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§290i. Acceptance of membership

The President is hereby authorized to accept membership for the United States in the African Development Bank (hereinafter in this subchapter referred to as the "Bank") provided for by the agreement establishing the Bank (hereinafter in this subchapter referred to as the "agreement") deposited in the archives of the United Nations.

(Pub. L. 97–35, title XIII, §1332, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 741.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

This subchapter, referred to in text, was in the original "this part", meaning part 3 of subtitle B of title XIII of Pub. L. 97–35, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 741, known as the African Development Bank Act, which enacted this subchapter and amended sections 262d, 262f, and 276c–2 of this title and section 24 of Title 12, Banks and Banking. For complete classification of part 3 to the Code, see Short Title note set out below and Tables.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date

Pub. L. 97–35, title XIII, §1372, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 746, provided that: "This subtitle [subtitle B (§§1311–1372) of title XIII of Pub. L. 97–35, enacting this subchapter and sections 262g–1 to 262g–3, 283z–2, 284o, 285w, and 286e–1h of this title, amending sections 262d, 262f, 262g, 276c–2, 283w, 283z–1, 285s, 285t, 285u, 286e–1f, and 286u of this title and section 24 of Title 12, Banks and Banking, repealing section 286e–10 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 262c, 262g–2, and 290i of this title] shall take effect upon its enactment [Aug. 13, 1981], except that funds authorized to be appropriated by any provision contained in part 1 [enacting section 286e–1h of this title and amending section 286e–1f of this title] or part 4 [enacting sections 283z–2 and 285w of this title and amending sections 283w, 283z–1, 285s, 285t, and 285u of this title] shall not be available for use or obligation prior to October 1, 1981."

Short Title

Pub. L. 97–35, title XIII, §1331, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 741, provided that: "This part [part 3 (§§1331–1342) of subtitle B of title XIII of Pub. L. 97–35, enacting this subchapter and amending sections 262d, 262f, and 276c–2 of this title and section 24 of Title 12, Banks and Banking] may be cited as the 'African Development Bank Act'."

§290i–1. Governor and Alternate Governor

(a) Appointment

The President shall appoint a Governor and an Alternate Governor of the Bank—

(1) by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; or

(2) from among individuals serving as officials required by law to be appointed by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

(b) Term; termination and reappointment

The term of office for the Governor and the Alternate Governor shall be five years, subject at any time to termination of appointment or to reappointment. The Governor and Alternate Governor shall remain in office until a successor has been appointed.

(c) Compensation and expenses

No person shall be entitled to receive any salary or other compensation from the United States for services as a Governor or Alternate Governor, except for reasonable expenses to attend meetings of the Board of Governors.

(d) Voting

The Governor, or in the Governor's absence the Alternate Governor, on the instructions of the President, shall cast the votes of the United States for the Director to represent the United States in the Bank.

(Pub. L. 97–35, title XIII, §1333, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 741; Pub. L. 101–513, title V, §562(b)(3), Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 2034; Pub. L. 112–166, §2(z)(1), Aug. 10, 2012, 126 Stat. 1289.)

Editorial Notes


2012Pub. L. 112–166 substituted "The President shall appoint a Governor and an Alternate Governor of the Bank—" and pars. (1) and (2) for "The President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint a Governor, an Alternate Governor, and a Director of the Bank." in subsec. (a), redesignated second and third sentences of subsec. (a) as (b), and redesignated former subsecs. (b) and (c) as (c) and (d), respectively.

1990—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 101–513 substituted "Governor, an Alternate Governor, and a Director" for "Governor and an Alternate Governor".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 2012 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 112–166 effective 60 days after Aug. 10, 2012, and applicable to appointments made on and after that effective date, including any nomination pending in the Senate on that date, see section 6(a) of Pub. L. 112–166, set out as a note under section 113 of Title 6, Domestic Security.

Executive Documents

Delegation of Functions

Functions of President under subsec. (c) delegated to Secretary of the Treasury, see Ex. Ord. No. 12403, Feb. 8, 1983, 48 F.R. 6087.

§290i–2. Director or Alternate Director; allowances

(a) The President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint a Director of the Bank.

(b) The Director or Alternate Director representing the United States, if citizens of the United States, may, in the discretion of the President, receive such compensation, allowances, and other benefits as, together with those received from the Bank and from the African Development Fund, may not exceed those authorized for a chief of mission under the Foreign Service Act of 1980 [22 U.S.C. 3901 et seq.].

(Pub. L. 97–35, title XIII, §1334, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 741; Pub. L. 112–166, §2(z)(2), Aug. 10, 2012, 126 Stat. 1289.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The Foreign Service Act of 1980, referred to in text, is Pub. L. 96–465, Oct. 17, 1980, 94 Stat. 2071, which is classified principally to chapter 52 (§3901 et seq.) of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 3901 of this title and Tables.


2012Pub. L. 112–166 added subsec. (a) and designated existing provisions as subsec. (b).

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 2012 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 112–166 effective 60 days after Aug. 10, 2012, and applicable to appointments made on and after that effective date, including any nomination pending in the Senate on that date, see section 6(a) of Pub. L. 112–166, set out as a note under section 113 of Title 6, Domestic Security.

Executive Documents

Delegation of Functions

Functions of President under this section delegated to Secretary of the Treasury, see Ex. Ord. No. 12403, Feb. 8, 1983, 48 F.R. 6087.

§290i–3. Applicability of Bretton Woods Agreements Act

The provisions of section 4 of the Bretton Woods Agreements Act (22 U.S.C. 286b) shall apply with respect to the Bank to the same extent as with respect to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Monetary Fund.

(Pub. L. 97–35, title XIII, §1335, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 741; Pub. L. 101–240, title V, §541(e)(7), Dec. 19, 1989, 103 Stat. 2519.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The Bretton Woods Agreements Act, referred to in section catchline, is act July 31, 1945, ch. 339, 59 Stat. 512, which is classified principally to subchapter XV (§286 et seq.) of this chapter. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 286 of this title and Tables.


1989Pub. L. 101–240 struck out at end "Reports with respect to the Bank under paragraphs (5) and (6) of section 4 of that Act shall be included in the first and subsequent reports made thereunder after the United States accepts membership in the Bank."

§290i–4. Restrictions

(a) 1 Unless authorized by law, neither the President, nor any person or agency, shall, on behalf of the United States—

(1) subscribe to additional shares of stock of the Bank;

(2) vote for or agree to any amendment of the agreement which increases the obligations of the United States, or which changes the purpose or functions of the Bank; or

(3) make a loan or provide other financing to the Bank, except that funds for technical assistance may be provided to the Bank by a United States agency created pursuant to an Act of Congress which is authorized by law to provide funds to international organizations.

(Pub. L. 97–35, title XIII, §1336, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 742.)

1 So in original. No subsec. (b) has been enacted.

§290i–5. Federal Reserve banks as depositories

Any Federal Reserve bank which is requested to do so by the Bank shall act as its depository or as its fiscal agent, and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System shall supervise and direct the carrying out of these functions by the Federal Reserve banks.

(Pub. L. 97–35, title XIII, §1337, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 742.)

§290i–6. Subscription to stock

(a) Authorization of United States subscription to stock

The President is authorized to agree to subscribe on behalf of the United States to twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and twenty shares of the capital stock of the Bank: Provided, however, That the subscription shall be effective only to such extent or in such amounts as are provided in advance in appropriations Acts.

(b) Authorization of appropriations

There is authorized to be appropriated, without fiscal year limitation, for payment by the Secretary of the Treasury of the initial United States subscription to twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and twenty shares of the capital stock of the Bank, $359,733,570: Provided, however, That not more than $17,986,679 of such sum may be made available for paid in subscriptions to the Bank for each of the fiscal years 1982, 1983, and 1984.

(c) Distributions by Bank

Any payment or distributions of moneys from the Bank to the United States shall be covered into the Treasury as a miscellaneous receipt.

(Pub. L. 97–35, title XIII, §1338, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 742.)

Executive Documents

Delegation of Functions

Functions of President under subsec. (a) delegated to Secretary of the Treasury, see Ex. Ord. No. 12403, Feb. 8, 1983, 48 F.R. 6087.

§290i–7. Jurisdiction of United States courts

For the purposes of any civil action which may be brought within the United States, its territories or possessions, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, by or against the Bank in accordance with the agreement, the Bank shall be deemed to be an inhabitant of the Federal judicial district in which its principal office within the United States or its agent appointed for the purpose of accepting service or notice of service is located, and any such action to which the Bank shall be a party shall be deemed to arise under the laws of the United States, and the district courts of the United States, including the courts enumerated in section 460 of title 28, shall have original jurisdiction of any such action. When the Bank is defendant in any action in a State court, it may at any time before the trial thereof remove the action into the appropriate district court of the United States by following the procedure for removal provided in section 1446 of title 28.

(Pub. L. 97–35, title XIII, §1339, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 742.)

§290i–8. Force and effect of agreement

Paragraph 5 of article 49, articles 50 through 59, and the other provisions of the agreement shall have full force and effect in the United States, its territories and possessions, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, upon acceptance of membership by the United States in the Bank. The President, at the time of deposit of the instrument of acceptance of membership by the United States in the Bank, shall also deposit a declaration as provided in article 64, paragraph 3, of the agreement that the United States retains for itself and its political subdivisions the right to tax salaries and emoluments paid by the Bank to United States citizens or nationals.

(Pub. L. 97–35, title XIII, §1340, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 743.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The agreement, referred to in text, is the agreement establishing the African Development Bank. See section 290i of this title.

§290i–9. Securities issued by Bank; Securities and Exchange Commission oversight

(a) Treatment as exempt securities; reports to Securities and Exchange Commission

Any securities issued by the Bank (including any guarantee by the Bank, whether or not limited in scope) in connection with the raising of funds for inclusion in the Bank's ordinary capital resources as defined in article 9 of the agreement and any securities guaranteed by the Bank as to both principal and interest to which the commitment in article 7, paragraph 4(a), of the agreement is expressly applicable, shall be deemed to be exempted securities within the meaning of sections 77c(a)(2) and 78c(a)(12) of title 15. The Bank shall file with the Securities and Exchange Commission such annual and other reports with regard to such securities as the Commission shall determine to be appropriate in view of the special character of the Bank and its operations as necessary in the public interest or for the protection of investors.

(b) Suspension of provisions; reports to Congress

The Securities and Exchange Commission, acting in consultation with such agency or officer as the President shall designate, is authorized to suspend the provisions of subsection (a) at any time as to any or all securities issued or guaranteed by the Bank during the period of such suspension. The Commission shall include in its annual reports to Congress such information as it shall deem advisable with regard to the operations and effect of this section and in connection therewith shall include any views submitted for such purpose by any association of dealers registered with the Commission.

(Pub. L. 97–35, title XIII, §1341, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 743.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The agreement, referred to in subsec. (a), is the agreement establishing the African Development Bank. See section 290i of this title.

Executive Documents

Delegation of Functions

Functions of President under subsec. (b) delegated to Secretary of the Treasury, see Ex. Ord. No. 12403, Feb. 8, 1983, 48 F.R. 6087.

§290i–10. Authorization of United States subscription to stock; authorization of appropriations

(a) The United States Governor of the Bank is authorized to agree to subscribe on behalf of the United States to fifty-nine thousand, six hundred and thirty-two shares of the capital stock of the Bank, except that the subscription shall be effective only to such extent or in such amounts as are provided in advance in appropriations Acts.

(b) In order to pay for the United States subscription authorized in subsection (a), there are authorized to be appropriated, without fiscal year limitation, $719,370,633, for payment by the Secretary of the Treasury.

(Pub. L. 97–35, title XIII, §1343, as added Pub. L. 100–202, §101(e) [title I], Dec. 22, 1987, 101 Stat. 1329–131, 1329-134.)

Editorial Notes


Section 1343 of Pub. L. 97–35 is based on section 301 of title III of H.R. 3750, One Hundredth Congress, as introduced Dec. 11, 1987, and enacted into law by Pub. L. 100–202.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Fifth General Capital Increase

Pub. L. 106–113, div. B, §1000(a)(2) [title V, §594], Nov. 29, 1999, 113 Stat. 1535, 1501A-122, provided in part that the Secretary of the Treasury may effect the United States participation in the fifth general capital increase of the African Development Bank, and authorized $40,847,011 to be appropriated without fiscal year limitation for payment by the Secretary for paid-in capital of the Bank and $639,932,485 to be appropriated without fiscal year limitation for payment by the Secretary for callable capital of the Bank.

§290i–11. Sixth capital increase

(a) Subscription authorized

(1) The United States Governor of the Bank may subscribe on behalf of the United States to 289,391 additional shares of the capital stock of the Bank.

(2) Any subscription by the United States to the capital stock of the Bank shall be effective only to such extent and in such amounts as are provided in advance in appropriations Acts.

(b) Limitations on authorization of appropriations

(1) In order to pay for the increase in the United States subscription to the Bank under subsection (a), there are authorized to be appropriated, without fiscal year limitation, $4,322,228,221 for payment by the Secretary of the Treasury.

(2) Of the amount authorized to be appropriated under paragraph (1)—

(A) $259,341,759 shall be for paid in shares of the Bank; and

(B) $4,062,886,462 shall be for callable shares of the Bank.

(Pub. L. 97–35, title XIII, §1344, as added Pub. L. 112–74, div. I, title VII, §7081(d), Dec. 23, 2011, 125 Stat. 1260.)

§290i–12. Seventh capital increase

(a) Subscription authorized

(1) In general

The United States Governor of the Bank may subscribe on behalf of the United States to 532,023 additional shares of the capital stock of the Bank.

(2) Limitation

Any subscription by the United States to the capital stock of the Bank shall be effective only to such extent and in such amounts as are provided in advance in appropriations Acts.

(b) Authorization of appropriations

(1) In general

In order to pay for the increase in the United States subscription to the Bank under subsection (a), there are authorized to be appropriated, without fiscal year limitation, $7,286,587,008 for payment by the Secretary of the Treasury.

(2) Share types

Of the amount authorized to be appropriated under paragraph (1)—

(A) $437,190,016 shall be for paid in shares of the Bank; and

(B) $6,849,396,992 shall be for callable shares of the Bank.

(Pub. L. 97–35, title XIII, §1345, as added Pub. L. 116–136, div. B, title XI, §21012(b)(3), Mar. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 594.)