§1531. Transfers of functions and activities
(a) The balance of an appropriation available and necessary to finance or discharge a function or activity transferred or assigned under law within an executive agency or from one executive agency to another may be transferred to and used—
(1) by the organizational unit or agency to which the function or activity was transferred or assigned; and
(2) for a purpose for which the appropriation was originally available.
(b) The head of the executive agency determines the amount that, with the approval of the President, is necessary to be transferred when the transfer or assignment of the function or activity is within the agency. The President determines the amount necessary to be transferred when the transfer or assignment of the function or activity is from one executive agency to another.
(c) A balance transferred under this section is—
(1) credited to an applicable existing or new appropriation account;
(2) merged with the amount in an account to which the balance is credited; and
(3) with the amount with which the balance is merged, accounted for as one amount.
(d) New appropriation accounts may be established to carry out subsection (c)(1) of this section.
Revised Section | Source (U.S. Code) | Source (Statutes at Large) |
1531(a), (b) | 31:581c(a)(1st sentence), (b)(1st sentence). | Sept. 12, 1950, ch. 946, §202, |
1531(c), (d) | 31:581c(a)(last sentence), (b)(last sentence). |
In subsections (a) and (b), the defined term "executive agency" in section 102 of the revised title is substituted for "department or establishment" for consistency and clarity.
In subsection (a), the words "organizational unit or agency" are substituted for "agency", and the word "appropriation" is substituted for "said funds", for consistency and clarity.
Subsection (d) is substituted for "which are hereby authorized to be established" because of the restatement.
Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries
Prohibition on Transfer of Funds to Other Departments and Agencies
§1532. Withdrawal and credit
An amount available under law may be withdrawn from one appropriation account and credited to another or to a working fund only when authorized by law. Except as specifically provided by law, an amount authorized to be withdrawn and credited is available for the same purpose and subject to the same limitations provided by the law appropriating the amount. A withdrawal and credit is made by check and without a warrant.
Revised Section | Source (U.S. Code) | Source (Statutes at Large) |
1532 | 31:628–1. | Sept. 6, 1950, ch. 896, §1210(less last proviso), |
The word "limitations" is substituted for "limitations, conditions, and restrictions" to eliminate unnecessary words.
§1533. Transfers of appropriations for salaries and expenses to carry out national defense responsibilities
An appropriation of an executive agency for salaries and expenses is available to carry out national defense responsibilities assigned to the agency under law. A transfer necessary to carry out this section may be made between appropriations or allocations within the executive agency. An allocation may not be made to an executive agency that can carry out with its regular personnel a defense activity assigned to it by using the authority of this section to realign its regular programs.
Revised Section | Source (U.S. Code) | Source (Statutes at Large) |
1533 | 31:697. | June 2, 1951, ch. 121, ch. XI(proviso immediately before heading "Independent Offices"), |
The words "executive agency" are substituted for "department, agency, or corporation, in the executive branch of the Government" because of section 102 of the revised title. The words "authority of this section" are substituted for "foregoing authority" for clarity.
§1534. Adjustments between appropriations
(a) An appropriation available to an agency may be charged at any time during a fiscal year for the benefit of another appropriation available to the agency to pay costs—
(1) when amounts are available in both the appropriation to be charged and the appropriation to be benefited; and
(2) subject to limitations applicable to the appropriations.
(b) Amounts paid under this section are charged on a final basis during, or as of the close of, the fiscal year to the appropriation benefited. The appropriation charged under subsection (a) of this section shall be appropriately credited.
Revised Section | Source (U.S. Code) | Source (Statutes at Large) |
1534(a) | 31:628a(1st sentence). | June 29, 1966, |
1534(b) | 31:628a(last sentence). |
In subsection (a), the words "Subject to limitations applicable with respect to each appropriation concerned" are omitted as surplus. The words "or any bureau or office thereof" are omitted as being included in "agency". The words "to pay costs" are substituted for "for the purpose of financing the procurement of materials and services, or financing other costs" to eliminate unnecessary words.
In subsection (b), the words "amounts paid under this section" are substituted for "such expenses so financed", and the words "appropriations charged under subsection (a) of this section" are substituted for "financing appropriation", for clarity.
§1535. Agency agreements
(a) The head of an agency or major organizational unit within an agency may place an order with a major organizational unit within the same agency or another agency for goods or services if—
(1) amounts are available;
(2) the head of the ordering agency or unit decides the order is in the best interest of the United States Government;
(3) the agency or unit to fill the order is able to provide or get by contract the ordered goods or services; and
(4) the head of the agency decides ordered goods or services cannot be provided by contract as conveniently or cheaply by a commercial enterprise.
(b) Payment shall be made promptly by check on the written request of the agency or unit filling the order. Payment may be in advance or on providing the goods or services ordered and shall be for any part of the estimated or actual cost as determined by the agency or unit filling the order. A bill submitted or a request for payment is not subject to audit or certification in advance of payment. Proper adjustment of amounts paid in advance shall be made as agreed to by the heads of the agencies or units on the basis of the actual cost of goods or services provided.
(c) A condition or limitation applicable to amounts for procurement of an agency or unit placing an order or making a contract under this section applies to the placing of the order or the making of the contract.
(d) An order placed or agreement made under this section obligates an appropriation of the ordering agency or unit. The amount obligated is deobligated to the extent that the agency or unit filling the order has not incurred obligations, before the end of the period of availability of the appropriation, in—
(1) providing goods or services; or
(2) making an authorized contract with another person to provide the requested goods or services.
(e) This section does not—
(1) authorize orders to be placed for goods or services to be provided by convict labor; or
(2) affect other laws about working funds.
In the section, the word "agency" is substituted for "executive department or independent establishment of the Government" for clarity. See 12 Comp. Gen. 442 (1932) and United States v. Mitchell, 425 F. Supp. 917 (D.D.C. 1976). The words "major organizational unit" or "unit" are substituted for "bureau or office" for consistency in the revised title. The words "to fill the order" or "filling the order" are substituted for "such requisitioned" and "as may be requisitioned" for clarity and because of the restatement. The words "goods or services" are substituted for "materials, supplies, equipment, work, or services" to eliminate unnecessary words.
In subsection (a)(4), the words "the head of the agency decides" are added, and the words "commercial enterprise" are substituted for "private agencies", for clarity. The words "by competitive bids" are omitted as surplus because of various procurement laws.
In subsection (b), the words "The Secretary of Defense" are added for clarity because of Comptroller General decision B–20179 (Apr. 1, 1981). The words "a military department of the Department of Defense" are substituted for "the Department of the Army, Navy Department" for consistency with title 10 and to apply the source provisions to the Department of the Air Force because of sections 205(a) and 207(a) and (f) of the Act of July 26, 1947 (ch. 343,
In subsection (c), the words "pursuant to such order" are omitted as unnecessary.
Subsection (d) is substituted for the source provisions being restated to reflect decisions of the Comptroller General, including 31 Comp. Gen. 83 (1951), 34 Comp. Gen. 418 (1955), 39 Comp. Gen. 317 (1959), and 55 Comp. Gen. 1497 (1976).
In subsection (e), the words "any Government department or independent establishment, or any bureau or office thereof" and "except as otherwise provided by law" are omitted as unnecessary because of the restatement. The text of 31:686b(a) is omitted as executed.
Revised Section | Source (U.S. Code) | Source (Statutes at Large) |
1535(a) | 31 App.:686(a) (1st sentence words before 15th comma, proviso) | May 21, 1920, ch. 194, §7(a) (1st, 2d sentences), |
1535(b) | 31 App.:686(a) (1st sentence words between 15th comma and proviso, 2d sentence) | |
1535(c) | 31 App.:686(a) (last sentence) | May 21, 1920, ch. 194, |
Editorial Notes
1984—Subsec. (a)(3).
Subsec. (a)(4).
Subsecs. (b), (c).
Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries
Preventing Abuse of Interagency Contracts
"(A) submit to Congress a comprehensive report on interagency acquisitions, including their frequency of use, management controls, cost-effectiveness, and savings generated; and
"(B) issue guidelines to assist the heads of executive agencies in improving the management of interagency acquisitions.
"(A) Procedures for the use of interagency acquisitions to maximize competition, deliver best value to executive agencies, and minimize waste, fraud, and abuse.
"(B) Categories of contracting inappropriate for interagency acquisition.
"(C) Requirements for training acquisition workforce personnel in the proper use of interagency acquisitions.
"(A) all interagency assisted acquisitions include a written agreement between the requesting agency and the servicing agency assigning responsibility for the administration and management of the contract; and
"(B) all interagency assisted acquisitions include sufficient documentation to ensure an adequate audit.
"(1) The term 'executive agency' has the meaning given such term in section 4(1) of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act ([former] 41 U.S.C. 403(1)) [see
"(2) The term 'head of executive agency' means the head of an executive agency except that, in the case of a military department, the term means the Secretary of Defense.
"(3) The term 'interagency acquisition' means a procedure by which an executive agency needing supplies or services (the requesting agency) obtains them from another executive agency (the servicing agency). The term includes acquisitions under
"(4) The term 'multi-agency contract' means a task or delivery order contract established for use by more than one executive agency to obtain supplies and services, consistent with
Review and Enhancement of Existing Authorities for Using Air Force and Air National Guard Modular Airborne Fire-Fighting Systems and Other Department of Defense Assets To Fight Wildfires
"(1) any adverse impact caused by the restrictions contained in
"(2) whether the authorities under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (
"(1) containing the results of the review conducted under subsection (a) and the determination made under subsection (b); and
"(2) based on such determination, describing the modifications proposed to be made to existing authorities under subsection (c) or (d), including whether there is a need for legislative changes to further improve the procedures for using Department of Defense assets to fight wildfires.
"(A) conduct a second review under subsection (a) and make a second determination under subsection (b); and
"(B) submit to Congress a report that includes—
"(i) the results of the second review and second determination required by subparagraph (A); and
"(ii) a description, based on such second determination, of any new modifications proposed to be made to existing authorities under subsection (c) or (d), including whether there is a need for legislative changes to further improve the procedures for using Department of Defense assets to fight wildfires.
"(2) Pursuant to the second determination under subsection (b) required by paragraph (1)(A), the Director shall develop and implement such modifications, regulations, policies, and interagency procedures as the Director determines appropriate pursuant to subsections (c) and (d). Any such modification, regulation, policy, or interagency procedure shall not take effect until the end of the 30-day period beginning on the date on which the report is submitted to Congress under paragraph (1)(B)."
Placement of Orders by Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives
Economy Act Purchases
Department of Defense Purchases Through Other Agencies
Acquisition of Goods, Services, or Space by Secretary of Senate and Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate
"(1) The Secretary of the Senate and the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate are authorized to acquire goods, services, or space from government agencies and units by agreement under the provisions of the Economy Act,
"(2) No advance payment may be made under paragraph (1) unless specifically provided for in the agreement. No agreement providing for advance payment may be entered into unless it contains a provision requiring the refund of any unobligated balance of the advance.
"(3) Agreement under paragraph (1) shall be in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate."
§1536. Crediting payments from purchases between executive agencies
(a) An advance payment made on an order under
(b) An amount paid under
(1) another law authorizes the amount to be credited to some other appropriation or fund; or
(2) the head of the executive agency filling the order decides that replacement is not necessary, in which case, the amount received is deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts.
(c) This section does not affect other laws about working funds.
Revised Section | Source (U.S. Code) | Source (Statutes at Large) |
1536(a) | 31:686(b)(1st, 2d sentences). | May 21, 1920, ch. 194, §7(b), |
1536(b) | 31:686(b)(3d, last sentences). | |
1536(c) | 31:686b(c)(related to 31:686). | June 30, 1932, ch. 314, §602(c)(related to §601), |
In subsection (b), the words "providing goods or services" are substituted for "furnishing the materials, supplies, or equipment, or in performing the work or services" to eliminate unnecessary words.
§1537. Services between the United States Government and the District of Columbia government
(a) To prevent duplication and to promote efficiency and economy, an officer or employee of—
(1) the United States Government may provide services to the District of Columbia government; and
(2) the District of Columbia government may provide services to the United States Government.
(b)(1) Services under this section shall be provided under an agreement—
(A) negotiated by officers and employees of the 2 governments; and
(B) approved by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and the Mayor of the District of Columbia.
(2) Each agreement shall provide that the cost of providing the services shall be borne in the way provided in subsection (c) of this section by the government to which the services are provided at rates or charges based on the actual cost of providing the services.
(3) To carry out an agreement made under this subsection, the agreement may provide for the delegation of duties and powers of officers and employees of—
(A) the District of Columbia government to officers and employees of the United States Government; and
(B) the United States Government to officers and employees of the District of Columbia government.
(c) In providing services under an agreement made under subsection (b) of this section—
(1) costs incurred by the United States Government may be paid from appropriations available to the District of Columbia government officer or employee to whom the services were provided; and
(2) costs incurred by the District of Columbia government may be paid from amounts available to the United States Government officer or employee to whom the services were provided.
(d) When requested by the Director of the United States Secret Service, the Chief of the Metropolitan Police shall assist the Secret Service and the Secret Service Uniformed Division on a non-reimbursable basis in carrying out their protective duties under
Revised Section | Source (U.S. Code) | Source (Statutes at Large) |
1537(a) | 31:685a(a)(1st sentence). | Dec. 24, 1973, |
1537(b) | 31:685a(a)(2d, last sentences), (b). | |
1537(c) | 31:685a(c)(less last sentence words after last comma). | |
1537(d) | 31:685a(c)(last sentence words after last comma). |
In the section, the words "District of Columbia" are substituted for "District" for clarity and consistency.
In subsection (a), the word "duplication" is substituted for "duplication of effort" to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "officer or employee of the United States Government" are substituted for "any Federal officer or agency", and the words "officer or employee of the District of Columbia government" are substituted for "any District officer or agency", for consistency.
In subsection (b)(1), before clause (A), the words "Except where the terms and conditions governing the furnishing of such services are prescribed by other provisions of law" are omitted as surplus. In clause (A), the words "officers and employees of the 2 governments" are substituted for "Federal and District authorities" for consistency. In clause (B), the words "of the District of Columbia" are added for clarity.
In subsection (b)(3), before clause (A), the words "duties and powers" are substituted for "functions" for consistency in the revised title and with other titles of the United States Code. The text of 31:685a(b)(last sentence) is omitted as surplus.
In subsection (c)(1), the words "United States Government" are substituted for "each Federal officer and agency" for clarity.
In subsection (c)(2), the words "District of Columbia government" are substituted for "each District officer and agency" for consistency.
Editorial Notes
2006—Subsec. (d).
Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries
Transfer of Functions
For transfer of the functions, personnel, assets, and obligations of the United States Secret Service, including the functions of the Secretary of the Treasury relating thereto, to the Secretary of Homeland Security, and for treatment of related references, see