7 USC 456: Rules and regulations; appointment, removal, and compensation of employees; expenditures; authorization of appropriations
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7 USC 456: Rules and regulations; appointment, removal, and compensation of employees; expenditures; authorization of appropriations Text contains those laws in effect on March 10, 2025

§456. Rules and regulations; appointment, removal, and compensation of employees; expenditures; authorization of appropriations

The Secretary of Agriculture may make such rules and regulations as may be deemed advisable to carry out the provisions of this chapter and may cooperate with any department or agency of the Government, any State, Territory, District, or possession, or department, agency, or political subdivision thereof, or any person; and may call upon any other Federal department, board, or commission for assistance in carrying out the purposes of this chapter; and shall have the power to appoint, remove, and fix the compensation of such officers and employees not in conflict with existing law and make such expenditure for rent, outside the District of Columbia, printing, telegrams, telephones, books of reference, books of law, periodicals, newspapers, furniture, stationery, office equipment, travel, and other supplies and expenses as shall be necessary to the administration of this chapter in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, and there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, such sums as may be necessary after the fiscal year 1927, for carrying out the purposes of this chapter.

(July 2, 1926, ch. 725, §6, 44 Stat. 803 .)

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Transfer to Secretary of Agriculture

Transfer of Division of Cooperative Marketing "(by whatever name now called)" from Farm Credit Administration to Secretary of Agriculture, by act Aug. 6, 1953, ch. 335, §9, 67 Stat. 394 , see note set out under section 452 of this title.

Executive Documents

Transfer of Functions

Farmer Cooperative Service in Department of Agriculture as successor to functions of Cooperative Research and Service Division, Farm Credit Administration, see note set out under section 452 of this title.

For prior transfers of functions, see notes set out under section 452 of this title.

Exceptions From Transfer of Functions

Functions of Corporations of Department of Agriculture, boards of directors and officers of such corporations; Advisory Board of Commodity Credit Corporation; and Farm Credit Administration or any agency, officer, or entity of, under, or subject to supervision of said Administration excepted from functions of officers, agencies, and employees transferred to Secretary of Agriculture by 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 2, §1, eff. June 4, 1953, 18 F.R. 3219, 67 Stat. 633, set out as a note under section 2201 of this title.