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§300u. General authority of Secretary

(a) Development, support, and implementation of programs, activities, etc.

The Secretary shall—

(1) formulate national goals, and a strategy to achieve such goals, with respect to health information and health promotion, preventive health services, and education in the appropriate use of health care;

(2) analyze the necessary and available resources for implementing the goals and strategy formulated pursuant to paragraph (1), and recommend appropriate educational and quality assurance policies for the needed manpower resources identified by such analysis;

(3) undertake and support necessary activities and programs to—

(A) incorporate appropriate health education components into our society, especially into all aspects of education and health care,

(B) increase the application and use of health knowledge, skills, and practices by the general population in its patterns of daily living, and

(C) establish systematic processes for the exploration, development, demonstration, and evaluation of innovative health promotion concepts;

(4) undertake and support research and demonstrations respecting health information and health promotion, preventive health services, and education in the appropriate use of health care;

(5) undertake and support appropriate training in, and undertake and support appropriate training in the operation of programs concerned with, health information and health promotion, preventive health services, and education in the appropriate use of health care;

(6) undertake and support, through improved planning and implementation of tested models and evaluation of results, effective and efficient programs respecting health information and health promotion, preventive health services, and education in the appropriate use of health care;

(7)(A) develop model programs through which employers in the public sector, and employers that are small businesses (as defined in section 632 of title 15), can provide for their employees a program to promote healthy behaviors and to discourage participation in unhealthy behaviors;

(B) provide technical assistance to public and private employers in implementing such programs (including private employers that are not small businesses and that will implement programs other than the programs developed by the Secretary pursuant to subparagraph (A)); and

(C) in providing such technical assistance, give preference to small businesses;

(8) foster the exchange of information respecting, and foster cooperation in the conduct of, research, demonstration, and training programs respecting health information and health promotion, preventive health services, and education in the appropriate use of health care;

(9) provide technical assistance in the programs referred to in paragraph (8);

(10) use such other authorities for programs respecting health information and health promotion, preventive health services, and education in the appropriate use of health care as are available and coordinate such use with programs conducted under this subchapter; and

(11) establish in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health an Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, which shall—

(A) coordinate all activities within the Department which relate to disease prevention, health promotion, preventive health services, and health information and education with respect to the appropriate use of health care;

(B) coordinate such activities with similar activities in the private sector;

(C) establish a national information clearinghouse to facilitate the exchange of information concerning matters relating to health information and health promotion, preventive health services (which may include information concerning models and standards for insurance coverage of such services), and education in the appropriate use of health care, to facilitate access to such information, and to assist in the analysis of issues and problems relating to such matters; and

(D) support projects, conduct research, and disseminate information relating to preventive medicine, health promotion, and physical fitness and sports medicine.

The Secretary shall appoint a Director for the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion established pursuant to paragraph (11) of this subsection. The Secretary shall administer this subchapter in cooperation with health care providers, educators, voluntary organizations, businesses, and State and local health agencies in order to encourage the dissemination of health information and health promotion activities.

(b) Authorization of appropriations

For the purpose of carrying out this section and sections 300u–1 through 300u–4 of this title, there are authorized to be appropriated $10,000,000 for fiscal year 1992, and such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 1993 through 2002.

(c) Application; submission and approval as prerequisite; form and content

No grant may be made or contract entered into under this subchapter unless an application therefor has been submitted to and approved by the Secretary. Such an application shall be submitted in such form and manner and contain such information as the Secretary may prescribe. Contracts may be entered into under this subchapter without regard to section 3324(a) and (b) of title 31 and section 6101 of title 41.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XVII, §1701, as added Pub. L. 94–317, title I, §102, June 23, 1976, 90 Stat. 695; amended Pub. L. 96–32, §7(n), July 10, 1979, 93 Stat. 85; Pub. L. 96–76, title II, §209, Sept. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 584; Pub. L. 98–551, §2(a), Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2815; Pub. L. 100–607, title III, §312(a)(1), (b)(1), (c), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3113, 3114; Pub. L. 102–168, title I, §101, Nov. 26, 1991, 105 Stat. 1102; Pub. L. 102–531, title III, §311(b)(1), Oct. 27, 1992, 106 Stat. 3503; Pub. L. 105–392, title IV, §414, Nov. 13, 1998, 112 Stat. 3590.)

Editorial Notes


In subsec. (c), "section 3324(a) and (b) of title 31 and section 6101 of title 41" substituted for "sections 3648 and 3709 of the Revised Statutes (31 U.S.C. 529; 41 U.S.C. 5)" on authority of Pub. L. 97–258, §4(b), Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 1067, which Act enacted Title 31, Money and Finance, and Pub. L. 111–350, §6(c), Jan. 4, 2011, 124 Stat. 3854, which Act enacted Title 41, Public Contracts.


1998—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 105–392 substituted "2002" for "1996".

1992—Subsec. (a)(11)(C). Pub. L. 102–531 substituted "preventive health services (which may include information concerning models and standards for insurance coverage of such services)," for "preventive health services,".

1991—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 102–168 amended subsec. (b) generally. Prior to amendment, subsec. (b) read as follows: "To carry out sections 300u through 300u–4 of this title, there are authorized to be appropriated $9,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1985, $9,500,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1986, $10,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1987, and $10,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 1989 through 1991."

1988—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 100–607, §312(c)(2), in concluding provisions, struck out "The Secretary shall administer this subchapter in a manner consistent with the national health priorities set forth in section 300k–2 of this title." before "The Secretary shall appoint", and substituted "paragraph (11)" for "paragraph (10)".

Subsec. (a)(7), (8). Pub. L. 100–607, §312(b)(1), added par. (7) and redesignated former par. (7) as (8). Former par. (8) redesignated (9).

Subsec. (a)(9). Pub. L. 100–607, §312(c)(1), substituted "paragraph (8)" for "paragraph (7)".

Pub. L. 100–607, §312(b)(1)(A), redesignated par. (8) as (9). Former par. (9) redesignated (10).

Subsec. (a)(10), (11). Pub. L. 100–607, §312(b)(1)(A), redesignated pars. (9) and (10) as (10) and (11), respectively.

Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 100–607, §312(a)(1), substituted "sections 300u through 300u–4 of this title" for "this subchapter", struck out "and" after "September 30, 1986,", and inserted ", and $10,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 1989 through 1991".

1984—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 98–551, §2(a)(1), added par. (10), and in provisions following par. (10) struck out "and with health planning and resource development activities undertaken under subchapters XIII and XIV of this chapter" after "section 300k–2 of this title" and inserted provisions for appointment of a Director for Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion and cooperation in administration of this subchapter.

Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 98–551, §2(a)(2), substituted "To carry out this subchapter, there are authorized to be appropriated $9,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1985, $9,500,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1986, and $10,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1987" for "For payments under grants and contracts under this subchapter (other than grants and contracts under sections 300u–6, 300u–7, and 300u–8 of this title) there are authorized to be appropriated $7,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1977, $10,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1978, $14,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1979, $14,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1980, $15,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1981, and $16,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1982."

1979—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 96–76 inserted provisions authorizing appropriations for fiscal years ending Sept. 30, 1980, Sept. 30, 1981, and Sept. 30, 1982.

Pub. L. 96–32 inserted "(other than grants and contracts under sections 300u–6, 300u–7, and 300u–8 of this title)" after "grants and contracts under this subchapter".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Short Title

For short title of title I of Pub. L. 94–317, which enacted this subchapter as the "National Consumer Health Information and Health Promotion Act of 1976", see section 101 of Pub. L. 94–317, set out as a Short Title of 1976 Amendments note under section 201 of this title.

Model Programs for Employee Health Promotion and Disease Prevention; Development Completion

Section 312(b)(2) of Pub. L. 100–607 required Secretary of Health and Human Services, not later than 18 months after Nov. 4, 1988, to complete development of model programs required in section 1701(a)(7)(A) of the Public Health Service Act (subsec. (a)(7)(A) of this section).

Executive Documents

Executive Order No. 12345

Ex. Ord. No. 12345, Feb. 2, 1982, 47 F.R. 5189, as amended by Ex. Ord. No. 12539, Dec. 3, 1985, 50 F.R. 49829; Ex. Ord. No. 12694, Oct. 11, 1989, 54 F.R. 42285; Ex. Ord. No. 12709, Apr. 4, 1990, 55 F.R. 13097; Ex. Ord. No. 13138, §8, Sept. 30, 1999, 64 F.R. 53881, which provided for the Secretary of Health and Human Services to develop and coordinate a national program for physical fitness and sports, continued the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, and provided for termination of the Council on Dec. 31, 1982, was revoked by Ex. Ord. No. 13265, §5(c), June 6, 2002, 67 F.R. 39842, set out below, prior to amendment by Ex. Ord. No. 13545, June 22, 2010, 75 F.R. 37283.

Ex. Ord. No. 13265. President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition

Ex. Ord. No. 13265, June 6, 2002, 67 F.R. 39841, as amended by Ex. Ord. No. 13545, June 22, 2010, 75 F.R. 37283; Ex. Ord. No. 13824, Feb. 26, 2018, 83 F.R. 8923; Ex. Ord. No. 14048, §7, Sept. 30, 2021, 86 F.R. 55467, provided:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and to expand the executive branch's program for physical fitness and sports and establish the President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition (the "Council"), it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Purpose. My Administration recognizes the benefits of youth sports participation, physical activity, and a nutritious diet in helping create habits that support a healthy lifestyle and improve the overall health of the American people. My Administration therefore aims to expand and encourage youth sports participation, and to promote the overall physical fitness, health, and nutrition of all Americans.

Good health, including physical activity and proper nutrition, supports Americans', particularly children's, well-being, growth, and development. Participating in sports allows children to experience the connection between effort and success, and it enhances their academic, economic, and social prospects. Many of America's leaders attribute their lifetime achievements to lessons learned through sports participation and athletic activity. Additionally, youth sports help working parents and guardians by providing their children opportunities to engage in productive, positive activities outside of school. Unfortunately, during the past decade youth participation in team sports has declined. As of 2016, only 37 percent of children played team sports on a regular basis, down from 45 percent in 2008. Particularly troubling is that sports participation disproportionately lags among young girls and children who are from economically distressed areas.

Sec. 2. Policy. (a) The Secretary of Health and Human Services (Secretary), in carrying out the Secretary's responsibilities for public health and human services, shall continue to promulgate a national strategy (the National Youth Sports Strategy) to expand children's participation in youth sports, encourage regular physical activity, including active play, and promote good nutrition for all Americans. This national strategy shall focus on children and youth in communities with below-average sports participation and communities with limited access to athletic facilities or recreational areas. Through this national strategy, the Secretary shall seek to:

(i) increase awareness of the benefits of participation in sports and regular physical activity, as well as the importance of good nutrition;

(ii) promote private and public sector strategies to increase participation in sports, encourage regular physical activity, and improve nutrition;

(iii) develop metrics that gauge youth sports participation and physical activity to inform efforts that will improve participation in sports and regular physical activity among young Americans;

(iv) establish a national and local strategy to recruit volunteers who will encourage and support youth participation in sports and regular physical activity, through coaching, mentoring, teaching, or administering athletic and nutritional programs;

(v) expand national awareness of the importance of mental health as it pertains to physical fitness and nutrition; and

(vi) share information about the positive effects of physical activity on mental health, particularly as it relates to children and adolescents, to combat the negative mental health impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID–19) pandemic.

Sec. 3. The President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition. (a) There is hereby established the President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition (Council).

(b) The Council shall be composed of up to 30 members recommended by the Secretary and appointed by the President. Members shall serve for a term of 2 years, shall be eligible for reappointment, and may continue to serve after the expiration of their terms until the appointment of a successor. The President may designate one or more of the members as Chair or Vice Chair.

Sec. 4. Functions of the Council. (a) The Council shall advise the President, through the Secretary, concerning progress made in carrying out the provisions of this order and shall recommend to the President, through the Secretary, actions to accelerate such progress.

(b) The Council shall recommend to the Secretary actions to expand opportunities at the national, State, and local levels for participation in sports and engagement in physical fitness and activity.

(c) The Council's performance of these functions shall take into account the Department of Health and Human Services' Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, including consideration for youth with disabilities.

(d) The Council members shall function as liaisons and spokespersons on behalf of the Council to relevant State, local, and private entities, and share information about the work of the Council in order to advise the Secretary regarding opportunities to extend and improve physical activity, fitness, sports, and nutrition programs and services at the State, local, and national levels.

Sec. 5. Administration. (a) Each executive department and agency shall, to the extent permitted by law and subject to the availability of funds, furnish such information and assistance to the Secretary and the Council as they may request.

(b) The members of the Council shall serve without compensation for their work on the Council. Members of the Council may, however, receive travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by law for persons serving intermittently in Government service (5 U.S.C. 5701–5707).

(c) To the extent permitted by law, the Secretary shall furnish the Council with necessary staff, supplies, facilities, and other administrative services. The expenses of the Council shall be paid from funds available to the Secretary.

(d) The Secretary shall appoint an Executive Director of the Council who shall serve as a liaison to the Secretary and the Advisor to the President on matters and activities pertaining to the Council.

(e) The Council may, with the approval of the Secretary, establish subcommittees as appropriate to aid in its work.

(f) The seal prescribed by Executive Order 10830 of July 24, 1959, as amended, shall be modified to reflect the name of the Council as established by this order.

Sec. 6. General Provisions. (a) Insofar as the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended ([former] 5 U.S.C. App.) [see 5 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.] (Act), may apply to the administration of any portion of this order, any functions of the President under the Act, except that of reporting to the Congress, shall be performed by the Secretary in accordance with the guidelines and procedures issued by the Administrator of General Services.

(b) The Council shall terminate 2 years from the date of this order, unless extended by the President.

(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

(d) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(e) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(f) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

[Ex. Ord. No. 13824, §2(c), (d), which directed amendment of Ex. Ord. No. 13265, set out above, by revising sections "1 through 5" and renumbering section 5 as 6 (with additional amendments), was executed by substituting sections 1 to 5 for former sections 1 to 4 and renumbering former section 5 as 6.]

[Ex. Ord. No. 13824, §1, revoked Ex. Ord. No. 13545, which had amended Ex. Ord. No. 13265, set out above.]

Extension of Term of President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition

Term of President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition (renamed President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition) extended until Sept. 30, 2025, by Ex. Ord. No. 14109, Sept. 29, 2023, 88 F.R. 68447, set out as a note under section 1013 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

Previous extensions of term of President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition, formerly President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, were contained in the following prior Executive Orders:

Ex. Ord. No. 14048, Sept. 30, 2021, 86 F.R. 55465, extended term until Sept. 30, 2023.

Ex. Ord. No. 13889, Sept. 27, 2019, 84 F.R. 52743, extended term until Sept. 30, 2021.

Ex. Ord. No. 13811, Sept. 29, 2017, 82 F.R. 46363, extended term until Sept. 30, 2019.

Ex. Ord. No. 13708, Sept. 30, 2015, 80 F.R. 60271, extended term until Sept. 30, 2017.

Ex. Ord. No. 13652, Sept. 30, 2013, 78 F.R. 61817, extended term until Sept. 30, 2015.

Ex. Ord. No. 13585, Sept. 30, 2011, 76 F.R. 62281, extended term until Sept. 30, 2013.

Ex. Ord. No. 13511, Sept. 29, 2009, 74 F.R. 50909, extended term until Sept. 30, 2011.

Ex. Ord. No. 13446, Sept. 28, 2007, 72 F.R. 56175, extended term until Sept. 30, 2009.

Ex. Ord. No. 13385, Sept. 29, 2005, 70 F.R. 57989, extended term until Sept. 30, 2007.

Ex. Ord. No. 13316, Sept. 17, 2003, 68 F.R. 55255, extended term until Sept. 30, 2005.

Ex. Ord. No. 13225, Sept. 28, 2001, 66 F.R. 50291, extended term until Sept. 30, 2003.

Ex. Ord. No. 13138, Sept. 30, 1999, 64 F.R. 53879, extended term until Sept. 30, 2001.

Ex. Ord. No. 13062, Sept. 29, 1997, 62 F.R. 51755, extended term until Sept. 30, 1999.

Ex. Ord. No. 12974, Sept. 29, 1995, 60 F.R. 51875, extended term until Sept. 30, 1997.

Ex. Ord. No. 12869, Sept. 30, 1993, 58 F.R. 51751, extended term until Sept. 30, 1995.

Ex. Ord. No. 12774, Sept. 27, 1991, 56 F.R. 49835, extended term until Sept. 30, 1993.

Ex. Ord. No. 12692, Sept. 29, 1989, 54 F.R. 40627, extended term until Sept. 30, 1991.

Ex. Ord. No. 12610, Sept. 30, 1987, 52 F.R. 36901, extended term until Sept. 30, 1989.

Ex. Ord. No. 12534, Sept. 30, 1985, 50 F.R. 40319, extended term until Sept. 30, 1987.

Ex. Ord. No. 12489, Sept. 28, 1984, 49 F.R. 38927, extended term until Sept. 30, 1985.

Ex. Ord. No. 12399, Dec. 31, 1982, 48 F.R. 379, extended term until Sept. 30, 1984.

Ex. Ord. No. 13266. Activities To Promote Personal Fitness

Ex. Ord. No. 13266, June 20, 2002, 67 F.R. 42467, provided:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to improve the efficiency and coordination of Federal policies related to personal fitness of the general public, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. This order is issued consistent with the following findings and principles:

(a) Growing scientific evidence indicates that an increasing number of Americans are suffering from negligible physical activity, poor dietary habits, insufficient utilization of preventive health screenings, and engaging in risky behaviors such as abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.

(b) Existing information on the importance of appropriate physical activity, diet, preventive health screenings, and avoiding harmful substances is often not received by the public, or, if received, is not acted on sufficiently.

(c) Individuals of all ages, locations, and levels of personal fitness can benefit from some level of appropriate physical activity, dietary guidance, preventive health screening, and making healthy choices.

(d) While personal fitness is an individual responsibility, the Federal Government may, within the authority and funds otherwise available, expand the opportunities for individuals to empower themselves to improve their general health. Such opportunities may include improving the flow of information about personal fitness, assisting in the utilization of that information, increasing the accessibility of resources for physical activity, and reducing barriers to achieving good personal fitness.

Sec. 2. Agency Responsibilities in Promoting Personal Fitness.

(a) The Secretaries of Agriculture, Education, Health and Human Services (HHS), Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, Transportation, and Veterans Affairs, and the Director of the Office of National Drug Policy shall review and evaluate the policies, programs, and regulations of their respective departments and offices that in any way relate to the personal fitness of the general public. Based on that review, the Secretaries and the Director shall determine whether existing policies, programs, and regulations of their respective departments and offices should be modified or whether new policies or programs could be implemented. These new policies and programs shall be consistent with otherwise available authority and appropriated funds, and shall improve the Federal Government's assistance of individuals, private organizations, and State and local governments to (i) increase physical activity; (ii) promote responsible dietary habits; (iii) increase utilization of preventive health screenings; and (iv) encourage healthy choices concerning alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and safety among the general public.

(b) Each department and office included in section 2(a) shall report to the President, through the Secretary of Health and Human Services, its proposed actions within 90 days of the date of this order.

(c) There shall be a Personal Fitness Interagency Working Group (Working Group), composed of the Secretaries or Director of the departments and office included in section 2(a) (or their designees) and chaired by the Secretary of HHS or his designee. In order to improve efficiency through information sharing and to eliminate waste and overlap, the Working Group shall work to ensure the cooperation of Federal agencies in coordinating Federal personal fitness activities. The Working Group shall meet subject to the call of the Chair, but not less than twice a year. The Department of Health and Human Services shall provide such administrative support to the Working Group as the Secretary of HHS deems necessary. Each member of the Working Group shall be a full-time or permanent part-time officer or employee of the Federal Government.

Sec. 3. General Provisions. This order is intended only to improve the internal management of the executive branch and it is not intended to, and does not, create any right, benefit, trust, or responsibility, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or equity by a party against the United States, its departments, agencies or entities, its officers or employees, or any person.

George W. Bush.      

Ex. Ord. No. 13335. Incentives for the Use of Health Information Technology and Establishing the Position of the National Health Information Technology Coordinator

Ex. Ord. No. 13335, Apr. 27, 2004, 69 F.R. 24059, provided:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and to provide leadership for the development and nationwide implementation of an interoperable health information technology infrastructure to improve the quality and efficiency of health care, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Establishment. (a) The Secretary of Health and Human Services (Secretary) shall establish within the Office of the Secretary the position of National Health Information Technology Coordinator.

(b) The National Health Information Technology Coordinator (National Coordinator), appointed by the Secretary in consultation with the President or his designee, will report directly to the Secretary.

(c) The Secretary shall provide the National Coordinator with appropriate staff, administrative support, and other resources to meet its responsibilities under this order.

(d) The Secretary shall ensure that the National Coordinator begins operations within 90 days of the date of this order.

Sec. 2. Policy. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the work of the National Coordinator shall be consistent with a vision of developing a nationwide interoperable health information technology infrastructure that:

(a) Ensures that appropriate information to guide medical decisions is available at the time and place of care;

(b) Improves health care quality, reduces medical errors, and advances the delivery of appropriate, evidence-based medical care;

(c) Reduces health care costs resulting from inefficiency, medical errors, inappropriate care, and incomplete information;

(d) Promotes a more effective marketplace, greater competition, and increased choice through the wider availability of accurate information on health care costs, quality, and outcomes;

(e) Improves the coordination of care and information among hospitals, laboratories, physician offices, and other ambulatory care providers through an effective infrastructure for the secure and authorized exchange of health care information; and

(f) Ensures that patients' individually identifiable health information is secure and protected.

Sec. 3. Responsibilities of the National Health Information Technology Coordinator. (a) The National Coordinator shall, to the extent permitted by law, develop, maintain, and direct the implementation of a strategic plan to guide the nationwide implementation of interoperable health information technology in both the public and private health care sectors that will reduce medical errors, improve quality, and produce greater value for health care expenditures. The National Coordinator shall report to the Secretary regarding progress on the development and implementation of the strategic plan within 90 days after the National Coordinator begins operations and periodically thereafter. The plan shall:

(i) Advance the development, adoption, and implementation of health care information technology standards nationally through collaboration among public and private interests, and consistent with current efforts to set health information technology standards for use by the Federal Government;

(ii) Ensure that key technical, scientific, economic, and other issues affecting the public and private adoption of health information technology are addressed;

(iii) Evaluate evidence on the benefits and costs of interoperable health information technology and assess to whom these benefits and costs accrue;

(iv) Address privacy and security issues related to interoperable health information technology and recommend methods to ensure appropriate authorization, authentication, and encryption of data for transmission over the Internet;

(v) Not assume or rely upon additional Federal resources or spending to accomplish adoption of interoperable health information technology; and

(vi) Include measurable outcome goals.

(b) The National Coordinator shall:

(i) Serve as the Secretary's principal advisor on the development, application, and use of health information technology, and direct the Department of Health and Human Service's health information technology programs;

(ii) Ensure that health information technology policy and programs of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are coordinated with those of relevant executive branch agencies (including Federal commissions) with a goal of avoiding duplication of efforts and of helping to ensure that each agency undertakes activities primarily within the areas of its greatest expertise and technical capability;

(iii) To the extent permitted by law, coordinate outreach and consultation by the relevant executive branch agencies (including Federal commissions) with public and private parties of interest, including consumers, providers, payers, and administrators; and

(iv) At the request of the Office of Management and Budget, provide comments and advice regarding specific Federal health information technology programs.

Sec. 4. Reports. To facilitate the development of interoperable health information technologies, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall report to the President within 90 days of this order on options to provide incentives in HHS programs that will promote the adoption of interoperable health information technology. In addition, the following reports shall be submitted to the President through the Secretary:

(a) The Director of the Office of Personnel Management shall report within 90 days of this order on options to provide incentives in the Federal Employee Health Benefit Program that will promote the adoption of interoperable health information technology; and

(b) Within 90 days, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of Defense shall jointly report on the approaches the Departments could take to work more actively with the private sector to make their health information systems available as an affordable option for providers in rural and medically underserved communities.

Sec. 5. Administration and Judicial Review. (a) The actions directed by this order shall be carried out subject to the availability of appropriations and to the extent permitted by law.

(b) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity against the United States, its agencies, its entities or instrumentalities, its officers or employees, or any other person.

George W. Bush.      

Ex. Ord. No. 13410. Promoting Quality and Efficient Health Care in Federal Government Administered or Sponsored Health Care Programs

Ex. Ord. No. 13410, Aug. 22, 2006, 71 F.R. 51089, provided:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, and in order to promote federally led efforts to implement more transparent and high-quality health care, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Purpose. It is the purpose of this order to ensure that health care programs administered or sponsored by the Federal Government promote quality and efficient delivery of health care through the use of health information technology, transparency regarding health care quality and price, and better incentives for program beneficiaries, enrollees, and providers. It is the further purpose of this order to make relevant information available to these beneficiaries, enrollees, and providers in a readily useable manner and in collaboration with similar initiatives in the private sector and non-Federal public sector. Consistent with the purpose of improving the quality and efficiency of health care, the actions and steps taken by Federal Government agencies should not incur additional costs for the Federal Government.

Sec. 2. Definitions. For purposes of this order:

(a) "Agency" means an agency of the Federal Government that administers or sponsors a Federal health care program.

(b) "Federal health care program" means the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program, the Medicare program, programs operated directly by the Indian Health Service, the TRICARE program for the Department of Defense and other uniformed services, and the health care program operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs. For purposes of this order, "Federal health care program" does not include State operated or funded federally subsidized programs such as Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Program, or services provided to Department of Veterans' Affairs beneficiaries under 38 U.S.C. 1703.

(c) "Interoperability" means the ability to communicate and exchange data accurately, effectively, securely, and consistently with different information technology systems, software applications, and networks in various settings, and exchange data such that clinical or operational purpose and meaning of the data are preserved and unaltered.

(d) "Recognized interoperability standards" means interoperability standards recognized by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (the "Secretary"), in accordance with guidance developed by the Secretary, as existing on the date of the implementation, acquisition, or upgrade of health information technology systems under subsections (1) or (2) of section 3(a) of this order.

Sec. 3. Directives for Agencies. Agencies shall perform the following functions:

(a) Health Information Technology.

(1) For Federal Agencies. As each agency implements, acquires, or upgrades health information technology systems used for the direct exchange of health information between agencies and with non-Federal entities, it shall utilize, where available, health information technology systems and products that meet recognized interoperability standards.

(2) For Contracting Purposes. Each agency shall require in contracts or agreements with health care providers, health plans, or health insurance issuers that as each provider, plan, or issuer implements, acquires, or upgrades health information technology systems, it shall utilize, where available, health information technology systems and products that meet recognized interoperability standards.

(b) Transparency of Quality Measurements.

(1) In General. Each agency shall implement programs measuring the quality of services supplied by health care providers to the beneficiaries or enrollees of a Federal health care program. Such programs shall be based upon standards established by multi-stakeholder entities identified by the Secretary or by another agency subject to this order. Each agency shall develop its quality measurements in collaboration with similar initiatives in the private and non-Federal public sectors.

(2) Facilitation. An agency satisfies the requirements of this subsection if it participates in the aggregation of claims and other appropriate data for the purposes of quality measurement. Such aggregation shall be based upon standards established by multi-stakeholder entities identified by the Secretary or by another agency subject to this order.

(c) Transparency of Pricing Information. Each agency shall make available (or provide for the availability) to the beneficiaries or enrollees of a Federal health care program (and, at the option of the agency, to the public) the prices that it, its health insurance issuers, or its health insurance plans pay for procedures to providers in the health care program with which the agency, issuer, or plan contracts. Each agency shall also, in collaboration with multi-stakeholder groups such as those described in subsection (b)(1), participate in the development of information regarding the overall costs of services for common episodes of care and the treatment of common chronic diseases.

(d) Promoting Quality and Efficiency of Care. Each agency shall develop and identify, for beneficiaries, enrollees, and providers, approaches that encourage and facilitate the provision and receipt of high-quality and efficient health care. Such approaches may include pay-for-performance models of reimbursement consistent with current law. An agency will satisfy the requirements of this subsection if it makes available to beneficiaries or enrollees consumer-directed health care insurance products.

Sec. 4. Implementation Date. Agencies shall comply with the requirements of this order by January 1, 2007.

Sec. 5. Administration and Judicial Review.

(a) This order does not assume or rely upon additional Federal resources or spending to promote quality and efficient health care. Further, the actions directed by this order shall be carried out subject to the availability of appropriations and to the maximum extent permitted by law.

(b) This order shall be implemented in new contracts or new contract cycles as they may be renewed from time to time. Renegotiation outside of the normal contract cycle processes should be avoided.

(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

George W. Bush.      

§300u–1. Grants and contracts for research programs; authority of Secretary; review of applications; additional functions; periodic public survey

(a) The Secretary is authorized to conduct and support by grant or contract (and encourage others to support) research in health information and health promotion, preventive health services, and education in the appropriate use of health care. Applications for grants and contracts under this section shall be subject to appropriate peer review. The Secretary shall also—

(1) provide consultation and technical assistance to persons who need help in preparing research proposals or in actually conducting research;

(2) determine the best methods of disseminating information concerning personal health behavior, preventive health services and the appropriate use of health care and of affecting behavior so that such information is applied to maintain and improve health, and prevent disease, reduce its risk, or modify its course or severity;

(3) determine and study environmental, occupational, social, and behavioral factors which affect and determine health and ascertain those programs and areas for which educational and preventive measures could be implemented to improve health as it is affected by such factors;

(4) develop (A) methods by which the cost and effectiveness of activities respecting health information and health promotion, preventive health services, and education in the appropriate use of health care, can be measured, including methods for evaluating the effectiveness of various settings for such activities and the various types of persons engaged in such activities, (B) methods for reimbursement or payment for such activities, and (C) models and standards for the conduct of such activities, including models and standards for the education, by providers of institutional health services, of individuals receiving such services respecting the nature of the institutional health services provided the individuals and the symptoms, signs, or diagnoses which led to provision of such services;

(5) develop a method for assessing the cost and effectiveness of specific medical services and procedures under various conditions of use, including the assessment of the sensitivity and specificity of screening and diagnostic procedures; and

(6) enumerate and assess, using methods developed under paragraph (5), preventive health measures and services with respect to their cost and effectiveness under various conditions of use (which measures and services may include blood pressure screening, cholesterol screening and control, smoking cessation programs, substance abuse programs, cancer screening, dietary and nutritional counseling, diabetes screening and education, intraocular pressure screening, and stress management).

(b) The Secretary shall make a periodic survey of the needs, interest, attitudes, knowledge, and behavior of the American public regarding health and health care. The Secretary shall take into consideration the findings of such surveys and the findings of similar surveys conducted by national and community health education organizations, and other organizations and agencies for formulating policy respecting health information and health promotion, preventive health services, and education in the appropriate use of health care.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XVII, §1702, as added Pub. L. 94–317, title I, §102, June 23, 1976, 90 Stat. 696; amended Pub. L. 102–531, title III, §311(b)(2), Oct. 27, 1992, 106 Stat. 3504.)

Editorial Notes


1992—Subsec. (a)(6). Pub. L. 102–531 inserted before period "(which measures and services may include blood pressure screening, cholesterol screening and control, smoking cessation programs, substance abuse programs, cancer screening, dietary and nutritional counseling, diabetes screening and education, intraocular pressure screening, and stress management)".

§300u–2. Grants and contracts for community health programs

(a) Authority of Secretary; particular activities

The Secretary is authorized to conduct and support by grant or contract (and encourage others to support) new and innovative programs in health information and health promotion, preventive health services, and education in the appropriate use of health care, and may specifically—

(1) support demonstration and training programs in such matters which programs (A) are in hospitals, ambulatory care settings, home care settings, schools, day care programs for children, and other appropriate settings representative of broad cross sections of the population, and include public education activities of voluntary health agencies, professional medical societies, and other private nonprofit health organizations, (B) focus on objectives that are measurable, and (C) emphasize the prevention or moderation of illness or accidents that appear controllable through individual knowledge and behavior;

(2) provide consultation and technical assistance to organizations that request help in planning, operating, or evaluating programs in such matters;

(3) develop health information and health promotion materials and teaching programs including (A) model curriculums for the training of educational and health professionals and paraprofessionals in health education by medical, dental, and nursing schools, schools of public health, and other institutions engaged in training of educational or health professionals, (B) model curriculums to be used in elementary and secondary schools and institutions of higher learning, (C) materials and programs for the continuing education of health professionals and paraprofessionals in the health education of their patients, (D) materials for public service use by the printed and broadcast media, and (E) materials and programs to assist providers of health care in providing health education to their patients; and

(4) support demonstration and evaluation programs for individual and group self-help programs designed to assist the participant in using his individual capacities to deal with health problems, including programs concerned with obesity, hypertension, and diabetes.

(b) Grants to States and other public and nonprofit private entities; costs of demonstrating and evaluating programs; development of models

The Secretary is authorized to make grants to States and other public and nonprofit private entities to assist them in meeting the costs of demonstrating and evaluating programs which provide information respecting the costs and quality of health care or information respecting health insurance policies and prepaid health plans, or information respecting both. After the development of models pursuant to section 300u–3(4) and 300u–3(5) of this title for such information, no grant may be made under this subsection for a program unless the information to be provided under the program is provided in accordance with one of such models applicable to the information.

(c) Private nonprofit entities; limitation on amount of grant or contract

The Secretary is authorized to support by grant or contract (and to encourage others to support) private nonprofit entities working in health information and health promotion, preventive health services, and education in the appropriate use of health care. The amount of any grant or contract for a fiscal year beginning after September 30, 1978, for an entity may not exceed 25 per centum of the expenses of the entity for such fiscal year for health information and health promotion, preventive health services, and education in the appropriate use of health care.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XVII, §1703, as added Pub. L. 94–317, title I, §102, June 23, 1976, 90 Stat. 697.)

§300u–3. Grants and contracts for information programs; authority of Secretary; particular activities

The Secretary is authorized to conduct and support by grant or contract (and encourage others to support) such activities as may be required to make information respecting health information and health promotion, preventive health services, and education in the appropriate use of health care available to the consumers of medical care, providers of such care, schools, and others who are or should be informed respecting such matters. Such activities may include at least the following:

(1) The publication of information, pamphlets, and other reports which are specially suited to interest and instruct the health consumer, which information, pamphlets, and other reports shall be updated annually, shall pertain to the individual's ability to improve and safeguard his own health; shall include material, accompanied by suitable illustrations, on child care, family life and human development, disease prevention (particularly prevention of pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer), physical fitness, dental health, environmental health, nutrition, safety and accident prevention, drug abuse and alcoholism, mental health, management of chronic diseases (including diabetes and arthritis), and venereal diseases; and shall be designed to reach populations of different languages and of different social and economic backgrounds.

(2) Securing the cooperation of the communications media, providers of health care, schools, and others in activities designed to promote and encourage the use of health maintaining information and behavior.

(3) The study of health information and promotion in advertising and the making to concerned Federal agencies and others such recommendations respecting such advertising as are appropriate.

(4) The development of models and standards for the publication by States, insurance carriers, prepaid health plans, and others (except individual health practitioners) of information for use by the public respecting the cost and quality of health care, including information to enable the public to make comparisons of the cost and quality of health care.

(5) The development of models and standards for the publication by States, insurance carriers, prepaid health plans, and others of information for use by the public respecting health insurance policies and prepaid health plans, including information on the benefits provided by the various types of such policies and plans, the premium charges for such policies and plans, exclusions from coverage or eligibility for coverage, cost sharing requirements, and the ratio of the amounts paid as benefits to the amounts received as premiums and information to enable the public to make relevant comparisons of the costs and benefits of such policies and plans.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XVII, §1704, as added Pub. L. 94–317, title I, §102, June 23, 1976, 90 Stat. 698; amended Pub. L. 98–551, §2(b), Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2816.)

Editorial Notes


1984—Par. (6). Pub. L. 98–551 struck out par. (6) which provided grant authority to the Secretary to assess, with respect to the effectiveness, safety, cost, and required training for and conditions of use, of new aspects of health care, and new activities, programs, and services designed to improve human health and publish in readily understandable language for public and professional use such assessments and, in the case of controversial aspects of health care, activities, programs, or services, publish differing views or opinions respecting the effectiveness, safety, cost, and required training for and conditions of use, of such aspects of health care, activities, programs, or services.

§300u–4. Status reports to President and Congress; study of health education and preventive health services with respect to insurance coverage

(a) The Secretary shall, not later than two years after June 23, 1976, and biannually thereafter, submit to the President for transmittal to Congress a report on the status of health information and health promotion, preventive health services, and education in the appropriate use of health care. Each such report shall include—

(1) a statement of the activities carried out under this subchapter since the last report and the extent to which each such activity achieves the purposes of this subchapter;

(2) an assessment of the manpower resources needed to carry out programs relating to health information and health promotion, preventive health services, and education in the appropriate use of health care, and a statement describing the activities currently being carried out under this subchapter designed to prepare teachers and other manpower for such programs;

(3) the goals and strategy formulated pursuant to section 300u(a)(1) of this title, the models and standards developed under this subchapter, and the results of the study required by subsection (b) of this section; and

(4) such recommendations as the Secretary considers appropriate for legislation respecting health information and health promotion, preventive health services, and education in the appropriate use of health care, including recommendations for revisions to and extension of this subchapter.

(b) The Secretary shall conduct a study of health education services and preventive health services to determine the coverage of such services under public and private health insurance programs, including the extent and nature of such coverage and the cost sharing requirements required by such programs for coverage of such services.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XVII, §1705, as added Pub. L. 94–317, title I, §102, June 23, 1976, 90 Stat. 699; amended Pub. L. 104–66, title I, §1062(d), Dec. 21, 1995, 109 Stat. 720.)

Editorial Notes


1995—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 104–66 substituted "biannually" for "annually" in introductory provisions.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Termination of Reporting Requirements

For termination, effective May 15, 2000, of provisions of law requiring submittal to Congress of any annual, semiannual, or other regular periodic report listed in House Document No. 103–7 (in which item 4 on page 96 identifies a reporting provision which, as subsequently amended, is contained in subsec. (a) of this section), see section 3003 of Pub. L. 104–66, as amended, set out as a note under section 1113 of Title 31, Money and Finance.

§300u–5. Centers for research and demonstration of health promotion and disease prevention

(a) Establishment; grants; contracts; research and demonstration projects

The Secretary shall make grants or enter into contracts with academic health centers for the establishment, maintenance, and operation of centers for research and demonstration with respect to health promotion and disease prevention. Centers established, maintained, or operated under this section shall undertake research and demonstration projects in health promotion, disease prevention, and improved methods of appraising health hazards and risk factors, and shall serve as demonstration sites for the use of new and innovative research in public health techniques to prevent chronic diseases.

(b) Location; types of research and projects

Each center established, maintained, or operated under this section shall—

(1) be located in an academic health center with—

(A) a multidisciplinary faculty with expertise in public health and which has working relationships with relevant groups in such fields as medicine, psychology, nursing, social work, education and business;

(B) graduate training programs relevant to disease prevention;

(C) a core faculty in epidemiology, biostatistics, social sciences, behavioral and environmental health sciences, and health administration;

(D) a demonstrated curriculum in disease prevention;

(E) a capability for residency training in public health or preventive medicine; and

(F) such other qualifications as the Secretary may prescribe;

(2) conduct—

(A) health promotion and disease prevention research, including retrospective studies and longitudinal prospective studies in population groups and communities;

(B) demonstration projects for the delivery of services relating to health promotion and disease prevention to defined population groups using, as appropriate, community outreach and organization techniques and other methods of educating and motivating communities; and

(C) evaluation studies on the efficacy of demonstration projects conducted under subparagraph (B) of this paragraph.

The design of any evaluation study conducted under subparagraph (C) shall be established prior to the commencement of the demonstration project under subparagraph (B) for which the evaluation will be conducted.

(c) Equitable geographic distribution of centers; procedures

(1) In making grants and entering into contracts under this section, the Secretary shall provide for an equitable geographical distribution of centers established, maintained, and operated under this section and for the distribution of such centers among areas containing a wide range of population groups which exhibit incidences of diseases which are most amenable to preventive intervention.

(2) The Secretary, through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and in consultation with the Director of the National Institutes of Health, shall establish procedures for the appropriate peer review of applications for grants and contracts under this section by peer review groups composed principally of non-Federal experts.

(d) "Academic health center" defined

For purposes of this section, the term "academic health center" means a school of medicine, a school of osteopathy, or a school of public health, as such terms are defined in section 292a(4) 1 of this title.

(e) Authorization of appropriations

For the purpose of carrying out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated $10,000,000 for fiscal year 1992, and such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 1993 through 2003.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XVII, §1706, as added Pub. L. 98–551, §2(d), Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2816; amended Pub. L. 100–607, title III, §312(a)(2), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3113; Pub. L. 102–168, title I, §102, Nov. 26, 1991, 105 Stat. 1102; Pub. L. 102–531, title III, §312(d)(12), Oct. 27, 1992, 106 Stat. 3505; Pub. L. 103–183, title VII, §705(d), Dec. 14, 1993, 107 Stat. 2241; Pub. L. 105–340, title II, §204, Oct. 31, 1998, 112 Stat. 3195.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Section 292a of this title, referred to in subsec. (d), was in the original a reference to section 701 of act July 1, 1944. Section 701 of that Act was omitted in the general revision of subchapter V of this chapter by Pub. L. 102–408, title I, §102, Oct. 13, 1992, 106 Stat. 1994. Pub. L. 102–408 enacted a new section 701 of act July 1, 1944, relating to statement of purpose, and a new section 702, relating to scope and duration of loan insurance program, which are classified to sections 292 and 292a, respectively, of this title. For provisions relating to definitions, see section 295p of this title.

Prior Provisions

A prior section 300u–5, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XVII, §1706, as added June 23, 1976, Pub. L. 94–317, title I, §102, 90 Stat. 700; amended Nov. 10, 1978, Pub. L. 95–626, title V, §501, 92 Stat. 3592; Jan. 4, 1983, Pub. L. 97–414, §8(r), 96 Stat. 2062, related to establishment of the Office of Health Promotion, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 98–551, §2(c), Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2816.


1998—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 105–340 substituted "2003" for "1998".

1993—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 103–183 substituted "through 1998" for "through 1996".

1992—Subsec. (c)(2). Pub. L. 102–531, which directed amendment of subsec. (c)(2)(B) by substituting "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" for "Centers for Disease Control", was executed by making the substitution in subsec. (c)(2) to reflect the probable intent of Congress and the redesignation of subsec. (c)(2)(B) as subsec. (c)(2) by Pub. L. 102–168. See 1991 Amendment note below.

1991—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 102–168, §102(b), redesignated subpars. (A) and (B) of par. (2) as pars. (1) and (2), respectively, and struck out former par. (1), which read as follows: "During fiscal year 1985, the Secretary shall make grants or enter into contracts for the establishment of three centers under this section. During fiscal year 1986, the Secretary shall make grants and enter into contracts for the establishment of five centers under this section and the maintenance and operation of the three centers established under this section in fiscal year 1985. During fiscal year 1987, the Secretary shall make grants and enter into contracts for the establishment of five centers under this section and the operation and maintenance of the eight centers established under this section in fiscal years 1985 and 1986."

Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 102–168, §102(a), amended subsec. (e) generally. Prior to amendment, subsec. (e) read as follows: "To carry out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated $3,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1985, $8,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1986, $13,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1987, $6,000,000 for fiscal year 1989, $8,000,000 for fiscal year 1990, and $10,000,000 for fiscal year 1991."

1988—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 100–607 struck out "and" after "1986," and inserted ", $6,000,000 for fiscal year 1989, $8,000,000 for fiscal year 1990, and $10,000,000 for fiscal year 1991" before period at end.

1 See References in Text note below.

§300u–6. Office of Minority Health

(a) In general

There is established an Office of Minority Health. The Office of Minority Health as existing on March 23, 2010, shall be transferred to the Office of the Secretary in such manner that there is established in the Office of the Secretary, the Office of Minority Health, which shall be headed by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health who shall report directly to the Secretary, and shall retain and strengthen authorities (as in existence on March 23, 2010) for the purpose of improving minority health and the quality of health care minorities receive, and eliminating racial and ethnic disparities. In carrying out this subsection, the Secretary, acting through the Deputy Assistant Secretary, shall award grants, contracts, enter into memoranda of understanding, cooperative, interagency, intra-agency and other agreements with public and nonprofit private entities, agencies, as well as Departmental and Cabinet agencies and organizations, and with organizations that are indigenous human resource providers in communities of color to assure improved health status of racial and ethnic minorities, and shall develop measures to evaluate the effectiveness of activities aimed at reducing health disparities and supporting the local community. Such measures shall evaluate community outreach activities, language services, workforce cultural competence, and other areas as determined by the Secretary.

(b) Duties

With respect to improving the health of racial and ethnic minority groups, the Secretary, acting through the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health (in this section referred to as the "Deputy Assistant Secretary"), shall carry out the following:

(1) Establish short-range and long-range goals and objectives and coordinate all other activities within the Public Health Service that relate to disease prevention, health promotion, service delivery, and research concerning such individuals. The heads of each of the agencies of the Service shall consult with the Deputy Assistant Secretary to ensure the coordination of such activities.

(2) Enter into interagency agreements with other agencies of the Public Health Service.

(3) Support research, demonstrations and evaluations to test new and innovative models.

(4) Increase knowledge and understanding of health risk factors.

(5) Develop mechanisms that support better information dissemination, education, prevention, and service delivery to individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, including individuals who are members of racial or ethnic minority groups.

(6) Ensure that the National Center for Health Statistics collects data on the health status of each minority group.

(7) With respect to individuals who lack proficiency in speaking the English language, enter into contracts with public and nonprofit private providers of primary health services for the purpose of increasing the access of the individuals to such services by developing and carrying out programs to provide bilingual or interpretive services.

(8) Support a national minority health resource center to carry out the following:

(A) Facilitate the exchange of information regarding matters relating to health information and health promotion, preventive health services, and education in the appropriate use of health care.

(B) Facilitate access to such information.

(C) Assist in the analysis of issues and problems relating to such matters.

(D) Provide technical assistance with respect to the exchange of such information (including facilitating the development of materials for such technical assistance).

(9) Carry out programs to improve access to health care services for individuals with limited proficiency in speaking the English language. Activities under the preceding sentence shall include developing and evaluating model projects.

(10) Advise in matters related to the development, implementation, and evaluation of health professions education in decreasing disparities in health care outcomes, including cultural competency as a method of eliminating health disparities.

(c) Advisory Committee

(1) In general

The Secretary shall establish an advisory committee to be known as the Advisory Committee on Minority Health (in this subsection referred to as the "Committee").

(2) Duties

The Committee shall provide advice to the Deputy Assistant Secretary carrying out this section, including advice on the development of goals and specific program activities under paragraphs (1) through (10) of subsection (b) for each racial and ethnic minority group.

(3) Chair

The chairperson of the Committee shall be selected by the Secretary from among the members of the voting members of the Committee. The term of office of the chairperson shall be 2 years.

(4) Composition

(A) The Committee shall be composed of 12 voting members appointed in accordance with subparagraph (B), and nonvoting, ex officio members designated in subparagraph (C).

(B) The voting members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Secretary from among individuals who are not officers or employees of the Federal Government and who have expertise regarding issues of minority health. The racial and ethnic minority groups shall be equally represented among such members.

(C) The nonvoting, ex officio members of the Committee shall be such officials of the Department of Health and Human Services as the Secretary determines to be appropriate.

(5) Terms

Each member of the Committee shall serve for a term of 4 years, except that the Secretary shall initially appoint a portion of the members to terms of 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years.

(6) Vacancies

If a vacancy occurs on the Committee, a new member shall be appointed by the Secretary within 90 days from the date that the vacancy occurs, and serve for the remainder of the term for which the predecessor of such member was appointed. The vacancy shall not affect the power of the remaining members to execute the duties of the Committee.

(7) Compensation

Members of the Committee who are officers or employees of the United States shall serve without compensation. Members of the Committee who are not officers or employees of the United States shall receive compensation, for each day (including travel time) they are engaged in the performance of the functions of the Committee. Such compensation may not be in an amount in excess of the daily equivalent of the annual maximum rate of basic pay payable under the General Schedule (under title 5) for positions above GS–15.

(d) Certain requirements regarding duties

(1) Recommendations regarding language

(A) Proficiency in speaking English

The Deputy Assistant Secretary shall consult with the Director of the Office of International and Refugee Health, the Director of the Office of Civil Rights, and the Directors of other appropriate departmental entities regarding recommendations for carrying out activities under subsection (b)(9).

(B) Health professions education regarding health disparities

The Deputy Assistant Secretary shall carry out the duties under subsection (b)(10) in collaboration with appropriate personnel of the Department of Health and Human Services, other Federal agencies, and other offices, centers, and institutions, as appropriate, that have responsibilities under the Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Act of 2000.

(2) Equitable allocation regarding activities

In carrying out subsection (b), the Secretary shall ensure that services provided under such subsection are equitably allocated among all groups served under this section by the Secretary.

(3) Cultural competency of services

The Secretary shall ensure that information and services provided pursuant to subsection (b) are provided in the language, educational, and cultural context that is most appropriate for the individuals for whom the information and services are intended.

(e) Grants and contracts regarding duties

(1) In general

In carrying out subsection (b), the Secretary acting through the Deputy Assistant Secretary may make awards of grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts to public and nonprofit private entities.

(2) Process for making awards

The Deputy Assistant Secretary shall ensure that awards under paragraph (1) are made, to the extent practical, only on a competitive basis, and that a grant is awarded for a proposal only if the proposal has been recommended for such an award through a process of peer review.

(3) Evaluation and dissemination

The Deputy Assistant Secretary, directly or through contracts with public and private entities, shall provide for evaluations of projects carried out with awards made under paragraph (1) during the preceding 2 fiscal years. The report shall be included in the report required under subsection (f) for the fiscal year involved.

(f) Reports

(1) In general

Not later than February 1 of fiscal year 1999 and of each second year thereafter, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives, and to the Committee on Labor and Human Resources of the Senate, a report describing the activities carried out under this section during the preceding 2 fiscal years and evaluating the extent to which such activities have been effective in improving the health of racial and ethnic minority groups. Each such report shall include the biennial reports submitted under subsections (e)(3) and (f)(2) 1 for such years by the heads of the Public Health Service agencies.

(2) Agency reports

Not later than February 1, 1999, and biennially thereafter, the heads of the Public Health Service agencies shall submit to the Deputy Assistant Secretary a report summarizing the minority health activities of each of the respective agencies.

(g) Definitions

For purposes of this section:

(1) The term "racial and ethnic minority group" means American Indians (including Alaska Natives, Eskimos, and Aleuts); Asian Americans; Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders; Blacks; and Hispanics.

(2) The term "Hispanic" means individuals whose origin is Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or any other Spanish-speaking country.

(h) Authorization of appropriations

For the purpose of carrying out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal years 2011 through 2016.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XVII, §1707, as added Pub. L. 101–527, §2, Nov. 6, 1990, 104 Stat. 2312; amended Pub. L. 101–557, title IV, §401(a)(1), Nov. 15, 1990, 104 Stat. 2770; Pub. L. 105–392, title II, §201(a), (c), Nov. 13, 1998, 112 Stat. 3582, 3585; Pub. L. 106–525, title IV, §403, title VI, §601, Nov. 22, 2000, 114 Stat. 2509, 2511; Pub. L. 111–148, title X, §10334(a)(1), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 971.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The General Schedule, referred to in subsec. (c)(7), is set out under section 5332 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

The Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Act of 2000, referred to in subsec. (d)(1)(B), is Pub. L. 106–525, Nov. 22, 2000, 114 Stat. 2495. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title of 2000 Amendments note set out under section 201 of this title and Tables.

Subsections (e)(3) and (f)(2), referred to in subsec. (f)(1), were in the original "sections 201(e)(3) and 201(f)(2)", and were translated to reflect the probable intent of Congress, because section 201 of act July 1, 1944, which is classified to section 202 of this title, does not contain subsections, and subsections (e)(3) and (f)(2) of this section require biennial reporting.

Prior Provisions

A prior section 300u–6, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XVII, §1707, as added Nov. 10, 1978, Pub. L. 95–626, title V, §502, 92 Stat. 3593; amended July 10, 1979, Pub. L. 96–32, §6(k), 93 Stat. 84, related to project grants to State Councils on Physical Fitness for physical fitness improvement, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 98–551, §2(c), Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2816.


2010—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 111–148, §10334(a)(1)(A), amended text of subsec. (a) generally. Prior to amendment, text read as follows: "There is established an Office of Minority Health within the Office of Public Health and Science. There shall be in the Department of Health and Human Services a Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health, who shall be the head of the Office of Minority Health. The Secretary, acting through such Deputy Assistant Secretary, shall carry out this section."

Subsec. (h). Pub. L. 111–148, §10334(a)(1)(B), added subsec. (h) and struck out former subsec. (h). Prior to amendment, text of subsec. (h), which consisted only of a par. (1), read as follows:

"(1) Authorization of appropriations.—For the purpose of carrying out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated $30,000,000 for fiscal year 1998, and such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 1999 through 2002."

2000—Subsec. (b)(10). Pub. L. 106–525, §403(1), added par. (10).

Subsec. (c)(2). Pub. L. 106–525, §403(2), substituted "paragraphs (1) through (10)" for "paragraphs (1) through (9)".

Subsec. (d)(1). Pub. L. 106–525, §403(3), amended heading and text of par. (1) generally. Prior to amendment, text read as follows: "The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health shall consult with the Director of the Office of International and Refugee Health, the Director of the Office of Civil Rights, and the Directors of other appropriate departmental entities regarding recommendations for carrying out activities under subsection (b)(9) of this section."

Subsec. (g)(1). Pub. L. 106–525, §601, substituted "Asian Americans;" for "Asian Americans and" and inserted "Native Hawaiians and other" before "Pacific Islanders;".

1998Pub. L. 105–392, §201(c)(1), struck out "Establishment of" before "Office" in section catchline.

Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 105–392, §201(c)(2), substituted "Public Health and Science" for "the Assistant Secretary for Health".

Subsecs. (b) to (h). Pub. L. 105–392, §201(a), added subsecs. (b) to (h) and struck out former subsecs. (b) to (f), which related, respectively, to duties of Secretary, certain requirements regarding duties, grants and contracts regarding duties, reports, and funding.

1990—Subsec. (b)(8). Pub. L. 101–557 added par. (8).

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Change of Name

Committee on Labor and Human Resources of Senate changed to Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of Senate by Senate Resolution No. 20, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Jan. 19, 1999.

Committee on Energy and Commerce of House of Representatives treated as referring to Committee on Commerce of House of Representatives by section 1(a) of Pub. L. 104–14, set out as a note preceding section 21 of Title 2, The Congress. Committee on Commerce of House of Representatives changed to Committee on Energy and Commerce of House of Representatives, and jurisdiction over matters relating to securities and exchanges and insurance generally transferred to Committee on Financial Services of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Seventh Congress, Jan. 3, 2001.

Effective Date of 1990 Amendment

Pub. L. 101–557, title IV, §401(a)(2), Nov. 15, 1990, 104 Stat. 2771, provided that: "The amendments made by paragraph (1) [amending this section] shall take effect on the date of the enactment of the Disadvantaged Minority Health Improvement Act of 1990 [Nov. 6, 1990]."

Transfer of Functions

Pub. L. 111–148, title X, §10334(a)(2), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 971, provided that: "There are transferred to the Office of Minority Health in the office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services, all duties, responsibilities, authorities, accountabilities, functions, staff, funds, award mechanisms, and other entities under the authority of the Office of Minority Health of the Public Health Service as in effect on the date before the date of enactment of this Act [Mar. 23, 2010], which shall continue in effect according to the terms in effect on the date before such date of enactment, until modified, terminated, superseded, set aside, or revoked in accordance with law by the President, the Secretary, a court of competent jurisdiction, or by operation of law."

Termination of Advisory Committees

Advisory committees established after Jan. 5, 1973, to terminate not later than the expiration of the 2-year period beginning on the date of their establishment, unless, in the case of a committee established by the President or an officer of the Federal Government, such committee is renewed by appropriate action prior to the expiration of such 2-year period, or in the case of a committee established by the Congress, its duration is otherwise provided by law. See section 1013 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

Pub. L. 93–641, §6, Jan. 4, 1975, 88 Stat. 2275, set out as a note under section 217a of this title, provided that an advisory committee established pursuant to the Public Health Service Act shall terminate at such time as may be specifically prescribed by an Act of Congress enacted after Jan. 4, 1975.


Pub. L. 111–148, title X, §10334(a)(3), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 972, provided that: "Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this section [Mar. 23, 2010], and biennially thereafter, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall prepare and submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report describing the activities carried out under section 1707 of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 300u–6] (as amended by this subsection) during the period for which the report is being prepared. Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this section, and biennially thereafter, the heads of each of the agencies of the Department of Health and Human Services shall submit to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health a report summarizing the minority health activities of each of the respective agencies."

Congressional Findings

Pub. L. 101–527, §1(b), Nov. 6, 1990, 104 Stat. 2311, provided that: "The Congress finds that—

"(1) racial and ethnic minorities are disproportionately represented among individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds;

"(2) the health status of individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, including racial and ethnic minorities, in the United States is significantly lower than the health status of the general population of the United States;

"(3) minorities suffer disproportionately high rates of cancer, stroke, heart diseases, diabetes, substance abuse, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, and other diseases and disorders;

"(4) the incidence of infant mortality among minorities is almost double that for the general population;

"(5) Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans constitute approximately 12 percent, 7.9 percent, and 0.01 percent, respectively, of the population of the United States;

"(6) Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans in the United States constitute approximately 3 percent, 4 percent, and less than 0.01 percent, respectively, of physicians, 2.7 percent, 1.7 percent, and less than 0.01 percent, respectively, of dentists, and 4.5 percent, 1.6 percent, and less than 0.01 percent, respectively, of nurses;

"(7) the number of individuals who are from disadvantaged backgrounds in health professions should be increased for the purpose of improving the access of other such individuals to health services;

"(8) minority health professionals have historically tended to practice in low-income areas and to serve minorities;

"(9) minority health professionals have historically tended to engage in the general practice of medicine and specialties providing primary care;

"(10) reports published in leading medical journals indicate that access to health care among minorities can be substantially improved by increasing the number of minority health professionals;

"(11) increasing the number of minorities serving on the faculties of health professions schools can be an important factor in attracting minorities to pursue a career in the health professions;

"(12) diversity in the faculty and student body of health professions schools enhances the quality of education for all students attending the schools;

"(13) the Report of the Secretary's Task Force on Black and Minority Health (prepared for the Secretary of Health and Human Services and issued in 1985) described the health status problems of minorities, and made recommendations concerning measures that should be implemented by the Secretary with respect to improving the health status of minorities through programs for providing health information and education; and

"(14) the Office of Minority Health, created in 1985 by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, should be authorized pursuant to statute and should receive increased funding to support efforts to improve the health of individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, including minorities, including the implementation of the recommendations made by the Secretary's Task Force on Black and Minority Health."

1 See References in Text note below.

§300u–6a. Individual offices of minority health within the Department

(a) In general

The head of each agency specified in subsection (b)(1) 1 shall establish within the agency an office to be known as the Office of Minority Health. The head of each such Office shall be appointed by the head of the agency within which the Office is established, and shall report directly to the head of the agency. The head of such agency shall carry out this section (as this section relates to the agency) acting through such Director.

(b) Specified agencies

The agencies referred to in subsection (a) are the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Health Resources and Services Administration, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

(c) Director; appointment

Each Office of Minority Health established in an agency listed in subsection (a) 2 shall be headed by a director, with documented experience and expertise in minority health services research and health disparities elimination.

(d) References

Except as otherwise specified, any reference in Federal law to an Office of Minority Health (in the Department of Health and Human Services) is deemed to be a reference to the Office of Minority Health in the Office of the Secretary.

(e) Funding

(1) Allocations

Of the amounts appropriated for a specified agency for a fiscal year, the Secretary must designate an appropriate amount of funds for the purpose of carrying out activities under this section through the minority health office of the agency. In reserving an amount under the preceding sentence for a minority health office for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall reduce, by substantially the same percentage, the amount that otherwise would be available for each of the programs of the designated agency involved.

(2) Availability of funds for staffing

The purposes for which amounts made available under paragraph 3 may be expended by a minority health office include the costs of employing staff for such office.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XVII, §1707A, as added Pub. L. 111–148, title X, §10334(b)(1), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 972.)

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries


Pub. L. 111–148, title X, §10334(b)(2), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 973, provided that: "Nothing in this subsection [enacting this section and provisions set out as a note under this section] and the amendments made by this subsection may be construed as establishing regulatory authority or modifying any existing regulatory authority."

Application of Allocation Requirements

Pub. L. 112–10, div. B, title VIII, §1827, Apr. 15, 2011, 125 Stat. 162, provided that: "Hereafter, no funds appropriated by this division or by any previous or subsequent Act shall be subject to the allocation requirements of section 1707A(e) [42 U.S.C. 300u–6a(e)] of the PHS Act [Public Health Service Act]."

Limitation on Termination

Pub. L. 111–148, title X, §10334(b)(3), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 973, provided that: "Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a Federal office of minority health or Federal appointive position with primary responsibility over minority health issues that is in existence in an office of [or] agency of the Department of Health and Human Services on the date of enactment of this section [Mar. 23, 2010] shall not be terminated, reorganized, or have any of its power or duties transferred unless such termination, reorganization, or transfer is approved by an Act of Congress."

1 So in original. Subsec. (b) does not contain a par. (1).

2 So in original. Probably should be "subsection (b)".

3 So in original. Probably should be "paragraph (1)".

§300u–7. Office of Adolescent Health

(a) In general

There is established an Office of Adolescent Health within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, which office 1 shall be headed by a director 1 appointed by the Secretary. The Secretary shall carry out this section acting through the Director of such Office.

(b) Duties

With respect to adolescent health, the Secretary shall—

(1) coordinate all activities within the Department of Health and Human Services that relate to disease prevention, health promotion, preventive health services, and health information and education with respect to the appropriate use of health care, including coordinating—

(A) the design of programs, support for programs, and the evaluation of programs;

(B) the monitoring of trends;

(C) projects of research (including multidisciplinary projects) on adolescent health; and

(D) the training of health providers who work with adolescents, particularly nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and social workers;

(2) coordinate the activities described in paragraph (1) with similar activities in the private sector; and

(3) support projects, conduct research, and disseminate information relating to preventive medicine, health promotion, and physical fitness and sports medicine.

(c) Certain demonstration projects

(1) In general

In carrying out subsection (b)(3), the Secretary may make grants to carry out demonstration projects for the purpose of improving adolescent health, including—

(A) projects to train health care providers in providing services to adolescents; and

(B) projects to reduce the incidence of violence among adolescents, particularly violence related to teen dating, which shall include projects to develop and implement educational program to increase abuse awareness and prevention.

(2) Authorization of appropriations

For the purpose of carrying out paragraph (1), there are authorized to be appropriated $8,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027.

(d) Information clearinghouse

In carrying out subsection (b), the Secretary shall establish and maintain a National Information Clearinghouse on Adolescent Health to collect and disseminate to health professionals and the general public information on adolescent health.

(e) National plan

In carrying out subsection (b), the Secretary shall develop a national plan for improving adolescent health. The plan shall be consistent with the applicable objectives established by the Secretary for the health status of the people of the United States for the year 2000, and shall be periodically reviewed, and as appropriate, revised. The plan, and any revisions in the plan, shall be submitted to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Labor and Human Resources of the Senate.

(f) Adolescent health

For purposes of this section, the term "adolescent health", with respect to adolescents of all ethnic and racial groups, means all diseases, disorders, and conditions (including with respect to mental health)—

(1) unique to adolescents, or more serious or more prevalent in adolescents;

(2) for which the factors of medical risk or types of medical intervention are different for adolescents, or for which it is unknown whether such factors or types are different for adolescents; or

(3) with respect to which there has been insufficient clinical research involving adolescents as subjects or insufficient clinical data on adolescents.

(g) Interagency Work Group

(1) Establishment

The Secretary shall establish the Federal Interagency Work Group on Teen Dating Violence (referred to in this section as the "Work Group").

(2) In general

(A) Composition

Not later than 120 days after March 15, 2022, the Secretary shall appoint representatives to the Work Group from the Administration for Children and Families, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Health Resources and Services Administration, the Department of Education, the Department of Justice, and other Federal agencies as determined appropriate by the Secretary.

(B) Consultation

The Work Group shall consult with—

(i) experts at the State, Tribal, and local levels with relevant backgrounds in reducing and preventing the incidence of teen dating violence;

(ii) victims of teen dating violence; and

(iii) family members of teens who were killed by a dating partner.

(3) Duties

The Work Group shall—

(A) examine all Federal efforts directed towards reducing and preventing teen dating violence;

(B) identify strategies, resources, and supports to improve State, Tribal, and local responses to the incidence of teen dating violence;

(C) make recommendations to Congress for improving Federal programs and efforts and coordination across such programs and efforts to reduce and prevent teen dating violence; and

(D) make recommendations for educating middle and high school students on teen dating violence.

(4) Annual report to Secretary

The Work Group shall annually prepare and submit to the Secretary, the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate, and the Committee on Education and Labor of the House of Representatives, a report on the activities carried out by the Work Group under subsection (c), including recommendations to reduce and prevent teen dating violence.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XVII, §1708, as added Pub. L. 102–531, title III, §302, Oct. 27, 1992, 106 Stat. 3483; amended Pub. L. 117–103, div. W, title XIII, §1315(b), Mar. 15, 2022, 136 Stat. 938.)

Editorial Notes

Prior Provisions

A prior section 300u–7, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XVII, §1708, as added Nov. 10, 1978, Pub. L. 95–626, title V, §502, 92 Stat. 3594; amended July 10, 1979, Pub. L. 96–32, §6(l), 93 Stat. 84, related to project grants for physical fitness improvement and research projects, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 98–551, §2(c), Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2816.


2022—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 117–103, §1315(b)(1), added subsec. (c) and struck out former subsec. (c) which related to grants to carry out certain demonstration projects and authorizations of appropriations for fiscal years 1993 through 1997.

Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 117–103, §1315(b)(2), added subsec. (g).

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Change of Name

Committee on Education and Labor of House of Representatives changed to Committee on Education and the Workforce of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Eighteenth Congress, Jan. 9, 2023.

Committee on Labor and Human Resources of Senate changed to Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of Senate by Senate Resolution No. 20, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Jan. 19, 1999.

Committee on Energy and Commerce of House of Representatives treated as referring to Committee on Commerce of House of Representatives by section 1(a) of Pub. L. 104–14, set out as a note preceding section 21 of Title 2, The Congress. Committee on Commerce of House of Representatives changed to Committee on Energy and Commerce of House of Representatives, and jurisdiction over matters relating to securities and exchanges and insurance generally transferred to Committee on Financial Services of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Seventh Congress, Jan. 3, 2001.

Effective Date of 2022 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 117–103 not effective until Oct. 1 of the first fiscal year beginning after Mar. 15, 2022, see section 4(a) of div. W of Pub. L. 117–103, set out as an Effective Date note under section 6851 of Title 15, Commerce and Trade.

1 So in original. Probably should be capitalized.

§300u–8. Biennial report regarding nutrition and health

(a) Biennial report

The Secretary shall require the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service to prepare biennial reports on the relationship between nutrition and health. Such reports may, with respect to such relationship, include any recommendations of the Secretary and the Surgeon General.

(b) Submission to Congress

The Secretary shall ensure that, not later than February 1 of 1995 and of every second year thereafter, a report under subsection (a) is submitted to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Labor and Human Resources of the Senate.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XVII, §1709, as added Pub. L. 103–183, title VII, §704, Dec. 14, 1993, 107 Stat. 2240.)

Editorial Notes

Prior Provisions

A prior section 300u–8, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XVII, §1709, as added Nov. 10, 1978, Pub. L. 95–626, title V, §502, 92 Stat. 3594, related to establishment of national program on sports medicine research, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 98–551, §2(c), Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2816.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Change of Name

Committee on Labor and Human Resources of Senate changed to Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of Senate by Senate Resolution No. 20, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Jan. 19, 1999.

Committee on Energy and Commerce of House of Representatives treated as referring to Committee on Commerce of House of Representatives by section 1(a) of Pub. L. 104–14, set out as a note preceding section 21 of Title 2, The Congress. Committee on Commerce of House of Representatives changed to Committee on Energy and Commerce of House of Representatives, and jurisdiction over matters relating to securities and exchanges and insurance generally transferred to Committee on Financial Services of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Seventh Congress, Jan. 3, 2001.

§300u–9. Education regarding DES

(a) In general

The Secretary, acting through the heads of the appropriate agencies of the Public Health Service, shall carry out a national program for the education of health professionals and the public with respect to the drug diethylstilbestrol (commonly known as DES). To the extent appropriate, such national program shall use methodologies developed through the education demonstration program carried out under section 283a–3 1 of this title. In developing and carrying out the national program, the Secretary shall consult closely with representatives of nonprofit private entities that represent individuals who have been exposed to DES and that have expertise in community-based information campaigns for the public and for health care providers. The implementation of the national program shall begin during fiscal year 1999.

(b) Authorization of appropriations

For the purpose of carrying out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 1999 through 2003. The authorization of appropriations established in the preceding sentence is in addition to any other authorization of appropriation that is available for such purpose.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XVII, §1710, as added Pub. L. 105–340, title I, §101(b), Oct. 31, 1998, 112 Stat. 3191; amended Pub. L. 109–482, title I, §104(a)(2), Jan. 15, 2007, 120 Stat. 3689.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Section 283a–3 of this title, referred to in subsec. (a), was in the original "section 403C", and was translated as meaning section 403D of act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, as renumbered section 403C by section 104(a)(1) of Pub. L. 109–482 and then section 403D by section 1104(4) of Pub. L. 110–85. Another section 403C of act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, as added by section 104(a)(3) of Pub. L. 109–482, is classified to section 283a–2 of this title.

Prior Provisions

A prior section 300u–9, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XVII, §1710, as added Nov. 10, 1978, Pub. L. 95–626, title V, §502, 92 Stat. 3594; amended Oct. 17, 1979, Pub. L. 96–88, title III, §301(b)(2), title V, §507, 93 Stat. 678, 692, related to Conference on Education in Lifetime Sports, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 98–551, §2(c), Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2816.


2007—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 109–482 substituted "section 283a–3" for "section 283a".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 2007 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 109–482 applicable only with respect to amounts appropriated for fiscal year 2007 or subsequent fiscal years, see section 109 of Pub. L. 109–482, set out as a note under section 281 of this title.

1 See References in Text note below.

§300u–10. National Prevention, Health Promotion and Public Health Council

(a) Establishment

The President shall establish, within the Department of Health and Human Services, a council to be known as the "National Prevention, Health Promotion and Public Health Council" (referred to in this section as the "Council").

(b) Chairperson

The President shall appoint the Surgeon General to serve as the chairperson of the Council.

(c) Composition

The Council shall be composed of—

(1) the Secretary of Health and Human Services;

(2) the Secretary of Agriculture;

(3) the Secretary of Education;

(4) the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission;

(5) the Secretary of Transportation;

(6) the Secretary of Labor;

(7) the Secretary of Homeland Security;

(8) the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency;

(9) the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy;

(10) the Director of the Domestic Policy Council;

(11) the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs;

(12) the Chairman of the Corporation for National and Community Service; and

(13) the head of any other Federal agency that the chairperson determines is appropriate.

(d) Purposes and duties

The Council shall—

(1) provide coordination and leadership at the Federal level, and among all Federal departments and agencies, with respect to prevention, wellness and health promotion practices, the public health system, and integrative health care in the United States;

(2) after obtaining input from relevant stakeholders, develop a national prevention, health promotion, public health, and integrative health care strategy that incorporates the most effective and achievable means of improving the health status of Americans and reducing the incidence of preventable illness and disability in the United States;

(3) provide recommendations to the President and Congress concerning the most pressing health issues confronting the United States and changes in Federal policy to achieve national wellness, health promotion, and public health goals, including the reduction of tobacco use, sedentary behavior, and poor nutrition;

(4) consider and propose evidence-based models, policies, and innovative approaches for the promotion of transformative models of prevention, integrative health, and public health on individual and community levels across the United States;

(5) establish processes for continual public input, including input from State, regional, and local leadership communities and other relevant stakeholders, including Indian tribes and tribal organizations;

(6) submit the reports required under subsection (g); 1 and

(7) carry out other activities determined appropriate by the President.

(e) Meetings

The Council shall meet at the call of the Chairperson.

(f) Advisory Group

(1) In general

The President shall establish an Advisory Group to the Council to be known as the "Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health" (hereafter referred to in this section as the "Advisory Group"). The Advisory Group shall be within the Department of Health and Human Services and report to the Surgeon General.

(2) Composition

(A) In general

The Advisory Group shall be composed of not more than 25 non-Federal members to be appointed by the President.

(B) Representation

In appointing members under subparagraph (A), the President shall ensure that the Advisory Group includes a diverse group of licensed health professionals, including integrative health practitioners who have expertise in—

(i) worksite health promotion;

(ii) community services, including community health centers;

(iii) preventive medicine;

(iv) health coaching;

(v) public health education;

(vi) geriatrics; and

(vii) rehabilitation medicine.

(3) Purposes and duties

The Advisory Group shall develop policy and program recommendations and advise the Council on lifestyle-based chronic disease prevention and management, integrative health care practices, and health promotion.

(g) National prevention and health promotion strategy

Not later than 1 year after March 23, 2010, the Chairperson, in consultation with the Council, shall develop and make public a national prevention, health promotion and public health strategy, and shall review and revise such strategy periodically. Such strategy shall—

(1) set specific goals and objectives for improving the health of the United States through federally-supported prevention, health promotion, and public health programs, consistent with ongoing goal setting efforts conducted by specific agencies;

(2) establish specific and measurable actions and timelines to carry out the strategy, and determine accountability for meeting those timelines, within and across Federal departments and agencies; and

(3) make recommendations to improve Federal efforts relating to prevention, health promotion, public health, and integrative health care practices to ensure Federal efforts are consistent with available standards and evidence.

(h) Report

Not later than July 1, 2010, and annually thereafter through January 1, 2015, the Council shall submit to the President and the relevant committees of Congress, a report that—

(1) describes the activities and efforts on prevention, health promotion, and public health and activities to develop a national strategy conducted by the Council during the period for which the report is prepared;

(2) describes the national progress in meeting specific prevention, health promotion, and public health goals defined in the strategy and further describes corrective actions recommended by the Council and taken by relevant agencies and organizations to meet these goals;

(3) contains a list of national priorities on health promotion and disease prevention to address lifestyle behavior modification (smoking cessation, proper nutrition, appropriate exercise, mental health, behavioral health, substance use disorder, and domestic violence screenings) and the prevention measures for the 5 leading disease killers in the United States;

(4) contains specific science-based initiatives to achieve the measurable goals of Healthy People 2020 regarding nutrition, exercise, and smoking cessation, and targeting the 5 leading disease killers in the United States;

(5) contains specific plans for consolidating Federal health programs and Centers that exist to promote healthy behavior and reduce disease risk (including eliminating programs and offices determined to be ineffective in meeting the priority goals of Healthy People 2020);

(6) contains specific plans to ensure that all Federal health care programs are fully coordinated with science-based prevention recommendations by the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and

(7) contains specific plans to ensure that all non-Department of Health and Human Services prevention programs are based on the science-based guidelines developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under paragraph (4).

(i) Periodic reviews

The Secretary shall conduct periodic reviews, not less than every 5 years, and evaluations of every Federal disease prevention and health promotion initiative, program, and agency. Such reviews shall be evaluated based on effectiveness in meeting metrics-based goals with an analysis posted on such agencies' public Internet websites.

(Pub. L. 111–148, title IV, §4001, title X, §10401(a), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 538, 974; Pub. L. 113–188, title IX, §902(a), Nov. 26, 2014, 128 Stat. 2020.)

Editorial Notes


Section was enacted as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and not as part of the Public Health Service Act which comprises this chapter.


2014—Subsec. (i). Pub. L. 113–188 substituted "The Secretary shall conduct periodic reviews" for "The Secretary and the Comptroller General of the United States shall jointly conduct periodic reviews".

2010—Subsec. (h)(4), (5). Pub. L. 111–148, §10401(a), substituted "2020" for "2010".

Executive Documents

Ex. Ord. No. 13544. Establishing the National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council

Ex. Ord. No. 13544, June 10, 2010, 75 F.R. 33983, provided:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 4001 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111–148), it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Establishment. There is established within the Department of Health and Human Services, the National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council (Council).

Sec. 2. Membership.

(a) The Surgeon General shall serve as the Chair of the Council, which shall be composed of:

(1) the Secretary of Agriculture;

(2) the Secretary of Labor;

(3) the Secretary of Health and Human Services;

(4) the Secretary of Transportation;

(5) the Secretary of Education;

(6) the Secretary of Homeland Security;

(7) the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency;

(8) the Chair of the Federal Trade Commission;

(9) the Director of National Drug Control Policy;

(10) the Assistant to the President and Director of the Domestic Policy Council;

(11) the Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Indian Affairs;

(12) the Chairman of the Corporation for National and Community Service; and

(13) the head of any other executive department or agency that the Chair may, from time to time, determine is appropriate.

(b) The Council shall meet at the call of the Chair.

Sec. 3. Purposes and Duties. The Council shall:

(a) provide coordination and leadership at the Federal level, and among all executive departments and agencies, with respect to prevention, wellness, and health promotion practices, the public health system, and integrative health care in the United States;

(b) develop, after obtaining input from relevant stakeholders, a national prevention, health promotion, public health, and integrative health-care strategy that incorporates the most effective and achievable means of improving the health status of Americans and reducing the incidence of preventable illness and disability in the United States, as further described in section 5 of this order;

(c) provide recommendations to the President and the Congress concerning the most pressing health issues confronting the United States and changes in Federal policy to achieve national wellness, health promotion, and public health goals, including the reduction of tobacco use, sedentary behavior, and poor nutrition;

(d) consider and propose evidence-based models, policies, and innovative approaches for the promotion of transformative models of prevention, integrative health, and public health on individual and community levels across the United States;

(e) establish processes for continual public input, including input from State, regional, and local leadership communities and other relevant stakeholders, including Indian tribes and tribal organizations;

(f) submit the reports required by section 6 of this order; and

(g) carry out such other activities as are determined appropriate by the President.

Sec. 4. Advisory Group.

(a) There is established within the Department of Health and Human Services an Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health (Advisory Group), which shall report to the Chair of the Council.

(b) The Advisory Group shall be composed of not more than 25 members or representatives from outside the Federal Government appointed by the President and shall include a diverse group of licensed health professionals, including integrative health practitioners who are representative of or have expertise in:

(1) worksite health promotion;

(2) community services, including community health centers;

(3) preventive medicine;

(4) health coaching;

(5) public health education;

(6) geriatrics; and

(7) rehabilitation medicine.

(c) The Advisory Group shall develop policy and program recommendations and advise the Council on lifestyle-based chronic disease prevention and management, integrative health care practices, and health promotion.

Sec. 5. National Prevention and Health Promotion Strategy. Not later than March 23, 2011, the Chair, in consultation with the Council, shall develop and make public a national prevention, health promotion, and public health strategy (national strategy), and shall review and revise it periodically. The national strategy shall:

(a) set specific goals and objectives for improving the health of the United States through federally supported prevention, health promotion, and public health programs, consistent with ongoing goal setting efforts conducted by specific agencies;

(b) establish specific and measurable actions and timelines to carry out the strategy, and determine accountability for meeting those timelines, within and across Federal departments and agencies; and

(c) make recommendations to improve Federal efforts relating to prevention, health promotion, public health, and integrative health-care practices to ensure that Federal efforts are consistent with available standards and evidence.

Sec. 6. Reports. Not later than July 1, 2010, and annually thereafter until January 1, 2015, the Council shall submit to the President and the relevant committees of the Congress, a report that:

(a) describes the activities and efforts on prevention, health promotion, and public health and activities to develop the national strategy conducted by the Council during the period for which the report is prepared;

(b) describes the national progress in meeting specific prevention, health promotion, and public health goals defined in the national strategy and further describes corrective actions recommended by the Council and actions taken by relevant agencies and organizations to meet these goals;

(c) contains a list of national priorities on health promotion and disease prevention to address lifestyle behavior modification (including smoking cessation, proper nutrition, appropriate exercise, mental health, behavioral health, substance-use disorder, and domestic violence screenings) and the prevention measures for the five leading disease killers in the United States;

(d) contains specific science-based initiatives to achieve the measurable goals of the Healthy People 2020 program of the Department of Health and Human Services regarding nutrition, exercise, and smoking cessation, and targeting the five leading disease killers in the United States;

(e) contains specific plans for consolidating Federal health programs and centers that exist to promote healthy behavior and reduce disease risk (including eliminating programs and offices determined to be ineffective in meeting the priority goals of the Healthy People 2020 program of the Department of Health and Human Services);

(f) contains specific plans to ensure that all Federal health-care programs are fully coordinated with science-based prevention recommendations by the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and

(g) contains specific plans to ensure that all prevention programs outside the Department of Health and Human Services are based on the science-based guidelines developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under subsection (d) of this section.

Sec. 7. Administration.

(a) The Department of Health and Human Services shall provide funding and administrative support for the Council and the Advisory Group to the extent permitted by law and within existing appropriations.

(b) All executive departments and agencies shall provide information and assistance to the Council as the Chair may request for purposes of carrying out the Council's functions, to the extent permitted by law.

(c) Members of the Advisory Group shall serve without compensation, but shall be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by law for persons serving intermittently in Government service (5 U.S.C. 5701–5707), consistent with the availability of funds.

Sec. 8. General Provisions.

(a) Insofar as the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended ([former] 5 U.S.C App.) [see 5 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.] may apply to the Advisory Group, any functions of the President under that Act, except that of reporting to the Congress, shall be performed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services in accordance with the guidelines that have been issued by the Administrator of General Services.

(b) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(1) authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the head thereof; or

(2) functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

Barack Obama.      

Extension of Term of Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health

Term of Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health extended until Sept. 30, 2012, by Ex. Ord. No. 13591, Nov. 23, 2011, 76 F.R. 74623, formerly set out as a note under section 1013 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

For extensions of Advisory Group after its reestablishment, see table following Ex. Ord. No. 13631, set out below.

Ex. Ord. No. 13631. Reestablishment of Advisory Group

Ex. Ord. No. 13631, Dec. 7, 2012, 77 F.R. 74101, provided:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 4001 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111–148), 42 U.S.C. 300u–10, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Reestablishing the Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health. The Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health (Advisory Group), as set forth under the provisions of Executive Order 13544 of June 10, 2010, and continued by section 2 of Executive Order 13591 of November 23, 2011, is hereby reestablished and shall terminate on September 30, 2013, unless extended by the President. The same members who were serving on the Advisory Group on September 30, 2012, are hereby reappointed to the Advisory Group as reestablished by this order, as if the Advisory Group had continued without termination through the date of this Executive Order.

Sec. 2. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(1) the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the head thereof; or

(2) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

Barack Obama.      

Extension of Term of Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health

Term of Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health extended until Sept. 30, 2017, by Ex. Ord. No. 13708, Sept. 30, 2015, 80 F.R. 60271, formerly set out as a note under section 1013 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

Previous extension of term of Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health was contained in the following prior Executive Order:

Ex. Ord. No. 13652, Sept. 30, 2013, 78 F.R. 61817, extended term until Sept. 30, 2015.

1 So in original. Probably should be "(h);".

§300u–11. Prevention and Public Health Fund

(a) Purpose

It is the purpose of this section to establish a Prevention and Public Health Fund (referred to in this section as the "Fund"), to be administered through the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Secretary, to provide for expanded and sustained national investment in prevention and public health programs to improve health and help restrain the rate of growth in private and public sector health care costs.

(b) Funding

There are hereby authorized to be appropriated, and appropriated, to the Fund, out of any monies in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated—

(1) for fiscal year 2010, $500,000,000;

(2) for each of fiscal years 2012 through 2017, $1,000,000,000;

(3) for fiscal year 2018, $900,000,000;

(4) for fiscal year 2019, $900,000,000;

(5) for each of fiscal years 2020 and 2021, $950,000,000;

(6) for each of fiscal years 2022 and 2023, $1,000,000,000;

(7) for each of fiscal years 2024 and 2025, $1,300,000,000;

(8) for each of fiscal years 2026 and 2027, $1,525,000,000;

(9) for each of fiscal years 2028 and 2029, $1,725,000,000; and

(10) for fiscal year 2030 and each fiscal year thereafter, $2,000,000,000.

(c) Use of Fund

The Secretary shall transfer amounts in the Fund to accounts within the Department of Health and Human Services to increase funding, over the fiscal year 2008 level, for programs authorized by the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 201 et seq.], for prevention, wellness, and public health activities including prevention research, health screenings, and initiatives, such as the Community Transformation grant program, the Education and Outreach Campaign Regarding Preventive Benefits, and immunization programs.

(d) Transfer authority

The Committee on Appropriations of the Senate and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives may provide for the transfer of funds in the Fund to eligible activities under this section, subject to subsection (c).

(Pub. L. 111–148, title IV, §4002, title X, §10401(b), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 541, 974; Pub. L. 112–96, title III, §3205, Feb. 22, 2012, 126 Stat. 194; Pub. L. 114–255, div. A, title V, §5009, Dec. 13, 2016, 130 Stat. 1197; Pub. L. 115–96, div. C, title I, §3103, Dec. 22, 2017, 131 Stat. 2049; Pub. L. 115–123, div. E, title XII, §53119, Feb. 9, 2018, 132 Stat. 308; Pub. L. 117–328, div. FF, title VII, §7701(c), Dec. 29, 2022, 136 Stat. 5966.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The Public Health Service Act, referred to in subsec. (c), is act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, 58 Stat. 682, which is classified generally to this chapter. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 201 of this title and Tables.


Section was enacted as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and not as part of the Public Health Service Act which comprises this chapter.


2022—Subsec. (b)(8). Pub. L. 117–328, §7701(c)(1), substituted "$1,525,000,000;" for "$1,800,000,000; and".

Subsec. (b)(9). Pub. L. 117–328, §7701(c)(2), added par. (9) and struck out former par. (9) which read as follows: "for fiscal year 2028 and each fiscal year thereafter, $2,000,000,000."

Subsec. (b)(10). Pub. L. 117–328, §7701(c)(3), added par. (10).

2018—Subsec. (b)(4) to (9). Pub. L. 115–123 added pars. (4) to (9) and struck out former pars. (4) to (9) which read as follows:

"(4) for fiscal year 2019, $800,000,000;

"(5) for each of fiscal years 2020 and 2021, $800,000,000; and

"(6) for fiscal year 2022, $1,250,000,000;

"(7) for fiscal year 2023, $1,000,000,000;

"(8) for fiscal year 2024, $1,700,000,000; and

"(9) for fiscal year 2025 and each fiscal year thereafter, $2,000,000,000."

2017—Subsec. (b)(3). Pub. L. 115–96, §3103(1), substituted "fiscal year 2018" for "each of fiscal years 2018 and 2019".

Subsec. (b)(4). Pub. L. 115–96, §3103(3), added par. (4). Former par. (4) redesignated (5).

Subsec. (b)(5). Pub. L. 115–96, §3103(2), (4), redesignated par. (4) as (5) and substituted "$800,000,000" for "$1,000,000,000". Former par. (5) redesignated (6).

Subsec. (b)(6). Pub. L. 115–96, §3103(2), (5), redesignated par. (5) as (6) and substituted "$1,250,000,000" for "$1,500,000,000". Former par. (6) redesignated (7).

Subsec. (b)(7) to (9). Pub. L. 115–96, §3103(2), redesignated pars. (6) to (8) as (7) to (9), respectively.

2016—Subsec. (b)(3). Pub. L. 114–255, §5009(1), substituted "$900,000,000" for "$1,250,000,000".

Subsec. (b)(4). Pub. L. 114–255, §5009(2), substituted "$1,000,000,000" for "$1,500,000,000".

Subsec. (b)(5) to (8). Pub. L. 114–255, §5009(3), added pars. (5) to (8) and struck out former par. (5) which read as follows: "for fiscal year 2022, and each fiscal year thereafter, $2,000,000,000."

2012—Subsec. (b)(2) to (6). Pub. L. 112–96 added pars. (2) to (5) and struck out former pars. (2) to (6) which appropriated amounts for fiscal years 2011 through 2015 and each fiscal year thereafter.

2010—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 111–148, §10401(b), substituted "research, health screenings, and initiatives" for "research and health screenings" and "Regarding Preventive" for "for Preventive".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries


Pub. L. 115–31, div. H, title II, §219, May 5, 2017, 131 Stat. 541, provided that:

"(a) The Secretary shall establish a publicly accessible Web site to provide information regarding the uses of funds made available under section 4002 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 ('ACA') [42 U.S.C. 300u–11].

"(b) With respect to funds provided under section 4002 of the ACA, the Secretary shall include on the Web site established under subsection (a) at a minimum the following information:

"(1) In the case of each transfer of funds under section 4002(c), a statement indicating the program or activity receiving funds, the operating division or office that will administer the funds, and the planned uses of the funds, to be posted not later than the day after the transfer is made.

"(2) Identification (along with a link to the full text) of each funding opportunity announcement, request for proposals, or other announcement or solicitation of proposals for grants, cooperative agreements, or contracts intended to be awarded using such funds, to be posted not later than the day after the announcement or solicitation is issued.

"(3) Identification of each grant, cooperative agreement, or contract with a value of $25,000 or more awarded using such funds, including the purpose of the award and the identity of the recipient, to be posted not later than 5 days after the award is made.

"(4) A report detailing the uses of all funds transferred under section 4002(c) during the fiscal year, to be posted not later than 90 days after the end of the fiscal year.

"(c) With respect to awards made in fiscal years 2013 through 2017, the Secretary shall also include on the Web site established under subsection (a), semi-annual reports from each entity awarded a grant, cooperative agreement, or contract from such funds with a value of $25,000 or more, summarizing the activities undertaken and identifying any sub-grants or sub-contracts awarded (including the purpose of the award and the identity of the recipient), to be posted not later than 30 days after the end of each 6-month period.

"(d) In carrying out this section, the Secretary shall—

"(1) present the information required in subsection (b)(1) on a single webpage or on a single database;

"(2) ensure that all information required in this section is directly accessible from the single webpage or database; and

"(3) ensure that all information required in this section is able to be organized by program or State."

Similar provisions were contained in the following prior appropriation acts:

Pub. L. 114–113, div. H, title II, §220, Dec. 18, 2015, 129 Stat. 2622.

Pub. L. 113–235, div. G, title II, §218, Dec. 16, 2014, 128 Stat. 2488.

Pub. L. 113–76, div. H, title II, §218, Jan. 17, 2014, 128 Stat. 385.

Pub. L. 112–74, div. F, title II, §220(a), Dec. 23, 2011, 125 Stat. 1085.

§300u–12. Education and outreach campaign regarding preventive benefits

(a) In general

The Secretary of Health and Human Services (referred to in this section as the "Secretary") shall provide for the planning and implementation of a national public–private partnership for a prevention and health promotion outreach and education campaign to raise public awareness of health improvement across the life span. Such campaign shall include the dissemination of information that—

(1) describes the importance of utilizing preventive services to promote wellness, reduce health disparities, and mitigate chronic disease;

(2) promotes the use of preventive services recommended by the United States Preventive Services Task Force and the Community Preventive Services Task Force;

(3) encourages healthy behaviors linked to the prevention of chronic diseases;

(4) explains the preventive services covered under health plans offered through an Exchange;

(5) describes additional preventive care supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Health Resources and Services Administration, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, and other appropriate agencies; and

(6) includes general health promotion information.

(b) Consultation

In coordinating the campaign under subsection (a), the Secretary shall consult with the Institute of Medicine to provide ongoing advice on evidence-based scientific information for policy, program development, and evaluation.

(c) Media campaign

(1) In general

Not later than 1 year after March 23, 2010, the Secretary, acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall establish and implement a national science-based media campaign on health promotion and disease prevention.

(2) Requirement of campaign

The campaign implemented under paragraph (1)—

(A) shall be designed to address proper nutrition, regular exercise, smoking cessation, obesity reduction, the 5 leading disease killers in the United States, and secondary prevention through disease screening promotion;

(B) shall be carried out through competitively bid contracts awarded to entities providing for the professional production and design of such campaign;

(C) may include the use of television, radio, Internet, and other commercial marketing venues and may be targeted to specific age groups based on peer-reviewed social research;

(D) shall not be duplicative of any other Federal efforts relating to health promotion and disease prevention; and

(E) may include the use of humor and nationally recognized positive role models.

(3) Evaluation

The Secretary shall ensure that the campaign implemented under paragraph (1) is subject to an independent evaluation every 2 years and shall report every 2 years to Congress on the effectiveness of such campaigns towards meeting science-based metrics.

(d) Website

The Secretary, in consultation with private-sector experts, shall maintain or enter into a contract to maintain an Internet website to provide science-based information on guidelines for nutrition, regular exercise, obesity reduction, smoking cessation, and specific chronic disease prevention. Such website shall be designed to provide information to health care providers and consumers.

(e) Dissemination of information through providers

The Secretary, acting through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall develop and implement a plan for the dissemination of health promotion and disease prevention information consistent with national priorities, to health care providers who participate in Federal programs, including programs administered by the Indian Health Service, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Defense, and the Health Resources and Services Administration, and Medicare and Medicaid.

(f) Personalized prevention plans

(1) Contract

The Secretary, acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall enter into a contract with a qualified entity for the development and operation of a Federal Internet website personalized prevention plan tool.

(2) Use

The website developed under paragraph (1) shall be designed to be used as a source of the most up-to-date scientific evidence relating to disease prevention for use by individuals. Such website shall contain a component that enables an individual to determine their disease risk (based on personal health and family history, BMI, and other relevant information) relating to the 5 leading diseases in the United States, and obtain personalized suggestions for preventing such diseases.

(g) Internet portal

The Secretary shall establish an Internet portal for accessing risk-assessment tools developed and maintained by private and academic entities.

(h) Priority funding

Funding for the activities authorized under this section shall take priority over funding provided through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for grants to States and other entities for similar purposes and goals as provided for in this section. Not to exceed $500,000,000 shall be expended on the campaigns and activities required under this section.

(i) Public awareness of preventive and obesity-related services

(1) Information to States

The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall provide guidance and relevant information to States and health care providers regarding preventive and obesity-related services that are available to Medicaid enrollees, including obesity screening and counseling for children and adults.

(2) Information to enrollees

Each State shall design a public awareness campaign to educate Medicaid enrollees regarding availability and coverage of such services, with the goal of reducing incidences of obesity.

(3) Report

Not later than January 1, 2011, and every 3 years thereafter through January 1, 2017, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall report to Congress on the status and effectiveness of efforts under paragraphs (1) and (2), including summaries of the States' efforts to increase awareness of coverage of obesity-related services.

(j) Authorization of appropriations

There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section.

(Pub. L. 111–148, title IV, §4004, title X, §10401(c), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 544, 975.)

Editorial Notes


Section was enacted as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and not as part of the Public Health Service Act which comprises this chapter.


2010—Subsec. (a)(4). Pub. L. 111–148, §10401(c), substituted "an Exchange" for "a Gateway".

§300u–13. Community transformation grants

(a) In general

The Secretary of Health and Human Services (referred to in this section as the "Secretary"), acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (referred to in this section as the "Director"), shall award competitive grants to State and local governmental agencies and community-based organizations for the implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of evidence-based community preventive health activities in order to reduce chronic disease rates, prevent the development of secondary conditions, address health disparities, and develop a stronger evidence-base of effective prevention programming, with not less than 20 percent of such grants being awarded to rural and frontier areas.

(b) Eligibility

To be eligible to receive a grant under subsection (a), an entity shall—

(1) be—

(A) a State governmental agency;

(B) a local governmental agency;

(C) a national network of community-based organizations;

(D) a State or local non-profit organization; or

(E) an Indian tribe; and

(2) submit to the Director an application at such time, in such a manner, and containing such information as the Director may require, including a description of the program to be carried out under the grant; and

(3) demonstrate a history or capacity, if funded, to develop relationships necessary to engage key stakeholders from multiple sectors within and beyond health care and across a community, such as healthy futures corps and health care providers.

(c) Use of funds

(1) In general

An eligible entity shall use amounts received under a grant under this section to carry out programs described in this subsection.

(2) Community transformation plan

(A) In general

An eligible entity that receives a grant under this section shall submit to the Director (for approval) a detailed plan that includes the policy, environmental, programmatic, and 1 as appropriate 1 infrastructure changes needed to promote healthy living and reduce disparities.

(B) Activities

Activities within the plan may focus on (but not be limited to)—

(i) creating healthier school environments, including increasing healthy food options, physical activity opportunities, promotion of healthy lifestyle, emotional wellness, and prevention curricula, and activities to prevent chronic diseases;

(ii) creating the infrastructure to support active living and access to nutritious foods in a safe environment;

(iii) developing and promoting programs targeting a variety of age levels to increase access to nutrition, physical activity and smoking cessation, improve social and emotional wellness, enhance safety in a community, or address any other chronic disease priority area identified by the grantee;

(iv) assessing and implementing worksite wellness programming and incentives;

(v) working to highlight healthy options at restaurants and other food venues;

(vi) prioritizing strategies to reduce racial and ethnic disparities, including social, economic, and geographic determinants of health; and

(vii) addressing special populations needs, including all age groups and individuals with disabilities, and individuals in urban, rural, and frontier areas.

(3) Community-based prevention health activities

(A) In general

An eligible entity shall use amounts received under a grant under this section to implement a variety of programs, policies, and infrastructure improvements to promote healthier lifestyles.

(B) Activities

An eligible entity shall implement activities detailed in the community transformation plan under paragraph (2).

(C) In-kind support

An eligible entity may provide in-kind resources such as staff, equipment, or office space in carrying out activities under this section.

(4) Evaluation

(A) In general

An eligible entity shall use amounts provided under a grant under this section to conduct activities to measure changes in the prevalence of chronic disease risk factors among community members participating in preventive health activities 2

(B) Types of measures

In carrying out subparagraph (A), the eligible entity shall, with respect to residents in the community, measure—

(i) changes in weight;

(ii) changes in proper nutrition;

(iii) changes in physical activity;

(iv) changes in tobacco use prevalence;

(v) changes in emotional well-being and overall mental health;

(vi) other factors using community-specific data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey; and

(vii) other factors as determined by the Secretary.

(C) Reporting

An eligible entity shall annually submit to the Director a report containing an evaluation of activities carried out under the grant.

(5) Dissemination

A grantee under this section shall—

(A) meet at least annually in regional or national meetings to discuss challenges, best practices, and lessons learned with respect to activities carried out under the grant; and

(B) develop models for the replication of successful programs and activities and the mentoring of other eligible entities.

(d) Training

(1) In general

The Director shall develop a program to provide training for eligible entities on effective strategies for the prevention and control of chronic disease and the link between physical, emotional, and social well-being.

(2) Community transformation plan

The Director shall provide appropriate feedback and technical assistance to grantees to establish community transformation plans 2

(3) Evaluation

The Director shall provide a literature review and framework for the evaluation of programs conducted as part of the grant program under this section, in addition to working with academic institutions or other entities with expertise in outcome evaluation.

(e) Prohibition

A grantee shall not use funds provided under a grant under this section to create video games or to carry out any other activities that may lead to higher rates of obesity or inactivity.

(f) Authorization of appropriations

There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section, such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal year 3 2010 through 2014.

(Pub. L. 111–148, title IV, §4201, title X, §10403, Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 564, 975.)

Editorial Notes


Section was enacted as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and not as part of the Public Health Service Act which comprises this chapter.


2010—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 111–148, §10403(1), inserted ", with not less than 20 percent of such grants being awarded to rural and frontier areas" before period at end.

Subsec. (c)(2)(B)(vii). Pub. L. 111–148, §10403(2), substituted "urban, rural, and frontier areas" for "both urban and rural areas".

Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 111–148, §10403(3), substituted "each of fiscal year" for "each fiscal years".

1 So in original. Probably should be followed by a comma.

2 So in original. Probably should be followed by a period.

3 So in original. Probably should be "years".

§300u–14. Healthy aging, living well; evaluation of community-based prevention and wellness programs for Medicare beneficiaries

(a) Healthy aging, living well

(1) In general

The Secretary of Health and Human Services (referred to in this section as the "Secretary"), acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall award grants to State or local health departments and Indian tribes to carry out 5-year pilot programs to provide public health community interventions, screenings, and where necessary, clinical referrals for individuals who are between 55 and 64 years of age.

(2) Eligibility

To be eligible to receive a grant under paragraph (1), an entity shall—

(A) be—

(i) a State health department;

(ii) a local health department; or

(iii) an Indian tribe;

(B) submit to the Secretary an application at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require including a description of the program to be carried out under the grant;

(C) design a strategy for improving the health of the 55-to-64 year-old population through community-based public health interventions; and

(D) demonstrate the capacity, if funded, to develop the relationships necessary with relevant health agencies, health care providers, community-based organizations, and insurers to carry out the activities described in paragraph (3), such relationships to include the identification of a community-based clinical partner, such as a community health center or rural health clinic.

(3) Use of funds

(A) In general

A State or local health department shall use amounts received under a grant under this subsection to carry out a program to provide the services described in this paragraph to individuals who are between 55 and 64 years of age.

(B) Public health interventions

(i) In general

In developing and implementing such activities, a grantee shall collaborate with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Administration on Aging, and relevant local agencies and organizations.

(ii) Types of intervention activities

Intervention activities conducted under this subparagraph may include efforts to improve nutrition, increase physical activity, reduce tobacco use and substance abuse, improve mental health, and promote healthy lifestyles among the target population.

(C) Community preventive screenings

(i) In general

In addition to community-wide public health interventions, a State or local health department shall use amounts received under a grant under this subsection to conduct ongoing health screening to identify risk factors for cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes among individuals in both urban and rural areas who are between 55 and 64 years of age.

(ii) Types of screening activities

Screening activities conducted under this subparagraph may include—

(I) mental health/behavioral health and substance use disorders;

(II) physical activity, smoking, and nutrition; and

(III) any other measures deemed appropriate by the Secretary.

(iii) Monitoring

Grantees under this section shall maintain records of screening results under this subparagraph to establish the baseline data for monitoring the targeted population 1

(D) Clinical referral/treatment for chronic diseases

(i) In general

A State or local health department shall use amounts received under a grant under this subsection to ensure that individuals between 55 and 64 years of age who are found to have chronic disease risk factors through the screening activities described in subparagraph (C)(ii), receive clinical referral/treatment for follow-up services to reduce such risk.

(ii) Mechanism

(I) Identification and determination of status

With respect to each individual with risk factors for or having heart disease, stroke, diabetes, or any other condition for which such individual was screened under subparagraph (C), a grantee under this section shall determine whether or not such individual is covered under any public or private health insurance program.

(II) Insured individuals

An individual determined to be covered under a health insurance program under subclause (I) shall be referred by the grantee to the existing providers under such program or, if such individual does not have a current provider, to a provider who is in-network with respect to the program involved.

(III) Uninsured individuals

With respect to an individual determined to be uninsured under subclause (I), the grantee's community-based clinical partner described in paragraph (4)(D) 2 shall assist the individual in determining eligibility for available public coverage options and identify other appropriate community health care resources and assistance programs.

(iii) Public health intervention program

A State or local health department shall use amounts received under a grant under this subsection to enter into contracts with community health centers or rural health clinics and mental health and substance use disorder service providers to assist in the referral/treatment of at risk patients to community resources for clinical follow-up and help determine eligibility for other public programs.

(E) Grantee evaluation

An eligible entity shall use amounts provided under a grant under this subsection to conduct activities to measure changes in the prevalence of chronic disease risk factors among participants.

(4) Pilot program evaluation

The Secretary shall conduct an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of the pilot program under this subsection. In determining such effectiveness, the Secretary shall consider changes in the prevalence of uncontrolled chronic disease risk factors among new Medicare enrollees (or individuals nearing enrollment, including those who are 63 and 64 years of age) who reside in States or localities receiving grants under this section as compared with national and historical data for those States and localities for the same population.

(5) Authorization of appropriations

There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subsection, such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal years 2010 through 2014.

(b) Evaluation and plan for community-based prevention and wellness programs for Medicare beneficiaries

(1) In general

The Secretary shall conduct an evaluation of community-based prevention and wellness programs and develop a plan for promoting healthy lifestyles and chronic disease self-management for Medicare beneficiaries.

(2) Medicare evaluation of prevention and wellness programs

(A) In general

The Secretary shall evaluate community prevention and wellness programs including those that are sponsored by the Administration on Aging, are evidence-based, and have demonstrated potential to help Medicare beneficiaries (particularly beneficiaries that have attained 65 years of age) reduce their risk of disease, disability, and injury by making healthy lifestyle choices, including exercise, diet, and self-management of chronic diseases.

(B) Evaluation

The evaluation under subparagraph (A) shall consist of the following:

(i) Evidence review

The Secretary shall review available evidence, literature, best practices, and resources that are relevant to programs that promote healthy lifestyles and reduce risk factors for the Medicare population. The Secretary may determine the scope of the evidence review and such issues to be considered, which shall include, at a minimum—

(I) physical activity, nutrition, and obesity;

(II) falls;

(III) chronic disease self-management; and

(IV) mental health.

(ii) Independent evaluation of evidence-based community prevention and wellness programs

The Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, in consultation with the Assistant Secretary for Aging, shall, to the extent feasible and practicable, conduct an evaluation of existing community prevention and wellness programs that are sponsored by the Administration on Aging to assess the extent to which Medicare beneficiaries who participate in such programs—

(I) reduce their health risks, improve their health outcomes, and adopt and maintain healthy behaviors;

(II) improve their ability to manage their chronic conditions; and

(III) reduce their utilization of health services and associated costs under the Medicare program for conditions that are amenable to improvement under such programs.

(3) Report

Not later than September 30, 2013, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that includes—

(A) recommendations for such legislation and administrative action as the Secretary determines appropriate to promote healthy lifestyles and chronic disease self-management for Medicare beneficiaries;

(B) any relevant findings relating to the evidence review under paragraph (2)(B)(i); and

(C) the results of the evaluation under paragraph (2)(B)(ii).

(4) Funding

For purposes of carrying out this subsection, the Secretary shall provide for the transfer, from the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund under section 1817 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395i) and the Federal Supplemental 3 Medical Insurance Trust Fund under section 1841 of such Act (42 U.S.C. 1395t), in such proportion as the Secretary determines appropriate, of $50,000,000 to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Program Management Account. Amounts transferred under the preceding sentence shall remain available until expended.

(5) Administration

Chapter 35 of title 44 shall not apply to the 4 this subsection.

(6) Medicare beneficiary

In this subsection, the term "Medicare beneficiary" means an individual who is entitled to benefits under part A of title XVIII of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 1395c et seq.] and enrolled under part B of such title [42 U.S.C. 1395j et seq.].

(Pub. L. 111–148, title IV, §4202, Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 566.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The Social Security Act, referred to in subsec. (b)(6), is act Aug. 14, 1935, ch. 531, 49 Stat. 620. Parts A and B of title XVIII of the Act are classified generally to parts A (§1395c et seq.) and B (§1395j et seq.), respectively, of subchapter XVIII of chapter 7 of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see section 1305 of this title and Tables.


Section was enacted as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and not as part of the Public Health Service Act which comprises this chapter.

1 So in original. Probably should be followed by a period.

2 So in original. Paragraph (4) does not contain subpars.

3 So in original. Probably should be "Supplementary".

4 So in original. The word "the" probably should not appear.

§300u–15. Research on optimizing the delivery of public health services

(a) In general

The Secretary of Health and Human Services (referred to in this section as the "Secretary"), acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall provide funding for research in the area of public health services and systems.

(b) Requirements of research

Research supported under this section shall include—

(1) examining evidence-based practices relating to prevention, with a particular focus on high priority areas as identified by the Secretary in the National Prevention Strategy or Healthy People 2020, and including comparing community-based public health interventions in terms of effectiveness and cost;

(2) analyzing the translation of interventions from academic settings to real world settings; and

(3) identifying effective strategies for organizing, financing, or delivering public health services in real world community settings, including comparing State and local health department structures and systems in terms of effectiveness and cost.

(c) Existing partnerships

Research supported under this section shall be coordinated with the Community Preventive Services Task Force and carried out by building on existing partnerships within the Federal Government while also considering initiatives at the State and local levels and in the private sector.

(d) Annual report

The Secretary shall, on an annual basis, submit to Congress a report concerning the activities and findings with respect to research supported under this section.

(Pub. L. 111–148, title IV, §4301, Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 578.)

Editorial Notes


Section was enacted as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and not as part of the Public Health Service Act which comprises this chapter.

§300u–16. Establishment of substance use disorder information dashboard

(a) In general

Not later than 6 months after October 24, 2018, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall, in consultation with the Director of National Drug Control Policy, establish and periodically update, on the Internet website of the Department of Health and Human Services, a public information dashboard that—

(1) provides links to information on programs within the Department of Health and Human Services related to the reduction of opioid and other substance use disorders;

(2) provides access, to the extent practicable and appropriate, to publicly available data, which may include data from agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services and—

(A) other Federal agencies;

(B) State, local, and Tribal governments;

(C) nonprofit organizations;

(D) law enforcement;

(E) medical experts;

(F) public health educators; and

(G) research institutions regarding prevention, treatment, recovery, and other services for opioid and other substance use disorders;

(3) provides data on substance use disorder prevention and treatment strategies in different regions of and populations in the United States;

(4) identifies information on alternatives to controlled substances for pain management, such as approaches studied by the National Institutes of Health Pain Consortium, the National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health, and other institutes and centers at the National Institutes of Health, as appropriate; and

(5) identifies guidelines and best practices for health care providers regarding treatment of substance use disorders.

(b) Controlled substance defined

In this section, the term "controlled substance" has the meaning given that term in section 802 of title 21.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XVII, §1711, as added Pub. L. 115–271, title VII, §7021, Oct. 24, 2018, 132 Stat. 4009.)

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

National Milestones To Measure Success in Curtailing the Opioid Crisis

Pub. L. 115–271, title VII, §7023, Oct. 24, 2018, 132 Stat. 4012, provided that:

"(a) In General.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 24, 2018], the Secretary of Health and Human Services (referred to in this section as the 'Secretary'), in coordination with the Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, shall develop or identify existing national indicators (referred to in this section as the 'national milestones') to measure success in curtailing the opioid crisis, with the goal of significantly reversing the incidence and prevalence of opioid misuse and abuse, and opioid-related morbidity and mortality in the United States within 5 years of such date of enactment.

"(b) National Milestones to End the Opioid Crisis.—The national milestones under subsection (a) shall include the following:

"(1) Not fewer than 10 indicators or metrics to accurately and expediently measure progress in meeting the goal described in subsection (a), which shall, as appropriate, include, indicators or metrics related to—

"(A) the number of fatal and non-fatal opioid overdoses;

"(B) the number of emergency room visits related to opioid misuse and abuse;

"(C) the number of individuals in sustained recovery from opioid use disorder;

"(D) the number of infections associated with illicit drug use, such as HIV, viral hepatitis, and infective endocarditis, and available capacity for treating such infections;

"(E) the number of providers prescribing medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorders, including in primary care settings, community health centers, jails, and prisons;

"(F) the number of individuals receiving treatment for opioid use disorder; and

"(G) additional indicators or metrics, as appropriate, such as metrics pertaining to specific populations, including women and children, American Indians and Alaskan Natives, individuals living in rural and non-urban areas, and justice-involved populations, that would further clarify the progress made in addressing the opioid crisis.

"(2) A reasonable goal, such as a percentage decrease or other specified metric, that signifies progress in meeting the goal described in subsection (a), and annual targets to help achieve that goal.

"(c) Consideration of Other Substance Use Disorders.—In developing the national milestones under subsection (b), the Secretary shall, as appropriate, consider other substance use disorders in addition to opioid use disorder.

"(d) Extension of Period.—If the Secretary determines that the goal described in subsection (a) will not be achieved with respect to any indicator or metric established under subsection (b)(2) within 5 years of the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary may extend the timeline for meeting such goal with respect to that indicator or metric. The Secretary shall include with any such extension a rationale for why additional time is needed and information on whether significant changes are needed in order to achieve such goal with respect to the indicator or metric.

"(e) Annual Status Update.—Not later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall make available on the Internet website of the Department of Health and Human Services, and submit to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives, an update on the progress, including expected progress in the subsequent year, in achieving the goals detailed in the national milestones. Each such update shall include the progress made in the first year or since the previous report, as applicable, in meeting each indicator or metric in the national milestones."