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Editorial Notes


This subchapter was enacted as part of title IV of the Energy Security Act, which title is known as the Renewable Energy Resources Act of 1980, and not as part of the Department of Energy Organization Act which comprises this chapter.

§7371. Statement of purpose

The purpose of this subchapter is to establish incentives for the use of renewable energy resources, to improve and coordinate the dissemination of information to the public with respect to renewable energy resources, to encourage the use of certain cost effective solar energy systems and conservation measures by the Federal Government, to establish a program for the promotion of local energy self-sufficiency, to broaden the existing program for accelerating the procurement and use of photovoltaic systems, and to provide further encouragement for the development of small hydroelectric power projects.

(Pub. L. 96–294, title IV, §402, June 30, 1980, 94 Stat. 715.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

This subchapter, referred to in text, was in the original "this title", meaning title IV of Pub. L. 96–294, June 30, 1980, 94 Stat. 715, known as the Renewable Energy Resources Act of 1980. For complete classification of title IV to the Code, see Short Title note set out below and Tables.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Short Title

Section 401 of title IV Pub. L. 96–294 provided that: "This title [enacting this subchapter, amending sections 8255, 8271, and 8274 to 8276 of this title and sections 2705 and 2708 of Title 16, Conservation, and enacting a provision set out as a note under section 2701 of Title 16] may be cited as the 'Renewable Energy Resources Act of 1980'."

§7372. "Secretary" and "renewable energy resource" defined

For purposes of this subchapter—

(1) the term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Energy; and

(2) the term "renewable energy resource" means any energy resource which has recently originated in the sun, including direct and indirect solar radiation and intermediate solar energy forms such as wind, ocean thermal gradients, ocean currents and waves, hydropower, photovoltaic energy, products of photosynthetic processes, organic wastes, and others.

(Pub. L. 96–294, title IV, §403, June 30, 1980, 94 Stat. 716.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

This subchapter, referred to in text, was in the original "this title", meaning title IV of Pub. L. 96–294, June 30, 1980, 94 Stat. 715, known as the Renewable Energy Resources Act of 1980, which enacted this subchapter, amended sections 8255, 8271, and 8274 to 8276 of this title and sections 2705 and 2708 of Title 16, Conservation, and enacted a provision set out as a note under section 2701 of Title 16. For complete classification of title IV to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 7371 of this title and Tables.

§7373. Coordinated dissemination of information on renewable energy resources and conservation

In order to improve the effectiveness of Federal information dissemination activities in the fields of renewable energy resources and energy conservation with the objective of developing and promoting better public understanding of these resources and their potential uses, the Secretary shall—

(1) take affirmative steps to coordinate all of the activities of the Department of Energy, whether conducted by the Department itself or by other public or private entities with assistance from the Department, which are aimed at or involve the dissemination of information with respect to renewable energy resources or energy conservation, and

(2) report annually to the Congress on the status of such activities, including a description of how the information dissemination activities and services of the Department of Energy in the fields of renewable energy resources and energy conservation are being coordinated with similar or related activities and services of other Federal agencies.

(Pub. L. 96–294, title IV, §404, June 30, 1980, 94 Stat. 716.)

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Termination of Reporting Requirements

For termination, effective May 15, 2000, of reporting provisions in par. (2) of this section, see section 3003 of Pub. L. 104–66, as amended, set out as a note under section 1113 of Title 31, Money and Finance, and the 18th item on page 87 of House Document No. 103–7.

§7374. Energy self-sufficiency initiatives

(a) Establishment of 3-year pilot program

There is hereby established under the direction of the Secretary a 3-year pilot energy self-sufficiency program to demonstrate energy self-sufficiency through the use of renewable energy resources in one or more States in the United States.

(b) Establishment of subprograms to pilot programs; scope of subprograms

As a part of the pilot program, the Secretary shall establish such subprograms as the Secretary determines are necessary to achieve the purpose of this section, including subprograms—

(1) to promote the development and utilization of synergistic combinations of different renewable energy resources in specific projects aimed at reducing fossil fuel importation;

(2) to initiate and encourage energy self-sufficiency at appropriate levels of government;

(3) to stimulate private industry participation in the realization of the objective stated in subsection (a); and

(4) to stimulate the utilization of abandoned or underutilized industrial facilities for the generation of energy from any locally available renewable resource, such as municipal solid waste, agricultural waste, or forest products waste.

(c) Implementation of subprograms; preparation of plan of program and additional Federal actions

In carrying out the provisions of this section, the Secretary is authorized to assign to an existing office in the Department of Energy the responsibility of undertaking and carrying out the subprograms established under subsection (b). In addition, the Secretary shall prepare a detailed plan within one hundred eighty days of June 30, 1980, setting forth (1) the 3-year pilot program itself, and (2) any additional Federal actions needed to encourage and promote the adoption of programs for energy self-sufficiency.

(d) Submission of plan and implementation report to Congress

The Secretary shall submit to the Congress, within one year after June 30, 1980, the plan prepared under the second sentence of subsection (c) along with a report suggesting the legislative initiatives needed to fully implement such plan.

(Pub. L. 96–294, title IV, §406, June 30, 1980, 94 Stat. 716.)

§7375. Authorization of appropriations

(a) There is authorized to be appropriated for each of the fiscal years 1981 and 1982 not to exceed $10,000,000 for loans under section 402 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 [16 U.S.C. 2702], in addition to any amounts authorized for such loans by that Act; and the amounts appropriated pursuant to this subsection shall remain available until expended.

(b) There is authorized to be appropriated for each of the fiscal years 1981 and 1982 not to exceed $100,000,000 for loans under section 403 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 [16 U.S.C. 2703]; and the amounts appropriated pursuant to this subsection shall remain available until expended.

(c) There is authorized to be appropriated for the fiscal year 1981 not to exceed $10,000,000 to carry out section 7374 of this title (relating to energy self-sufficiency initiatives).

(Pub. L. 96–294, title IV, §409, June 30, 1980, 94 Stat. 719.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

That Act, referred to in subsec. (a), is Pub. L. 95–617, Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3117, known as the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 2601 of Title 16, Conservation, and Tables.