired Reserve. See sections 14508 to 14512 of Title 10.

Section 1264, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §327, 68 Stat. 1162, provided for discharge or transfer to Retired Reserve for length of service. See section 14501 et seq. of Title 10.

§1265. Omitted

Editorial Notes


Section, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §328, 68 Stat. 1163, which provided for retention of officers to complete 20 years of service.

§§1266, 1267. Repealed. Pub. L. 85–861, §36A, Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1569

Section 1266, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §329, 68 Stat. 1163, related to disposition of general officers ceasing to occupy position. See section 14314(a) of Title 10, Armed Forces.

Section 1267, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §330, 68 Stat. 1163, related to excess numbers in grade. See sections 14514 and 14704 of Title 10.

§§1271 to 1279. Repealed. Pub. L. 85–861, §36A, Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1569

Section 1271, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §331, 68 Stat. 1164, related to applicability of sections 1221 to 1227, 1231 to 1238, and 1261 to 1267 of this title. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10, Armed Forces.

Section 1272, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §332, 68 Stat. 1164, related to officers eligible for vacancy promotion entering on active duty. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1273, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §333, 68 Stat. 1164; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §§2, 10, 69 Stat. 218, 222, provided for promotion to higher grade while on active duty. See section 14311 of Title 10.

Section 1274, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §334, 68 Stat. 1164, provided for promotion under mandatory consideration of officers with higher temporary grade. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1275, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §335, 68 Stat. 1165, related to appointment in appropriate higher grade after temporary appointment. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1276, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §336, 68 Stat. 1165, related to officers of the National Guard of the United States. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1277, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §337, 68 Stat. 1165, which related to withholding promotion on release from active duty, was also repealed by act June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §11, 69 Stat. 222.

Section 1278, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §338, 68 Stat. 1165, related to promotion upon release from active duty. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1279, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §339, 68 Stat. 1165; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §1(c), 69 Stat. 218, related to retention for additional service.

§1281. Repealed. Pub. L. 85–861, §36A, Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1569

Section, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title III, §340, 68 Stat. 1166, related to assimilation of regulations relating to promotion.

§§1301 to 1314. Repealed. Pub. L. 85–861, §36A, Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1569

Section 1301, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title IV, §401, 68 Stat. 1166, related to applicability of sections 1301 to 1314 of this title, and defined terms.

Section 1302, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title IV, §402, 68 Stat. 1166; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §3(a), 69 Stat. 218, provided for authorized numbers and distribution of officers in the Naval Reserve. See sections 12003 to 12005 and 14001 et seq. of Title 10, Armed Forces.

Section 1303, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title IV, §403, 68 Stat. 1167; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §3(b), 69 Stat. 218, related to applicability of laws relating to selection for promotion of Regular officers. See sections 14001 et seq., 14101 et seq., 14307, and 14501 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1304, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title IV, §404, 68 Stat. 1167, provided for running mates. See section 14306 of Title 10.

Section 1305, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title IV, §405, 68 Stat. 1168; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §3(c), (d), 69 Stat. 218, related to eligibility for promotion. See sections 14001 et seq., 14306, and 14501 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1306, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title IV, §406, 68 Stat. 1168, related to applicability of laws relating to eligibility for promotion of Regular officers. See sections 14001 et seq. and 14308 of Title 10, Armed Forces and section 209 of Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services.

Section 1307, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title IV, §407, 68 Stat. 1169, related to restriction on applicability of subchapter to officers on active status. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10, Armed Forces.

Section 1308, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title IV, §408, 68 Stat. 1169, provided for qualifications for promotion.

Section 1309, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title IV, §409, 68 Stat. 1169, provided for removal from promotion list by the President. See section 14310 of Title 10.

Section 1310, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title IV, §410, 68 Stat. 1169, provided for precedence.

Section 1311, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title IV, §411, 68 Stat. 1169, provided for elimination from active status. See sections 6389 and 14512(b) of Title 10.

Section 1312, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title IV, §412, 68 Stat. 1171, provided for transfer to Retired Reserve for age, and exempted certain flag and general officers. See section 14512(b) of Title 10.

Section 1313, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title IV, §413, 68 Stat. 1171, provided for promotions under Secretary's regulations. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1314, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title IV, §414, as added June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §3(e), 69 Stat. 219, related to promotion of Naval and Marine officers selected for promotion prior to July 1, 1955.

§§1331 to 1357. Repealed. Pub. L. 85–861, §36A, Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1569

Section 1331, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §501, 68 Stat. 1171; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §4(a), 69 Stat. 219, related to applicability of sections 1331 to 1357 of this title, and defined terms.

Section 1332, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §502, 68 Stat. 1172; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §4(b), 69 Stat. 219, related to promotion and promotion service. See sections 14001 et seq. and 14301 et seq. of Title 10, Armed Forces.

Section 1333, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §503, 68 Stat. 1172, related to authorized numbers and distribution of Reserve officers of the Air Force. See sections 12003 to 12005, 12009, and 12646 of Title 10.

Section 1334, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §504, 68 Stat. 1173; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §4(c), 69 Stat. 219, related to seniority for promotion purposes. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1335, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §505, 68 Stat. 1173, provided for constructive service credit on appointment. See section 12201 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1336, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §506, 68 Stat. 1173; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §4(d), 69 Stat. 219, related to minimum service in grade. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1337, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §507, 68 Stat. 1174, related to time limit for consideration. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1338, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §508, 68 Stat. 1174; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §4(e), 69 Stat. 219, related to selection boards. See sections 14101 et seq. and 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1339, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §509, 68 Stat. 1174; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §4(f), 69 Stat. 219, provided for promotion to first lieutenant, and to discharge for failure to qualify for permanent grade. See sections 14301 et seq. and 14503 of Title 10.

Section 1340, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §510, 68 Stat. 1174; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §4(g), 69 Stat. 220, related to consideration for promotion to captain, major, and lieutenant colonel. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1341, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §511, 68 Stat. 1175; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §4(h), 69 Stat. 220, provided for promotion to captain, major or lieutenant colonel. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1342, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §512, 68 Stat. 1175, related to method of selection for promotion to captain, major, or lieutenant colonel. See section 14001 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1343, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §513, 68 Stat. 1176, authorized special promotions. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1344, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §514, 68 Stat. 1176, related to promotion of officers serving in temporary grade higher than permanent grade. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1345, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §515, 68 Stat. 1177, related to female Reserve officers.

Section 1346, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §516, 68 Stat. 1177, related to promotion to colonel. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1347, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §517, 68 Stat. 1177, provided for promotion to brigadier general and major general. See sections 14314 and 14315 of Title 10.

Section 1348, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §518, 68 Stat. 1178, provided for removal from the promotion list by the President. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1349, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §519, 68 Stat. 1179, related to Air National Guard. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10, Armed Forces, and section 307 of Title 32, National Guard.

Section 1350, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §520, 68 Stat. 1179, provided for promotion to first lieutenant in Air National Guard of the United States. See sections 14301 et seq. and 14503 of Title 10, Armed Forces.

Section 1351, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §521, 68 Stat. 1179, provided for promotion to captain, major, and lieutenant colonel in the Air National Guard. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1352, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §522, 68 Stat. 1180, related to deferred officers. See section 14301 et seq. of Title 10, Armed Forces, and section 323 of Title 32, National Guard.

Section 1353, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §523, 68 Stat. 1181; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §4(i), 69 Stat. 220, related to maximum ages for retention in active status. See sections 14510 to 14512 of Title 10, Armed Forces.

Section 1354, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §524, 68 Stat. 1182; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §4(j), 69 Stat. 220, related to elimination of officers for length of service. See section 14501 et seq. of Title 10.

Section 1355, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §525, 68 Stat. 1183, provided for elimination of excess officers. See sections 14514 and 14704 of Title 10.

Section 1356, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §526, 68 Stat. 1183, provided for elimination or transfer of adjutants general or assistant adjutants general. See section 14314(a), (c) of Title 10.

Section 1357, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title V, §527, as added June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §4(k), 69 Stat. 220, related to civilian employees of the Air National Guard.

§§1381 to 1398. Repealed. Pub. L. 85–861, §36A, Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1569

Section 1381, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VI, §601, 68 Stat. 1183, defined terms used in sections 1381 to 1399 of this title. See section 3731 of Title 14, Coast Guard.

Section 1382, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VI, §602, 68 Stat. 1183, related to applicability of sections 1381 to 1399 of this title. See section 3732 of Title 14.

Section 1383, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VI, §603, 68 Stat. 1184, related to authorized numbers and distribution of officers in the Coast Guard Reserve. See section 3735 of Title 14.

Section 1384, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VI, §604, 68 Stat. 1184, related to promotions and selection boards. See section 3740 of Title 14.

Section 1385, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VI, §605, 68 Stat. 1185, provided for precedence. See section 3736 of Title 14.

Section 1386, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VI, §606, 68 Stat. 1185; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §5(a), 69 Stat. 221, related to running mates. See section 3737 of Title 14.

Section 1387, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VI, §607, 68 Stat. 1186, related to promotion zones. See section 3742 of Title 14.

Section 1388, acts Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VI, §608, 68 Stat. 1186; June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §5(b), 69 Stat. 221, related to date of rank upon promotion. See section 3747 of Title 14.

Section 1389, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VI, §609, 68 Stat. 1186, related to minimum points for consideration for promotion.

Section 1390, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VI, §610, 68 Stat. 1186, related to qualifications for promotion. See section 3745 of Title 14.

Section 1391, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VI, §611, 68 Stat. 1186, related to failure of selection and elimination. See section 3751 of Title 14.

Section 1392, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VI, §612, 68 Stat. 1187, provided for removal from promotion list by the President. See section 3749 of Title 14.

Section 1393, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VI, §613, 68 Stat. 1187, related to maximum ages for active status. See section 3753 of Title 14.

Section 1394, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VI, §614, 68 Stat. 1187, related to type of promotion. See section 3748 of Title 14.

Section 1395, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VI, §615, 68 Stat. 1188, related to promotion of officers serving on active duty. See section 3739 of Title 14.

Section 1396, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VI, §616, 68 Stat. 1188, provided for appointment of former Navy and Coast Guard officers. See section 3755 of Title 14.

Section 1397, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VI, §617, 68 Stat. 1188, provided for recall of retired officers. See section 3757 of Title 14.

Section 1398, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VI, §618, 68 Stat. 1188, authorized the Secretary to promulgate regulations.

§1399. Omitted

Editorial Notes


Section, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1257, title VI, §619, as added June 30, 1955, ch. 247, §5(c), 69 Stat. 221, which authorized promotion of officers who were selected for promotion prior to July 1, 1955.