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§§1750 to 1753a. Repealed. Pub. L. 87–195, pt. III, §642(a)(2), (5), Sept. 4, 1961, 75 Stat. 460

Section 1750, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, §2, formerly ch. IV, §549, as added July 8, 1955, ch. 301, §11, 69 Stat. 289, renumbered and amended July 18, 1956, ch. 627, §2, 70 Stat. 555; July 24, 1959, Pub. L. 86–108, §2, 73 Stat. 246; May 14, 1960, Pub. L. 86–472, §2, 74 Stat. 134, stated the Congressional declaration of purpose for this chapter. See section 2151 et seq. of this title.

Section 1750a, Pub. L. 85–477, ch. V, §503, June 30, 1958, 72 Stat. 275, related to strengthening cooperation in the Western Hemisphere.

Section 1750b, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §552, as added May 14, 1960, Pub. L. 86–472, ch. IV, §401(m), 74 Stat. 140, prohibited assistance to Cuba. See section 2370 of this title.

Section 1751, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §545, 68 Stat. 862; July 18, 1956, ch. 627, §11(b), 70 Stat. 565; June 30, 1958, Pub. L. 85–477, ch. IV, §401(i), ch. V, §501(31)–(33), 72 Stat. 270, 272, defined terms used in this chapter. See section 2403 of this title.

Section 1752, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §546, 68 Stat. 863; Aug. 14, 1957, Pub. L. 85–141, §11(c), 71 Stat 365, related to construction and application of this chapter.

Section 1753, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §501, 68 Stat. 849; July 18, 1956, ch. 627, §9(a), 70 Stat. 560, authorized transferability of funds. See section 2360 of this title.

Section 1753a, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §551, as added July 24, 1959, Pub. L. 86–108, ch. IV, §401(m), 73 Stat. 255; amended Sept. 8, 1960, Pub. L. 86–735, §4, 74 Stat. 870, provided for limitations on the use of the President's special authority.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Transfer of Funds To Carry Out International Educational Exchange Activities

Section 13 of act July 18, 1956, ch. 627, §13, 70 Stat. 565, which transferred available funds to the Department of State to carry out international educational exchange activities, was repealed by Pub. L. 87–195, pt. III, §642(a)(4). Sept. 4, 1961, 75 Stat. 460.

§1754. Foreign currencies

(a) Availability and use

Notwithstanding section 1306 of title 31, or any other provision of law, proceeds of sales made under section 1675p 1 of this title, shall remain available and shall be used for any of the purposes of this chapter, giving particular regard to the following purposes—

(1) for providing military assistance to nations or mutual defense organizations eligible to receive assistance under this chapter;

(2) for purchase of goods or services in friendly nations;

(3) for loans, under applicable provisions of this chapter, to increase production of goods or services, including strategic materials, needed in any nation with which an agreement was negotiated, or in other friendly nations, with the authority to use currencies received in repayment for the purposes stated in the section or for deposit to the general account of the Treasury of the United States;

(4) for developing new markets on a mutually beneficial basis;

(5) for grants-in-aid to increase production for domestic needs in friendly countries; and

(6) for purchasing materials for United States stockpiles.

(b) Availability to Members and employees of Congress; authorization requirements; reports

(1)(A) Notwithstanding section 1306 of title 31, or any other provision of law—

(i) local currencies owned by the United States which are in excess of the amounts reserved under section 2362(a) of this title and of the requirements of the United States Government in payment of its obligations outside of the United States, as such requirements may be determined from time to time by the President; and

(ii) any other local currencies owned by the United States in amounts not to exceed the equivalent of $75 per day per person or the maximum per diem allowance established under the authority of subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5 for employees of the United States Government while traveling in a foreign country, whichever is greater, exclusive of the actual cost of transportation;

shall be made available to Members and employees of the Congress for their local currency expenses when authorized as provided in subparagraph (B).

(B) The authorization required for purposes of subparagraph (A) may be provided—

(i) by the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the case of a Member or employee of the House;

(ii) by the chairman of a standing or select committee of the House of Representatives in the case of a member or employee of that committee;

(iii) by the President of the Senate, the President pro tempore of the Senate, the Majority Leader of the Senate, or the Minority Leader of the Senate, in the case of a Member or employee of the Senate;

(iv) by the chairman of a standing, select, or special committee of the Senate in the case of a member or employee of that committee or of an employee of a member of that committee; and

(v) by the chairman of a joint committee of the Congress in the case of a member or employee of that committee.

(C) Whenever local currencies owned by the United States are not otherwise available for purposes of this subsection, the Secretary of the Treasury shall purchase such local currencies as may be necessary for such purposes, using any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

(2) On a quarterly basis, the chairman of each committee of the House of Representatives or the Senate and of each joint committee of the Congress (A) shall prepare a consolidated report (i) which itemizes the amounts and dollar equivalent values of each foreign currency expended and the amounts of dollar expenditures from appropriated funds in connection with travel outside the United States, stating the purposes of the expenditures including per diem (lodging and meals), transportation, and other purposes, and (ii) which shows the total itemized expenditures, by such committee and by each member or employee of such committee (including in the case of a committee of the Senate, each employee of a member of the committee who received an authorization under paragraph (1) from the chairman of the committee); and (B) shall forward such consolidated report to the Clerk of the House of Representatives (if the committee is a committee of the House of Representatives or a joint committee whose funds are disbursed by the Chief Administrative Officer of the House) or to the Secretary of the Senate (if the committee is a committee of the Senate or a joint committee whose funds are disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate). Each such consolidated report shall be open to public inspection and shall be published in the Congressional Record within ten legislative days after the report is forwarded pursuant to this paragraph. In the case of the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives, such consolidated report may, in the discretion of the chairman of the committee, omit such information as would identify the foreign countries in which members and employees of that committee traveled.

(3)(A) Each Member or employee who receives an authorization under paragraph (1) from the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of the Senate, the President pro tempore of the Senate, the Majority Leader of the Senate, or the Minority Leader of the Senate, shall within thirty days after the completion of the travel involved, submit a report setting forth the information specified in paragraph (2), to the extent applicable, to the Clerk of the House of Representatives (in the case of a Member of the House or an employee whose salary is disbursed by the Chief Administrative Officer of the House) or the Secretary of the Senate (in the case of a Member of the Senate or an employee whose salary is disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate). In the case of an authorization for a group of Members or employees, such reports shall be submitted for all Members of the group by its chairman, or if there is no designated chairman, by the ranking Member or if the group does not include a Member, by the senior employee in the group. Each report submitted pursuant to this subparagraph shall be open to public inspection.

(B) On a quarterly basis, the Clerk of the House of Representatives and the Secretary of the Senate shall each prepare a consolidation of the reports received by them under this paragraph with respect to expenditures during the preceding quarter by each Member and employee or by each group in the case of expenditures made on behalf of a group which are not allocable to individual members of the group. Each such consolidation shall be open to public inspection and shall be published in the Congressional Record within ten legislative days after its completion.

(Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §502, 68 Stat. 849; Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1262, §104, 68 Stat. 1223; July 8, 1955, ch. 301, §9(a), 69 Stat. 288; July 18, 1956, ch. 627, §9(b), 70 Stat. 560; Pub. L. 85–477, ch. IV, §401(a), June 30, 1958, 72 Stat. 268; Pub. L. 85–766, ch. X, §1001, Aug. 27, 1958, 72 Stat. 880; Pub. L. 86–472, ch. IV, §401(a), May 14, 1960, 74 Stat. 138; Pub. L. 86–628, title I, §105(a), July 12, 1960, 74 Stat. 460; Pub. L. 87–195, pt. III, §642(a)(2), Sept. 4, 1961, 75 Stat. 460; Pub. L. 88–633, pt. IV, §402, Oct. 7, 1964, 78 Stat. 1015; Pub. L. 93–126, §5, Oct. 18, 1973, 87 Stat. 452; Pub. L. 93–371, §107, Aug. 13, 1974, 88 Stat. 444; Pub. L. 94–59, title XI, §1105, July 25, 1975, 89 Stat. 299; Pub. L. 94–157, title I, ch. IV, Dec. 18, 1975, 89 Stat. 837; Pub. L. 94–350, title IV, §402, July 12, 1976, 90 Stat. 833; Pub. L. 94–440, title I, §109, Oct. 1, 1976, 90 Stat. 1445; Pub. L. 95–384, §22(a), Sept. 26, 1978, 92 Stat. 742; Pub. L. 104–186, title II, §218(2), Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1747.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Section 1675p of this title, referred to in subsec. (a), was repealed by section 542(a)(9) of act Aug. 26, 1954, and is covered by section 1922 of this title.


In subsecs. (a) and (b)(1)(A), "section 1306 of title 31" substituted for "section 1415 of the Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1953 [31 U.S.C. 724]" on authority of Pub. L. 97–258, §4(b), Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 1067, the first section of which enacted Title 31, Money and Finance.


1996—Subsec. (b)(2), (3)(A). Pub. L. 104–186 substituted "by the Chief Administrative Officer" for "by the Clerk".

1978—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 95–384, among other changes, inserted provisions requiring authorization by certain individuals of local currency expenses of members of employees of Congress and requiring each member or employee who has received an authorization for his local currency expenses to submit a report within 30 days setting forth certain specified information.

1976—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 94–440 inserted "and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate" after "Joint Committee on Congressional Operations" and inserted provision authorizing chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate to omit information from the consolidated report that would identify the foreign countries in which members and employees of such committee traveled.

Pub. L. 94–350 required publication of each consolidated report in the Congressional Record within ten legislative days after being forwarded pursuant to subsec. (b).

1975—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 94–157 made local currencies available to Joint Committee on Congressional Operations.

Pub. L. 94–59 struck out provisions requiring each member or employee to make, to the chairman of the committee in accordance with regulations prescribed by the committee, an itemized report showing the amounts and dollar equivalent values of each foreign currency expended and the amounts of dollar expenditures made from appropriated funds in connection with travel outside the United States, together with the purposes of the expenditure, including lodging, meals, transportation, and other purposes, and, in the provision requiring a consolidated report by the chairman of each committee within the first sixty-days that Congress is in session in each calendar year, inserted requirement that such report itemize those items, struck out references to subcommittees, substituted "Committee on House Administration" for "Clerk", and inserted provision for public inspection.

1974—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 93–371 inserted provisions requiring each member or employee of any committee to make to the chairman, in accordance with prescribed regulations, an itemized report showing the amounts of foreign currency expended and dollar expenditure made from appropriated funds in connection with travel outside the United States, and substituted provisions relating to the preparation and submission of a consolidated report by the chairman, within the first sixty days that Congress is in session in each calendar year, showing total itemized expenditures during the preceding calendar year of the committee, for provisions relating to the submission by the Department of State to the chairman of each committee, within the first ninety calendar days that Congress is in session in each calendar year, showing amounts and equivalent dollar values of foreign currency expended during the preceding calendar year for travel outside the United States.

1973—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 93–126 substituted "$75" for "$50" and "shall be made available to Members and employees of appropriate committees" for "shall be made available to appropriate committees" and substituted a reporting procedure under which the Department of State, within the first 90 calendar days that Congress is in session in each calendar year, submits a report covering the amounts and dollar equivalent values of each foreign currency expended by each Member and employee with respect to travel outside the United States, with such report to be available for public inspection, for a reporting procedure under which both the amounts and dollar equivalent values of each foreign currency expended and the amount of dollar expenditures made from appropriated funds with respect to travel outside the United States were reported within the first 60 days that Congress was in session in each calendar year, with each such report published in the Congressional Record.

1964—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 88–633 inserted "which are in excess of the amounts reserved under section 2362(a) of this title and of the requirements of the United States Government in payment of its obligations outside the United States, as such requirements may be determined from time to time by the President (and any other local currencies owned by the United States in amounts not to exceed the equivalent of $50 per day per person exclusive of the actual cost of transportation)".

1961—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 87–195 repealed subsec. (c) which related to the preservation of cultural monuments of the Upper Nile.

1960—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 86–628 required inclusion in the reports of expenditures of each member and employee of the committees and subcommittees.

Pub. L. 86–472, §401(a)(1), required members and employees of committees to report the amounts of dollar expenditures made from appropriated funds in connection with travel outside the United States, and provided that the consolidated report shall show the total itemized expenditures incurred as a result of official activities of members and employees of committees or subcommittees.

Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 86–472, §401(a)(2), added subsec. (c).

1958—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 85–766 required reports to the Select Committee on Astronautics and Space Exploration of the House of Representatives and the Special Committee on Space and Astronautics of the Senate.

Pub. L. 85–477 required each member or employee of the committees to make an itemized report to the chairman of his committee, provided that the chairman shall consolidate the reports and forward the consolidated report to the appropriate Congressional committee within the first 60 days that Congress is in session in each year, and required publication of each report in the Congressional Record.

1956—Subsec. (b). Act July 18, 1956, substituted "Joint Economic Committee and the Select Committees on Small Business of the Senate and House of Representatives" for "Joint Committee on the Economic Report".

1955—Subsec. (b). Act July 8, 1955, authorized the use of local currencies by the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy and the Joint Committee on the Economic Report.

1954—Subsec. (b). Act Sept. 3, 1954, substituted "Committee on Appropriations of the Senate" for "Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 1978 Amendment

Pub. L. 95–384, §22(b), Sept. 26, 1978, 92 Stat. 743, provided that: "Notwithstanding section 30 of this Act [set out as a note below], the amendment made by subsection (a) of this section [amending this section] shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act [Sept. 26, 1978]."

Short Title of 1960 Amendment

Pub. L. 86–735, Sept. 8, 1960, 74 Stat. 869, as amended, which enacted sections 1942 to 1945 of this title and amended section 1753a of this title, is known as the "Latin American Development Act". For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 1942 of this title and Tables.

Short Title

Act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, §1, 68 Stat. 832, as amended by act June 30, 1958, Pub. L. 85–477, §2, 72 Stat. 261, provided in part: "That this act [enacting this chapter, section 281b–2 of this title, and section 151c of former Title 5, Executive Departments and Government Officers and Employees, amending sections 279a, 281b, 290b, 1148, 1442, and 2658 of this title, section 1704 of Title 7, Agriculture, section 1441 of Title 26, Internal Revenue Code, and section 1641 of the former Appendix to Title 50, War and National Defense, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 1751 of this title] may be cited as the 'Mutual Security Act of 1954'."

Transfer of Functions

Certain functions of Clerk of House of Representatives transferred to Director of Non-legislative and Financial Services by section 7 of House Resolution No. 423, One Hundred Second Congress, Apr. 9, 1992. Director of Non-legislative and Financial Services replaced by Chief Administrative Officer of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 6, One Hundred Fourth Congress, Jan. 4, 1995.

International Security Assistance Act of 1978 Not To Affect Authorizations of Appropriations and Limitations of Authority Applicable to Fiscal Year 1978

Pub. L. 95–384, §30, Sept. 26, 1978, 92 Stat. 748, provided that: "Enactment of this Act [see Short Title of 1978 Amendment note set out under section 2151 of this title] shall not affect the authorizations of appropriations and limitations of authority applicable to the fiscal year 1978 which are contained in provisions of law amended by this Act (other than sections 31(a), (b), and (d) of the Arms Export Control Act [section 2771(a), (b), and (d) of this title])."

Executive Documents

Delegation of Functions

For delegation of functions of President under this section, see Ex. Ord. No. 12163, Sept. 29, 1979, 44 F.R. 56673, as amended, set out as a note under section 2381 of this title.

1 See References in Text note below.

§§1755 to 1759. Repealed. Pub. L. 87–195, pt. III, §642(a)(2), Sept. 4, 1961, 75 Stat. 460

Section 1755, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §503, 68 Stat. 850; July 8, 1955, ch. 301, §9(b), 69 Stat. 288; Aug. 14, 1957, Pub. L. 85–141, §9(a), 71 Stat. 363; June 30, 1958, Pub. L. 85–477, ch. V, §501(17), 72 Stat. 271; July 24, 1959, Pub. L. 86–108, ch. IV, §401(a), 73 Stat. 252, provided for termination of assistance under this chapter. See section 2367 of this title.

Section 1756, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §504, 68 Stat. 851; Aug. 14, 1957, Pub. L. 85–141, §9(b), 71 Stat. 363; June 30, 1958, Pub. L. 85–477, ch. V §501(18), 72 Stat. 271; July 24, 1959, Pub. L. 86–108, ch. IV, §401(b), 73 Stat. 252; May 14, 1960, Pub. L. 86–472, ch. IV, §401(b), 74 Stat. 139, related to small business participation in furnishing of commodities and services. See section 2352 of this title.

Section 1757, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §505, 68 Stat. 851; July 8, 1955, ch. 301, §9(c), 69 Stat. 288; Aug. 14, 1957, Pub. L. 85–141, §9(c), 71 Stat. 363; July 24, 1959, Pub. L. 86–108, ch. IV, §401(c), 73 Stat. 252; May 14, 1960, Pub. L. 86–472, ch. IV, §401(c), 74 Stat. 139, provided for manner and terms of furnishing loan assistance and sales. See section 2395 of this title.

Section 1758, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §506, 68 Stat. 852, related to patents and technical information. See section 2356 of this title.

Section 1759, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §507, 68 Stat. 852; July 18, 1956, ch. 627, §9(c), 70 Stat. 560, related to availability of funds.

§1759a. Repealed. Pub. L. 86–108, ch. IV, §401(l), July 24, 1959, 73 Stat. 255

Section, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §549, as added July 18, 1956, ch. 627, §1(d), 70 Stat. 565; amended Aug. 14, 1957, Pub. L. 85–141, §11(e), 71 Stat. 365; June 30, 1958, Pub. L. 85–477, ch. V, §501(34), 72 Stat. 272, authorized an amount equal to 25 per centum of funds authorized to be appropriated for any fiscal year for purposes of sections 1891 to 1896, 1897, 1898, or 1923 of this title to be continued available for three months beyond end of fiscal year for which appropriated.

§1760. Repealed. Pub. L. 87–195, pt. III, §642(a)(2), Sept. 4, 1961, 75 Stat. 460

Section, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §508, 68 Stat. 853, prohibited use of funds for propaganda purposes.

§1760a. Omitted

Editorial Notes


Section, which limited use of counterpart funds with respect to payment of debts of foreign countries, was enacted as a part of section 105 of the Mutual Security Appropriation Act, 1958, Pub. L. 85–279, §105, Sept. 3, 1957, 71 Stat. 603, and was not repeated in subsequent appropriation acts.

§§1761 to 1765. Repealed. Pub. L. 87–195, pt. III, §642(a)(2), Sept. 4, 1961, 75 Stat. 460

Section 1761, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §509, 68 Stat. 853; July 8, 1955, ch. 301, §9(d), 69 Stat. 288; July 18, 1956, ch. 627, §9(d), 70 Stat. 560; Aug. 14, 1957, Pub. L. 85–141, §9(d), 71 Stat. 363; June 30, 1958, Pub. L. 85–477, ch. IV, §401(b), 72 Stat. 269, related to shipping on United States vessels. See section 2353 of this title.

Section 1762, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §510, 68 Stat. 853; June 30, 1958, Pub. L. 85–477, ch. IV, §401(c), ch. V, §501(19), 72 Stat. 269, 271; July 24, 1959, Pub. L. 86–108, ch. IV, §401(d), 73 Stat. 253, related to purchase of commodities in bulk and to surplus agricultural commodities. See section 2354 of this title.

Section 1763, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §511, 68 Stat. 853; Aug. 14, 1957, Pub. L. 85–141, §9(e), 71 Stat. 363; June 30, 1958, Pub. L. 85–477, ch. V, §501(20), (21), 72 Stat. 271, provided for preservation of military stock and retention and return of equipment. See section 2355 of this title.

Section 1764, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §512, 68 Stat. 854, prescribed penalties for accepting commissions, etc., for procurement services by United States officers and employees.

Section 1765, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §513, as added Aug. 14, 1957, Pub. L. 85–141, §9(f), 71 Stat. 363; amended June 30, 1958, Pub. L. 85–477, ch. V, §501(22), 72 Stat. 271; May 14, 1960, Pub. L. 86–472, ch. IV, §401(d), 74 Stat. 139, provided for notice to legislative committees. See section 2394(d) of this title.

§1766. Omitted

Editorial Notes


Section, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §514, 68 Stat. 854, related to reservation of foreign currencies or credits owed to or by the United States by the Secretary of the Treasury for sale to the Department of State for international educational exchange activities on basis of dollar value at time of reservation. See sections 2362 and 2455 of this title.

§§1766a to 1766c. Repealed. Pub. L. 87–195, pt. III, §642(a)(2), Sept. 4, 1961, 75 Stat. 460

Section 1766a, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §515, as added July 18, 1956, ch. 627, §9(e), 70 Stat. 560, related to authorization for grant of contract authority. See section 2365 of this title.

Section 1766b, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §516, as added June 30, 1958, Pub. L. 85–477, ch. IV, §401(d), 72 Stat. 269, prohibited use of funds for debt retirement.

Section 1766c, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §517, as added June 30, 1958, Pub. L. 85–477, ch. IV, §401(d), 72 Stat. 269; amended July 24, 1959, Pub. L. 86–108, ch. IV, §401(e), 73 Stat. 253; May 14, 1960, Pub. L. 86–472, ch. IV, §401(e), 74 Stat. 139, related to completion of plans and cost estimates, and to computation of benefits and costs. See section 2361 of this title.

§1767. Repealed. Pub. L. 85–141, §11(d), Aug. 14, 1957, 71 Stat. 365

Section, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, title V, §547, 68 Stat. 864, provided for a general limitation on authorizations.

§§1767a, 1768. Repealed. Pub. L. 87–195, pt. III, §642(a)(2), Sept. 4, 1961, 75 Stat. 460

Section 1767a, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §548, as added July 8, 1955, ch. 301, §11, 69 Stat. 289; amended July 18, 1956, ch. 627, §11(c), 70 Stat. 565, related to availability of unexpended balances of funds. See section 2404 of this title.

Section 1768, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §543, 68 Stat. 861; Aug. 14, 1957, Pub. L. 85–141, §11(a), 71 Stat. 365; June 30, 1958, Pub. L. 85–477, ch. IV, §401(g), 72 Stat. 270; July 24, 1959, Pub. L. 86–108, ch. IV, §401(k), 73 Stat. 255, contained savings provisions. See section 2392 of this title.

§§1781, 1782. Repealed. Pub. L. 87–195, pt. III, §642(a)(2), Sept. 4, 1961, 75 Stat. 460

Section 1781, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §521, 68 Stat. 855; July 18, 1956, ch. 627, §10(a), 70 Stat. 560; Aug. 14, 1957, Pub. L. 85–141, §10(a), 71 Stat. 363; June 30, 1958, Pub. L. 85–477, ch. V, §501(24), (25), 72 Stat. 271, empowered the President to delegate his authority and provided for the promulgation of rules and regulations. See section 2381 of this title.

Section 1782, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §522, 68 Stat. 855; July 18, 1956, ch. 627, §10(b), 70 Stat. 560; June 30, 1958, Pub. L. 85–477, ch. V, §501(26), 72 Stat. 272, related to allocation and transfer of funds among Government agencies, utilization of services and facilities, reimbursement for military assistance, commodities, services, and facilities, establishment of accounts, and to charge of expenses to appropriation. See section 2392 of this title.

§1783. Coordination with foreign policy

(a) to (c) Repealed. Pub. L. 87–195, pt. III, §642(a)(2), Sept. 4, 1961, 75 Stat. 460.

(d) Whenever the President determines that the prevention of improper currency transactions in a given country requires it, he may direct the chief of the United States diplomatic mission there to issue regulations applicable to members of the Armed Forces and officers and employees of the United States Government, and to contractors with the United States Government and their employees, governing the extent to which their pay and allowances received and to be used in that country shall be paid in local currency. Notwithstanding any other law, United States Government agencies are authorized and directed to comply with such regulations.

(Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §523, 68 Stat. 856; Pub. L. 85–141, §10(b), Aug. 14, 1957, 71 Stat. 364; Pub. L. 85–477, ch. V, §501(27), June 30, 1958, 72 Stat. 272; Pub. L. 86–108, ch. IV, §401(f), July 24, 1959, 73 Stat. 253; Pub. L. 86–472, ch. IV, §401(f), May 14, 1960, 74 Stat. 139; Pub. L. 87–195, pt. III, §642(a)(2), pt. IV, §707, Sept. 4, 1961, 75 Stat. 460, 464.)

Editorial Notes


1961—Subsecs. (a) to (c). Pub. L. 87–195, §642(a)(2), repealed subsecs. (a) to (c) which related to powers and functions of the Secretary of State, required the President to prescribe procedures to assure coordination among representatives of the Government, and made the Secretary of State responsible for the continuous supervision and general direction of the assistance programs. See section 2382 of this title.

Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 87–195, §707, substituted "prevention of improper currency transactions" for "achievement of United States foreign policy objectives".

1960—Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 86–472 added subsec. (d).

1959—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 86–108, §401(f)(1), required the chief of the diplomatic mission to make sure that recommendations of representatives pertaining to military assistance are coordinated with political and economic considerations.

Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 86–108, §401(f)(2), substituted provisions making the Secretary of State responsible for the continuous supervision and general direction of the assistance programs for provisions which required the Secretary of State to coordinate the various forms of assistance and to determine the value of the program under subchapter II of this chapter for any country.

1958—Subsec. (c)(2). Pub. L. 85–477 substituted "subchapter II of this chapter" for "sections 1811 to 1817 of this title".

1957—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 85–141 added subsec. (c).

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries


Section 707 of Pub. L. 87–195, cited as a credit to this section, was repealed by section 401 of Pub. L. 87–565, pt. IV, Aug. 1, 1962, 76 Stat. 263, except insofar as section 707 affected this section.

Study of Agencies Engaged in Foreign Economic Activities

Pub. L. 86–472, ch. VI, §604, May 14, 1960, 74 Stat. 141, which related to study of agencies engaged in foreign economic activities, was repealed by Pub. L. 87–195, pt. III, §642(a)(8), Sept. 4, 1961, 75 Stat. 460.

Executive Documents

Delegation of Functions

For delegation of functions of President under this section, see Ex. Ord. No. 12163, Sept. 29, 1979, 44 F.R. 56673, as amended, set out as a note under section 2381 of this title.

§§1784 to 1795. Repealed. Pub. L. 87–195, pt. III, §642(a)(2), Sept. 4, 1961, 75 Stat. 460

Section 1784, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §524, 68 Stat. 856; July 8, 1955, ch. 301, §10(a), 69 Stat. 288; Aug. 14, 1957, Pub. L. 85–141, §10(c), 71 Stat. 364; June 30, 1958, Pub. L. 85–477, ch. V, §501(28), 72 Stat. 272, prescribed duties of Secretary of Defense. See section 2383 of this title.

Section 1785, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §525, 68 Stat. 856; July 8, 1955, ch. 301, §10(b), 69 Stat. 288; Aug. 14, 1957, Pub. L. 85–141, §10(d), 71 Stat. 364, authorized transfer of functions of Foreign Operations Administration.

Section 1786, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §526, 68 Stat. 857; July 8, 1955, ch. 301, §10(c), 69 Stat. 289, authorized maintenance of special missions and staffs abroad. See section 2391 of this title.

Section 1787, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §527, 68 Stat. 857; July 31, 1956, ch. 804, title I, §113, 70 Stat. 740; Aug. 14, 1957, Pub. L. 85–141, §10(e), 71 Stat. 364; June 30, 1958, Pub. L. 85–477, ch. IV, §401(e), 72 Stat. 269; July 24, 1959, Pub. L. 86–108, ch. IV, §401(g), 73 Stat. 253; May 14, 1960, Pub. L. 86–472, ch. IV, §401(g), ch. V, §501(c), (d), 74 Stat. 139, 140, related to employment of personnel. See section 2385 of this title.

Section 1788, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §528, 68 Stat. 858, authorized detail of personnel to foreign governments. See section 2387 of this title.

Section 1789, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §529, 68 Stat. 858, authorized detail of personnel to international organizations. See section 2388 of this title.

Section 1790, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §530, 68 Stat. 859; July 8, 1955, ch. 301, §10(d), 69 Stat. 289; July 18, 1956, ch. 627, §10(c), 70 Stat. 561; May 14, 1960, Pub. L. 86–472, ch. V, §501(e), 74 Stat. 140, authorized employment of experts and consultants. See section 2386 of this title.

Section 1791, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §531, 68 Stat. 859; May 14, 1960, Pub. L. 86–472, ch. IV, §401(h), 74 Stat. 139, related to security clearance.

Section 1792, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §532, 68 Stat. 859; July 18, 1956, ch. 627, §10(d), 70 Stat. 561, related to exemption of personnel from certain Federal laws. See section 2386 of this title.

Section 1793, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §533, 68 Stat. 860, provided for waiver of certain Federal laws. See section 2393 of this title.

Section 1793a, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §533A, as added July 24, 1959, Pub. L. 86–108, ch. IV, §401(h), 73 Stat. 253; amended May 14, 1960, Pub. L. 86–472, ch. IV, §401(i), 74 Stat. 140, established Office of Inspector General and Comptroller and transferred certain functions thereto. See section 2384 of this title.

Section 1794, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. V, §534, 68 Stat. 860; July 8, 1955, ch. 301, §10(e), 69 Stat. 289; Aug. 14, 1957, Pub. L. 85–141, §10(f), 71 Stat. 364; July 24, 1959, Pub. L. 86–108, ch. IV, §401(i), 73 Stat. 254; May 14, 1960, Pub. L. 86–472, ch. IV, §401(j), 74 Stat. 140, provided for reports to Congress and for furnishing documents and other material to General Accounting Office and committees of Congress. See section 2394 of this title.

Section 1794a, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §550, as added July 24, 1959, Pub. L. 86–108, ch. IV, §401(m), 73 Stat. 255, required President to make public information concerning mutual security program not deemed to be incompatible with security of United States. See section 2394(b) of this title.

Section 1795, acts Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §535, 68 Stat. 860; July 18, 1956, ch. 627, §10(e), 70 Stat. 561; Aug. 14, 1957, Pub. L. 85–141, §10(g), 71 Stat. 364, related to cooperation with nations and international organizations.

§1796. Participation in Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction in China

The President is authorized to continue to participate in the Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction in China and to appoint citizens of the United States to the Commission.

(Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §536, 68 Stat. 861.)

§1797. Repealed. Pub. L. 87–195, pt. III, §642(a)(2), Sept. 4, 1961, 75 Stat. 460

Section, act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937, ch. IV, §537, as added July 18, 1956, ch. 627, §10(f), 70 Stat. 561; amended Aug. 14, 1957, Pub. L. 85–141, §§6, 10(h), 71 Stat. 357, 364; June 30, 1958, Pub. L. 85–477, ch. IV, §401(f), ch. V, §501(29), 72 Stat. 270, 272; July 24, 1959, Pub. L. 86–108, ch. IV, §401(j), 73 Stat. 255; May 14, 1960, Pub. L. 86–472, ch. IV, §401(k), (l), ch. V, §501(f), 74 Stat. 140, related to uses of funds under this chapter. See section 2396 of this title.