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Findings and declarations.
Responsibilities of congressional committees.
Responsibilities of the President.
Responsibilities of the Administrator.
Responsibilities of agency heads.
Establishment and purpose of advisory committees.
Advisory committee procedures.
Availability of transcripts.
Fiscal and administrative provisions.
Responsibilities of Library of Congress.
Termination of advisory committees.
Requirements relating to National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Public Administration.


§1001. Definitions

In this chapter:

(1) Administrator.—The term "Administrator" means the Administrator of General Services.

(2) Advisory committee.—

(A) In general.—The term "advisory committee" means a committee, board, commission, council, conference, panel, task force, or other similar group, or any subcommittee or other subgroup thereof (hereafter in this paragraph referred to as "committee") that is established or utilized to obtain advice or recommendations for the President or one or more agencies or officers of the Federal Government and that is—

(i) established by statute or reorganization plan;

(ii) established or utilized by the President; or

(iii) established or utilized by one or more agencies.

(B) Exclusions.—The term "advisory committee" excludes—

(i) a committee that is composed wholly of full-time, or permanent part-time, officers or employees of the Federal Government; and

(ii) a committee that is created by the National Academy of Sciences or the National Academy of Public Administration.

(3) Agency.—The term "agency" has the meaning given the term in section 551 of this title.

(4) Presidential advisory committee.—The term "Presidential advisory committee" means an advisory committee that advises the President.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(a), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4197.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
1001 5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §3) Pub. L. 92–463, §3, Oct. 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 770; Pub. L. 105–153, §2(a), Dec. 17, 1997, 111 Stat. 2689.

[Although not mentioned in the explanation contained in H. Rept. 117–193, in par. (1), " 'Administrator' means the Administrator of General Services" substituted for " 'Director' means the Director of the Office of Management and Budget" because of section 5F of Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1977 (5 U.S.C. App.).]

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Short Title of 1997 Act

Pub. L. 105–153, §1, Dec. 17, 1997, 111 Stat. 2689, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Federal Advisory Committee Act Amendments of 1997'."

Short Title of 1972 Act

Pub. L. 92–463, §1, Oct. 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 770, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Federal Advisory Committee Act'."

§1002. Findings and declarations

(a) Findings.—Congress finds that there are numerous committees, boards, commissions, councils, and similar groups which have been established to advise officers and agencies in the executive branch of the Federal Government and that they are frequently a useful and beneficial means of furnishing expert advice, ideas, and diverse opinions to the Federal Government.

(b) Findings and Declarations.—Congress further finds and declares that—

(1) the need for many existing advisory committees has not been adequately reviewed;

(2) new advisory committees should be established only when they are determined to be essential and their number should be kept to the minimum necessary;

(3) advisory committees should be terminated when they are no longer carrying out the purposes for which they were established;

(4) standards and uniform procedures should govern the establishment, operation, administration, and duration of advisory committees;

(5) Congress and the public should be kept informed with respect to the number, purpose, membership, activities, and cost of advisory committees; and

(6) the function of advisory committees should be advisory only, and all matters under their consideration should be determined, in accordance with law, by the official, agency, or officer involved.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(a), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4198.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
1002 5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §2) Pub. L. 92–463, §2, Oct. 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 770.

Executive Documents

Executive Order No. 11007

Ex. Ord. No. 11007, Feb. 27, 1962, 27 F.R. 1875, which related to regulations for formation and use of advisory committees, was superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 11671, June 5, 1972, 37 F.R. 11307.

Executive Order No. 11671

Ex. Ord. No. 11671, June 5, 1972, 37 F.R. 11307, which related to committee management, was superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 11686, Oct. 7, 1972, 37 F.R. 21421.

Executive Order No. 11686

Ex. Ord. No. 11686, Oct. 7, 1972, 37 F.R. 21421, which related to committee management, was superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 11769, Feb. 21, 1974, 39 F.R. 7125.

Executive Order No. 11769

Ex. Ord. No. 11769, Feb. 21, 1974, 39 F.R. 7125, which related to committee management, was revoked by Ex. Ord. No. 12024, Dec. 1, 1977, 42 F.R. 61445, set out below.

Ex. Ord. No. 12024. Transfer of Certain Advisory Committee Functions

Ex. Ord. No. 12024, Dec. 1, 1977, 42 F.R. 61445, provided:

By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and statutes of the United States of America, including the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended ([former] 5 U.S.C. App.) [see 5 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.], Section 301 of Title 3 of the United States Code, Section 202 of the Budget and Accounting Procedures Act of 1950 (31 U.S.C. 581c) [31 U.S.C. 1531], and Section 7 of Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1977 (42 F.R. 56101 (October 21, 1977)) [set out in the Appendix to this title], and as President of the United States of America, in accord with the transfer of advisory committee functions from the Office of Management and Budget to the General Services Administration provided by Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1977, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. The transfer, provided by Section 5F of Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1977 (42 F.R. 56101) [set out in the Appendix to this title], of certain functions under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended ([former] 5 U.S.C. App.) [see 5 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.], from the Office of Management and Budget and its Director to the Administrator of General Services is hereby effective.

Sec. 2. There is hereby delegated to the Administrator of General Services all the functions vested in the President by the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended, except that, the annual report to the Congress required by Section 6(c) of that Act shall be prepared by the Administrator for the President's consideration and transmittal to the Congress.

Sec. 3. The Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall take all actions necessary or appropriate to effectuate the transfer of functions provided in this Order, including the transfer of funds, personnel and positions, assets, liabilities, contracts, property, records, and other items related to the functions transferred.

Sec. 4. Executive Order No. 11769 of February 21, 1974 is hereby revoked.

Sec. 5. Any rules, regulations, orders, directives, circulars, or other actions taken pursuant to the functions transferred or reassigned as provided in this Order from the Office of Management and Budget to the Administrator of General Services, shall remain in effect as if issued by the Administrator until amended, modified, or revoked.

Sec. 6. This Order shall be effective November 20, 1977.

Jimmy Carter.      

Lobbyists on Agency Boards and Commissions

Memorandum of President of the United States, June 18, 2010, 75 F.R. 35955, provided:

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies

My Administration is committed to reducing the undue influence of special interests that for too long has shaped the national agenda and drowned out the voices of ordinary Americans. Special interests exert this disproportionate influence, in part, by relying on lobbyists who have special access that is not available to all citizens. Although lobbyists can sometimes play a constructive role by communicating information to the government, their service in privileged positions within the executive branch can perpetuate the culture of special-interest access that I am committed to changing.

On the day after my inauguration, I signed Executive Order 13490, which places strict limits on the ability of lobbyists to serve in Government positions related to their prior lobbying activities. Last September, we took another step to close the revolving door through which lobbyists enter and exit Government positions when we announced that my Administration aspires to keep Federal agencies' advisory boards free of federally registered lobbyists. Many departments and agencies are making this aspiration a reality by no longer placing federally registered lobbyists on advisory boards—a practice that I am now establishing as the official policy of my Administration.

Accordingly, I hereby direct the heads of executive departments and agencies not to make any new appointments or reappointments of federally registered lobbyists to advisory committees and other boards and commissions. Within 90 days of the date of this memorandum, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall issue proposed guidance designed to implement this policy to the full extent permitted by law. The final guidance shall be issued following public comment on the proposed guidance.

This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

The Director of the Office of Management and Budget is hereby authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.

Barack Obama.      

§1003. Applicability

(a) In General.—This chapter, and any rule, order, or regulation promulgated under this chapter, shall apply to each advisory committee except to the extent that the Act establishing the advisory committee specifically provides otherwise.

(b) Exemptions Relating to Certain Federal Entities.—Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to apply to an advisory committee established or utilized by—

(1) the Central Intelligence Agency;

(2) the Federal Reserve System; or

(3) the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, if the Director of National Intelligence determines that for reasons of national security the advisory committee cannot comply with the requirements of this chapter.

(c) Exemptions Relating to Certain Local and State Entities.—Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to apply to any local civic group whose primary function is that of rendering a public service with respect to a Federal program, or any State or local committee, council, board, commission, or similar group established to advise or make recommendations to State or local officials or agencies.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(a), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4198.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
1003 5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §4) Pub. L. 92–463, §4, Oct. 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 771; Pub. L. 111–259, title IV, §410(a), Oct. 7, 2010, 124 Stat. 2724.

§1004. Responsibilities of congressional committees

(a) Review of Activities.—In the exercise of its legislative review function, each standing committee of the Senate and the House of Representatives shall make a continuing review of the activities of each advisory committee under its jurisdiction to determine whether such advisory committee should be abolished or merged with any other advisory committee, whether the responsibilities of such advisory committee should be revised, and whether such advisory committee performs a necessary function not already being performed. Each such standing committee shall take appropriate action to obtain the enactment of legislation necessary to carry out the purpose of this subsection.

(b) Consideration of Legislation.—In considering legislation establishing, or authorizing the establishment of any advisory committee, each standing committee of the Senate and of the House of Representatives shall determine, and report such determination to the Senate or to the House of Representatives, as the case may be, whether the functions of the proposed advisory committee are being or could be performed by one or more agencies or by an advisory committee already in existence, or by enlarging the mandate of an existing advisory committee. Any such legislation shall—

(1) contain a clearly defined purpose for the advisory committee;

(2) require the membership of the advisory committee to be fairly balanced in terms of the points of view represented and the functions to be performed by the advisory committee;

(3) contain appropriate provisions to assure that the advice and recommendations of the advisory committee will not be inappropriately influenced by the appointing authority or by any special interest, but will instead be the result of the advisory committee's independent judgment;

(4) contain provisions dealing with authorization of appropriations, the date for submission of reports (if any), the duration of the advisory committee, and the publication of reports and other materials, to the extent that the standing committee determines the provisions of section 1009 of this chapter to be inadequate; and

(5) contain provisions which will assure that the advisory committee will have adequate staff (either supplied by an agency or employed by it), will be provided adequate quarters, and will have funds available to meet its other necessary expenses.

(c) Adherence to Guidelines.—To the extent they are applicable, the guidelines set out in subsection (b) shall be followed by the President, agency heads, or other Federal officials in creating an advisory committee.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(a), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4198.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
1004 5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §5) Pub. L. 92–463, §5, Oct. 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 771.

§1005. Responsibilities of the President

(a) Delegation.—The President may delegate responsibility for evaluating and taking action, where appropriate, with respect to all public recommendations made to the President by Presidential advisory committees.

(b) Report on Response to Recommendations.—Within 1 year after a Presidential advisory committee submits a public report to the President, the President or the President's delegate shall submit to Congress a report stating either proposals for action or reasons for inaction, with respect to the recommendations contained in the public report.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(a), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4199.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
1005 5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §6(a), (b)) Pub. L. 92–463, §6(a), (b), Oct. 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 772.

§1006. Responsibilities of the Administrator

(a) Committee Management Secretariat.—The Administrator shall establish and maintain within the General Services Administration a Committee Management Secretariat, which shall be responsible for all matters relating to advisory committees.

(b) Annual Reviews.—

(1) In general.—Each year, the Administrator shall conduct a comprehensive review of the activities and responsibilities of each advisory committee to determine—

(A) whether the committee is carrying out its purpose;

(B) whether, consistent with the provisions of applicable statutes, the responsibilities assigned to the committee should be revised;

(C) whether the committee should be merged with other advisory committees; or

(D) whether the committee should be abolished.

(2) Obtaining information.—The Administrator may from time to time request such information as the Administrator deems necessary to carry out functions under this subsection. Agency heads shall cooperate with the Administrator in making the reviews required by this subsection.

(3) Recommendations.—Upon completion of the review, the Administrator shall make recommendations to the President and to either the agency head or Congress with respect to action the Administrator believes should be taken.

(c) Administrative Guidelines and Management Controls.—The Administrator shall prescribe administrative guidelines and management controls applicable to advisory committees, and, to the maximum extent feasible, provide advice, assistance, and guidance to advisory committees to improve their performance. In carrying out functions under this subsection, the Administrator shall consider the recommendations of each agency head with respect to means of improving the performance of advisory committees whose duties are related to the agency.

(d) Guidelines for Uniform Fair Pay Rates.—

(1) In general.—The Administrator, after study and consultation with the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, shall establish guidelines with respect to uniform fair rates of pay for comparable services of members, staffs, and consultants of advisory committees in a manner that gives appropriate recognition to the responsibilities and qualifications required and other relevant factors. The guidelines shall provide that—

(A) a member of an advisory committee or of the staff of an advisory committee shall not receive compensation at a rate in excess of the maximum rate payable under section 5376 of this title;

(B) members of advisory committees, while engaged in the performance of their duties away from their homes or regular places of business, may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by section 5703 of this title for persons employed intermittently in the Government service; and

(C) members of advisory committees may be provided services pursuant to section 3102 of this title while in performance of their advisory committee duties if the members—

(i) are blind or deaf or otherwise qualify as individuals with disabilities (within the meaning of section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 791)); and

(ii) do not otherwise qualify for assistance under section 3102 of this title by reason of being an employee of an agency (within the meaning of section 3102(a)(1) of this title).

(2) Pay for full-time employees.—Nothing in this subsection shall prevent an individual from receiving compensation at the rate at which the individual would otherwise be compensated (or was compensated) as a full-time employee of the United States if the individual—

(A) is a full-time employee of the United States without regard to service with an advisory committee; or

(B) was a full-time employee of the United States immediately before service with an advisory committee.

(e) Budget Recommendations.—The Administrator shall include in budget recommendations a summary of the amounts the Administrator considers necessary for the expenses of advisory committees, including the expenses for publication of reports where appropriate.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(a), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4199.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
1006 5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §7) Pub. L. 92–463, §7, Oct. 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 772; Pub. L. 96–523, §2, Dec. 12, 1980, 94 Stat. 3040.

In this section, the words "Administrator" and "General Services Administration" are substituted for "Director" and "Office of Management and Budget", respectively, because of section 5F of Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1977 (5 U.S.C. App.).

In subsection (b)(1), the words "Each year, the Administrator shall conduct a comprehensive review" are substituted for "The Administrator shall, immediately after the enactment of this Act [October 6, 1972], institute a comprehensive review" and "Thereafter, the Administrator shall carry out a similar review annually" to eliminate obsolete language.

In subsection (d)(1) (matter before subparagraph (A)), the words "Director of the Office of Personnel Management" are substituted for "Civil Service Commission" because of section 102 of Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.).

In subsection (d)(1) (matter before subparagraph (A)), the words "The guidelines shall provide" are substituted for "The regulations shall provide" for consistency with the 1st sentence of subsection (d)(1), which provides that the Administrator shall establish "guidelines", not regulations.

In subsection (d)(1)(A), the words "maximum rate payable under section 5376 of this title" are substituted for "rate specified for GS–18 of the General Schedule under section 5332 of title 5, United States Code" for clarity and because of section 101(c) of the Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act of 1990 (enacted by section 529 of Public Law 101–509 (5 U.S.C. 5376 note)).

In subsection (d)(1)(C)(i), the words "individuals with disabilities" are substituted for "handicapped individuals" for consistency with section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 791).

In subsection (d)(1)(C)(i), the citation to "(29 U.S.C. 791)" is substituted for "(29 U.S.C. 794)" to correct an error in the law.

§1007. Responsibilities of agency heads

(a) Administrative Guidelines and Management Controls.—Each agency head shall establish uniform administrative guidelines and management controls for advisory committees established by that agency, which shall be consistent with directives of the Administrator under sections 1006 and 1009 of this title. Each agency shall maintain systematic information on the nature, functions, and operations of each advisory committee within its jurisdiction.

(b) Advisory Committee Management Officer.—The head of each agency that has an advisory committee shall designate an Advisory Committee Management Officer who shall—

(1) exercise control and supervision over the establishment, procedures, and accomplishments of advisory committees established by the agency;

(2) assemble and maintain the reports, records, and other papers of any advisory committee established by the agency during the advisory committee's existence; and

(3) carry out, on behalf of the agency, the provisions of section 552 of this title with respect to such reports, records, and other papers.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(a), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4201.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
1007 5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §8) Pub. L. 92–463, §8, Oct. 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 773.

In subsection (a), the word "Administrator" is substituted for "Director" (meaning the Director of the Office of Management and Budget) because of section 5F of Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1977 (5 U.S.C. App.).

§1008. Establishment and purpose of advisory committees

(a) Establishment.—An advisory committee shall not be established unless establishment is—

(1) specifically authorized by statute or by the President; or

(2) determined as a matter of formal record, by the head of the agency involved after consultation with the Administrator, with timely notice published in the Federal Register, to be in the public interest in connection with the performance of duties imposed on that agency by law.

(b) Purpose of Advisory Committees.—Unless otherwise specifically provided by statute or Presidential directive, advisory committees shall be utilized solely for advisory functions. Determinations of action to be taken and policy to be expressed with respect to matters upon which an advisory committee reports or makes recommendations shall be made solely by the President or an officer of the Federal Government.

(c) Advisory Committee Charters.—

(1) General requirement.—An advisory committee shall not meet or take any action until an advisory committee charter has been filed—

(A) with the Administrator in the case of Presidential advisory committees; or

(B) with—

(i) the head of the agency to whom the advisory committee reports; and

(ii) the standing committees of the Senate and House of Representatives having legislative jurisdiction over the agency to which the advisory committee reports.

(2) Contents of charter.—The advisory committee charter shall contain—

(A) the committee's official designation;

(B) the committee's objectives and the scope of its activity;

(C) the period of time necessary for the committee to carry out its purposes;

(D) the agency or official to whom the committee reports;

(E) the agency responsible for providing the necessary support for the committee;

(F) a description of the duties for which the committee is responsible, and, if the duties are not solely advisory, a specification of the authority for the duties;

(G) the estimated annual operating costs for the committee in dollars and person-years;

(H) the estimated number and frequency of committee meetings;

(I) the committee's termination date, if less than 2 years from the date of the committee's establishment; and

(J) the date the charter is filed.

(3) Copy of charter to library of congress.—A copy of the advisory committee charter shall be furnished to the Library of Congress.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(a), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4201.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
1008 5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §9) Pub. L. 92–463, §9, Oct. 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 773.

In subsection (a)(2) and subsection (c)(1)(A), the word "Administrator" is substituted for "Director" (meaning the Director of the Office of Management and Budget) because of section 5F of Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1977 (5 U.S.C. App.).

§1009. Advisory committee procedures

(a) Committee Meetings.—

(1) Open to public.—Each advisory committee meeting shall be open to the public.

(2) Notice of meetings.—Except when the President determines otherwise for reasons of national security, timely notice of each meeting shall be published in the Federal Register, and the Administrator shall prescribe regulations to provide for other types of public notice to insure that all interested persons are notified of each meeting in advance.

(3) Participation.—Interested persons shall be permitted to attend, appear before, or file statements with any advisory committee, subject to such reasonable rules or regulations as the Administrator may prescribe.

(b) Public Inspection and Copying of Records.—Subject to section 552 of this title, the records, reports, transcripts, minutes, appendixes, working papers, drafts, studies, agenda, or other documents which were made available to or prepared for or by each advisory committee shall be available for public inspection and copying at a single location in the offices of the advisory committee or the agency to which the advisory committee reports until the advisory committee ceases to exist.

(c) Minutes.—Detailed minutes of each meeting of each advisory committee shall be kept and shall contain a record of the persons present, a complete and accurate description of matters discussed and conclusions reached, and copies of all reports received, issued, or approved by the advisory committee. The accuracy of all minutes shall be certified by the chairman of the advisory committee.

(d) Closed Sessions.—Paragraphs (1) and (3) of subsection (a) shall not apply to any portion of an advisory committee meeting for which the President, or the head of the agency to which the advisory committee reports, determines that such portion of the meeting may be closed to the public in accordance with section 552b(c) of this title. Any such determination shall be in writing and shall contain the reasons for the determination. If such a determination is made, the advisory committee shall issue a report, at least annually, setting forth a summary of its activities and such related matters as would be informative to the public consistent with the policy of section 552(b) of this title.

(e) Designated Officer or Employee of Federal Government.—There shall be designated an officer or employee of the Federal Government to chair or attend each meeting of each advisory committee. The officer or employee so designated is authorized, whenever the officer or employee determines it to be in the public interest, to adjourn any such meeting. An advisory committee shall not conduct any meeting in the absence of that designated officer or employee of the Federal Government.

(f) Call for Meeting or Advance Approval.—Advisory committees shall not hold any meetings except at the call of, or with the advance approval of, a designated officer or employee of the Federal Government, and in the case of advisory committees (other than Presidential advisory committees), with an agenda approved by such officer or employee.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(a), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4202.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
1009 5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §10) Pub. L. 92–463, §10, Oct. 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 774; Pub. L. 94–409, §5(c), Sept. 13, 1976, 90 Stat. 1247.

In subsection (a), in paragraphs (2) and (3), the word "Administrator" is substituted for "Director" (meaning the Director of the Office of Management and Budget) because of section 5F of Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1977 (5 U.S.C. App.).

§1010. Availability of transcripts

(a) Definition of Agency Proceeding.—In this section, the term "agency proceeding" has the meaning given the term in section 551 of this title.

(b) Availability.—Agencies and advisory committees shall make available to any person, at actual cost of duplication, copies of transcripts of any agency proceeding or advisory committee meeting.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(a), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4203.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
1010 5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §11) Pub. L. 92–463, §11, Oct. 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 775.

In subsection (b), the words "Except where prohibited by contractual agreements entered into prior to the effective date of this Act [i.e., 90 days after October 6, 1972]" are omitted as obsolete.

§1011. Fiscal and administrative provisions

(a) Records.—Each agency shall keep records that fully disclose the disposition of any funds which may be at the disposal of its advisory committees and the nature and extent of their activities. The General Services Administration, or such other agency as the President may designate, shall maintain financial records with respect to Presidential advisory committees. The Comptroller General of the United States, or any authorized representative of the Comptroller General, shall have access to the records for the purpose of audit and examination.

(b) Support Services.—Each agency shall be responsible for providing support services for each advisory committee established by or reporting to it unless the establishing authority provides otherwise. If an advisory committee reports to more than one agency, only one agency at a time shall be responsible for support services. In the case of Presidential advisory committees, support services may be provided by the General Services Administration.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(a), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4203.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
1011 5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §12) Pub. L. 92–463, §12, Oct. 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 775.

§1012. Responsibilities of Library of Congress

Subject to section 552 of this title, the Administrator shall provide for the filing with the Library of Congress of at least 8 copies of each report made by each advisory committee and, where appropriate, background papers prepared by consultants. The Librarian of Congress shall establish a depository for the reports and papers and make them available for public inspection and use.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(a), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4204.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
1012 5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §13) Pub. L. 92–463, §13, Oct. 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 775.

In this section, the word "Administrator" is substituted for "Director" (meaning the Director of the Office of Management and Budget) because of section 5F of Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1977 (5 U.S.C. App.).

§1013. Termination of advisory committees

(a) In General.—

(1) Advisory committees in existence on january 5, 1973.—Each advisory committee that is in existence on January 5, 1973, shall terminate not later than the expiration of the 2-year period following that date unless—

(A) in the case of an advisory committee established by the President or an officer of the Federal Government, such advisory committee is renewed by the President or that officer by appropriate action prior to the expiration of such 2-year period; or

(B) in the case of an advisory committee established by an Act of Congress, its duration is otherwise provided for by law.

(2) Advisory committees established after january 5, 1973.—Each advisory committee established after January 5, 1973, shall terminate not later than the expiration of the 2-year period beginning on the date of its establishment unless—

(A) in the case of an advisory committee established by the President or an officer of the Federal Government 1 such advisory committee is renewed by the President or such officer by appropriate action prior to the end of such period; or

(B) in the case of an advisory committee established by an Act of Congress, its duration is otherwise provided for by law.

(b) Charters.—

(1) Upon renewal.—Upon the renewal of an advisory committee, the advisory committee shall file a charter in accordance with section 1008(c) of this title.

(2) Upon expiration of successive 2-year periods.—An advisory committee established by an Act of Congress shall file a charter in accordance with section 1008(c) of this title upon the expiration of each successive 2-year period following the date of enactment of the Act establishing the advisory committee.

(3) Prohibition on action prior to filing charter.—An advisory committee required to file a charter under this subsection shall not take any action (other than preparation and filing of the charter) prior to the date on which the charter is filed.

(c) Successive Two-Year Periods.—An advisory committee that is renewed by the President or an officer of the Federal Government may be continued only for successive 2-year periods by appropriate action taken by the President or the officer prior to the date on which the advisory committee would otherwise terminate.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(a), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4204.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
1013 5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §14) Pub. L. 92–463, §14, Oct. 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 776.

In subsection (a)(1) (matter before subparagraph (A)), the date "January 5, 1973" is substituted for "the effective date of this Act", and in subsection (a)(2) (matter before subparagraph (A)), the date "January 5, 1973" is substituted for "such effective date", for clarity. In accordance with section 16 (formerly section 15) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Public Law 92–463, 86 Stat. 776), which provides "this Act shall become effective upon the expiration of ninety days following the date of enactment", the effective date of the Act is January 5, 1973.

Executive Documents

Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees

Ex. Ord. No. 14109, Sept. 29, 2023, 88 F.R. 68447, provided:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and consistent with chapter 10 of title 5, United States Code (commonly known as the Federal Advisory Committee Act), it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Each advisory committee listed below is continued until September 30, 2025.

(a) Committee for the Preservation of the White House; Executive Order 11145, as amended [3 U.S.C. 110 note] (Department of the Interior).

(b) President's Commission on White House Fellowships; Executive Order 11183, as amended (Office of Personnel Management).

(c) President's Committee on the National Medal of Science; Executive Order 11287, as amended [42 U.S.C. 1881 note] (National Science Foundation).

(d) Federal Advisory Council on Occupational Safety and Health; Executive Order 11612, as amended [see Ex. Ord. No. 12196, 5 U.S.C. 7902 note] (Department of Labor).

(e) President's Export Council; Executive Order 12131, as amended [50 U.S.C. 4601 note] (Department of Commerce).

(f) President's Committee on the International Labor Organization; Executive Order 12216, as amended [22 U.S.C. 271 note] (Department of Labor).

(g) President's National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee; Executive Order 12382, as amended [47 U.S.C. 901 note] (Department of Homeland Security).

(h) National Industrial Security Program Policy Advisory Committee; Executive Order 12829, as amended [50 U.S.C. 3161 note] (National Archives and Records Administration).

(i) Trade and Environment Policy Advisory Committee; Executive Order 12905 [19 U.S.C. 2155 note] (Office of the United States Trade Representative).

(j) Governmental Advisory Committee to the United States Representative to the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation; Executive Order 12915 [19 U.S.C. 3472 note] (Environmental Protection Agency).

(k) National Advisory Committee to the United States Representative to the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation; Executive Order 12915 [19 U.S.C. 3472 note] (Environmental Protection Agency).

(l) Good Neighbor Environmental Board; Executive Order 12916, as amended [19 U.S.C. 3473 note] (Environmental Protection Agency).

(m) Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS; Executive Order 12963, as amended [42 U.S.C. 300cc–1 note] (Department of Health and Human Services).

(n) President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities; Executive Order 12994, as amended [42 U.S.C. 15001 note] (Department of Health and Human Services).

(o) Invasive Species Advisory Committee; Executive Order 13112, as amended [42 U.S.C. 4321 note] (Department of the Interior).

(p) Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health; Executive Order 13179 [42 U.S.C. 7384 note] (Department of Health and Human Services).

(q) National Infrastructure Advisory Council; Executive Order 13231, as amended [6 U.S.C. 121 note] (Department of Homeland Security).

(r) President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition; Executive Order 13265, as amended [42 U.S.C. 300u note] (Department of Health and Human Services).

(s) Interagency Task Force on Veterans Small Business Development; Executive Order 13540 [15 U.S.C. 657b note] (Small Business Administration).

(t) State, Local, Tribal, and Private Sector (SLTPS) Policy Advisory Committee; Executive Order 13549 [50 U.S.C. 3161 note] (National Archives and Records Administration).

(u) President's Advisory Council on Doing Business in Africa; Executive Order 13675, as amended [15 U.S.C. 4727 note] (Department of Commerce).

(v) President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology; Executive Order 14007, as amended [42 U.S.C. 6601 note] (Department of Energy).

(w) White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council; Executive Order 14008 [42 U.S.C. 4321 note] (Environmental Protection Agency).

(x) President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders; Executive Order 14031 [42 U.S.C. 3501 note] (Department of Health and Human Services).

(y) President's Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities; Executive Order 14041 [20 U.S.C. 1060 note] (Department of Education).

(z) Presidential Advisory Commission on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics; Executive Order 14045 [20 U.S.C. 3411 note] (Department of Education).

(aa) Presidential Advisory Commission on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Black Americans; Executive Order 14050 [20 U.S.C. 3411 note] (Department of Education).

(bb) President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities; Executive Order 14084 [20 U.S.C. 9102 note] (Institute of Museum and Library Services).

(cc) President's Advisory Council on African Diaspora Engagement in the United States; Executive Order 14089 [22 U.S.C. 2656 note] (Department of State).

(dd) Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee; initially established pursuant to Presidential Memorandum on Improving Spectrum Management for the 21st Century (November 29, 2004) (Department of Commerce).

(ee) Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Advisory Committee; Proclamation 6920 of September 18, 1996, as amended [listed in a table under 54 U.S.C. 320301] (Department of the Interior).

(ff) San Juan Islands National Monument Advisory Committee; Proclamation 8947 of March 25, 2013 [listed in a table under 54 U.S.C. 320301] (Department of the Interior).

(gg) Bears Ears National Monument Advisory Committee; Proclamation 9558 of December 28, 2016, as amended [listed in a table under 54 U.S.C. 320301] (Department of the Interior).

(hh) Gold Butte National Monument Advisory Committee; Proclamation 9559 of December 28, 2016 [listed in a table under 54 U.S.C. 320301] (Department of the Interior).

(ii) Avi Kwa Ame National Monument Advisory Committee; Proclamation 10533 of March 21, 2023 [listed in a table under 54 U.S.C. 320301] (Department of the Interior).

(jj) Baaj Nwaavjo I'tah Kukveni-Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument Advisory Committee; Proclamation 10606 of August 8, 2023 [listed in a table under 54 U.S.C. 320301] (Department of the Interior).

(kk) National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Advisory Board; Space Policy Directive 7, "The United States Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Policy" (January 15, 2021) (National Aeronautics and Space Administration).

Sec. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other Executive Order, the functions of the President under chapter 10 of title 5, United States Code, that are applicable to the committees listed in section 1 of this order shall be performed by the head of the department or agency designated after each committee, in accordance with the regulations, guidelines, and procedures established by the Administrator of General Services.

Sec. 3. Sections 1 and 2 of Executive Order 14048 of September 30, 2021, are hereby superseded by sections 1 and 2 of this order.

Sec. 4. [Amended Ex. Ord. No. 14031, set out as a note under section 3501 of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare.]

Sec. 5. [Amended Ex. Ord. No. 14084, set out as a note under section 9102 of Title 20, Education.]

Sec. 6. This order shall be effective September 30, 2023.

Sec. 7. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

J.R. Biden, Jr.      

Provisions providing for the continuance of certain Federal advisory committees were contained in the following:

Ex. Ord. No. 14048, Sept. 30, 2021, 86 F.R. 55465, partially superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 14109, §3, Sept. 29, 2023, 88 F.R. 68449.

Ex. Ord. No. 13889, Sept. 27, 2019, 84 F.R. 52743, as amended by Ex. Ord. No. 13935, §4(a), July 9, 2020, 85 F.R. 42685, partially superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 14048, §3, Sept. 30, 2021, 86 F.R. 55466.

Ex. Ord. No. 13811, Sept. 29, 2017, 82 F.R. 46363, partially superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 13889, §3, Sept. 27, 2019, 84 F.R. 52745.

Ex. Ord. No. 13708, Sept. 30, 2015, 80 F.R. 60271, partially superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 13811, §3, Sept. 29, 2017, 82 F.R. 46365.

Ex. Ord. No. 13652, Sept. 30, 2013, 78 F.R. 61817, partially superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 13708, §3, Sept. 30, 2015, 80 F.R. 60273.

Ex. Ord. No. 13591, Nov. 23, 2011, 76 F.R. 74623, partially superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 13652, §3, Sept. 30, 2013, 78 F.R. 61818.

Ex. Ord. No. 13585, Sept. 30, 2011, 76 F.R. 62281, as amended by Ex. Ord. No. 13592, §5(c), Dec. 2, 2011, 76 F.R. 76607, partially superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 13652, §3, Sept. 30, 2013, 78 F.R. 61818.

Ex. Ord. No. 13511, Sept. 29, 2009, 74 F.R. 50909, partially superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 13585, §3, Sept. 30, 2011, 76 F.R. 62281.

Ex. Ord. No. 13446, Sept. 28, 2007, 72 F.R. 56175, partially superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 13511, §3, Sept. 29, 2009, 74 F.R. 50910.

Ex. Ord. No. 13385, Sept. 29, 2005, 70 F.R. 57989, partially superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 13446, §4, Sept. 28, 2007, 72 F.R. 56176.

Ex. Ord. No. 13316, Sept. 17, 2003, 68 F.R. 55255, partially superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 13385, §4, Sept. 29, 2005, 70 F.R. 57990.

Ex. Ord. No. 13225, Sept. 28, 2001, 66 F.R. 50291, superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 13316, §4, Sept. 17, 2003, 68 F.R. 55256.

Ex. Ord. No. 13138, Sept. 30, 1999, 64 F.R. 53879, as amended by Ex. Ord. No. 13226, §4(c), Sept. 30, 2001, 66 F.R. 50524, partially superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 13225, §4, Sept. 28, 2001, 66 F.R. 50292.

Ex. Ord. No. 13062, Sept. 29, 1997, 62 F.R. 51755, partially superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 13138, §4, Sept. 30, 1999, 64 F.R. 53880.

Ex. Ord. No. 12974, Sept. 29, 1995, 60 F.R. 51875, superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 13062, Sept. 29, 1997, 62 F.R. 51755.

Ex. Ord. No. 12869, Sept. 30, 1993, 58 F.R. 51751, as amended by Ex. Ord. No. 12882, §4(c), Nov. 23, 1993, 58 F.R. 62493, superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 12974, Sept. 29, 1995, 60 F.R. 51875.

Ex. Ord. No. 12774, Sept. 27, 1991, 56 F.R. 49835, superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 12869, §5, Sept. 30, 1993, 58 F.R. 51751.

Ex. Ord. No. 12692, Sept. 29, 1989, 54 F.R. 40627, as amended by Ex. Ord. No. 12704, Feb. 26, 1990, 55 F.R. 6969, superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 12774, §4, Sept. 27, 1991, 56 F.R. 49835.

Ex. Ord. No. 12610, Sept. 30, 1987, 52 F.R. 36901, superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 12692, Sept. 29, 1989, 54 F.R. 40627.

Ex. Ord. No. 12534, Sept. 30, 1985, 50 F.R. 40319, superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 12610, Sept. 30, 1987, 52 F.R. 36901.

Ex. Ord. No. 12489, Sept. 28, 1984, 49 F.R. 38927, superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 12534, Sept. 30, 1985, 50 F.R. 40319.

Ex. Ord. No. 12399, Dec. 31, 1982, 48 F.R. 379, superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 12534, Sept. 30, 1985, 50 F.R. 40319.

Ex. Ord. No. 12258, Dec. 31, 1980, 46 F.R. 1251, as amended by Ex. Ord. No. 12271, Jan. 15, 1981, 46 F.R. 4677; Ex. Ord. No. 12299, Mar. 17, 1981, 46 F.R. 17751; Ex. Ord. No. 12305, May 5, 1981, 46 F.R. 25421; Ex. Ord. No. 12336, Dec. 21, 1981, 46 F.R. 62239, superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 12399, Dec. 31, 1982, 48 F.R. 379.

Ex. Ord. No. 12110, Dec. 28, 1978, 44 F.R. 1069, superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 12258, Dec. 31, 1980, 46 F.R. 1251.

Ex. Ord. No. 11948, Dec. 20, 1976, 41 F.R. 55705, as amended by Ex. Ord. No. 12007, Aug. 22, 1977, 42 F.R. 42839; Ex. Ord. No. 12029, Dec. 14, 1977, 42 F.R. 63631, superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 12110, Dec. 28, 1978, 44 F.R. 1069.

Ex. Ord. No. 11827, Jan. 4, 1975, 40 F.R. 1217, as amended by Ex. Ord. No. 11915, May 10, 1976, 41 F.R. 19195, superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 11948, Dec. 20, 1976, 41 F.R. 55705.

Ex. Ord. No. 12838. Termination and Limitation of Federal Advisory Committees

Ex. Ord. No. 12838, Feb. 10, 1993, 58 F.R. 8207, provided:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Federal Advisory Committee Act ("FACA"), as amended ([former] 5 U.S.C. App.) [see 5 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.], it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Each executive department and agency shall terminate not less than one-third of the advisory committees subject to FACA (and not required by statute) that are sponsored by the department or agency by no later than the end of fiscal year 1993.

Sec. 2. Within 90 days, the head of each executive department and agency shall submit to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, for each advisory committee subject to FACA sponsored by that department or agency: (a) a detailed justification for the continued existence, or a brief description in support of the termination, of any advisory committee not required by statute; and (b) a detailed recommendation for submission to the Congress to continue or to terminate any advisory committee required by statute. The Administrator of General Services shall prepare such justifications and recommendations for each advisory committee subject to FACA and not sponsored by a department or agency.

Sec. 3. Effective immediately, executive departments and agencies shall not create or sponsor a new advisory committee subject to FACA unless the committee is required by statute or the agency head (a) finds that compelling considerations necessitate creation of such a committee, and (b) receives the approval of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. Such approval shall be granted only sparingly and only if compelled by considerations of national security, health or safety, or similar national interests. These requirements shall apply in addition to the notice and other approval requirements of FACA.

Sec. 4. The Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall issue detailed instructions regarding the implementation of this order, including exemptions necessary for the delivery of essential services and compliance with applicable law.

Sec. 5. All independent regulatory commissions and agencies are requested to comply with the provisions of this order.

William J. Clinton.      

Termination of Certain Federal Advisory Committees

Provisions providing for the termination of certain Federal advisory committees are contained in the following:

Ex. Ord. No. 12379, Aug. 17, 1982, 47 F.R. 36099.

Ex. Ord. No. 12305, May 5, 1981, 46 F.R. 25421.

Ex. Ord. No. 12029, Dec. 14, 1977, 42 F.R. 63631.

Ex. Ord. No. 12007, Aug. 22, 1977, 42 F.R. 42839.

1 So in original. Probably should be followed by a comma.

§1014. Requirements relating to National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Public Administration

(a) In General.—An agency may not use any advice or recommendation provided by the National Academy of Sciences or National Academy of Public Administration that was developed by use of a committee created by that academy under an agreement with an agency, unless—

(1) the committee was not subject to any actual management or control by an agency or an officer of the Federal Government;

(2) in the case of a committee created after December 17, 1997, the membership of the committee was appointed in accordance with the requirements described in subsection (b)(1); and

(3) in developing the advice or recommendation, the academy complied with—

(A) subsection (b)(2) through (6), in the case of any advice or recommendation provided by the National Academy of Sciences; or

(B) subsection (b)(2) and (5), in the case of any advice or recommendation provided by the National Academy of Public Administration.

(b) Requirements.—The requirements referred to in subsection (a) are as follows:

(1) Public notice regarding appointees.—The Academy shall determine and provide public notice of the names and brief biographies of individuals that the Academy appoints or intends to appoint to serve on the committee. The Academy shall determine and provide a reasonable opportunity for the public to comment on appointments before they are made or, if the Academy determines prior comment is not practicable, in the period immediately following the appointments. The Academy shall require that any individual the Academy appoints (or intends to appoint) to serve on the committee inform the Academy of the individual's conflicts of interest that are relevant to the functions to be performed. The Academy shall make its best efforts to ensure that—

(A) no individual appointed to serve on the committee has a conflict of interest that is relevant to the functions to be performed, unless such conflict is promptly and publicly disclosed and the Academy determines that the conflict is unavoidable;

(B) the committee membership is fairly balanced as determined by the Academy to be appropriate for the functions to be performed; and

(C) the final report of the Academy will be the result of the Academy's independent judgment.

(2) Public notice of committee meetings.—The Academy shall determine and provide public notice of committee meetings that will be open to the public.

(3) Data-gathering meetings.—The Academy shall ensure that meetings of the committee to gather data from individuals who are not officials, agents, or employees of the Academy are open to the public, unless the Academy determines that a meeting would disclose matters described in section 552(b) of this title. The Academy shall make available to the public, at reasonable charge if appropriate, written materials presented to the committee by individuals who are not officials, agents, or employees of the Academy, unless the Academy determines that making material available would disclose matters described in section 552(b) of this title.

(4) Other meetings.—The Academy shall make available to the public as soon as practicable, at reasonable charge if appropriate, a brief summary of any committee meeting that is not a data-gathering meeting, unless the Academy determines that the summary would disclose matters described in section 552(b) of this title. The summary shall identify the committee members present, the topics discussed, materials made available to the committee, and other matters the Academy determines should be included.

(5) Final report.—The Academy shall make available to the public its final report, at reasonable charge if appropriate, unless the Academy determines that the report would disclose matters described in section 552(b) of this title. If the Academy determines that the report would disclose matters described in section 552(b) of this title, the Academy shall make public an abbreviated version of the report that does not disclose those matters.

(6) Reviewers of report.—After publication of the final report, the Academy shall make publicly available the names of the principal reviewers who reviewed the report in draft form and who are not officials, agents, or employees of the Academy.

(c) Regulations.—The Administrator of General Services may issue regulations implementing this section.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(a), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4205.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
1014 5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §15) Pub. L. 92–463, §15, as added Pub. L. 105–153, §2(b), Dec. 17, 1997, 111 Stat. 2689.

In subsection (a)(2), the date "December 17, 1997" is substituted for "the date of the enactment of the Federal Advisory Committee Act Amendments of 1997" for clarity.