42 USC 18991: PreK-12 STEM education
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42 USC 18991: PreK-12 STEM education Text contains those laws in effect on February 2, 2025

§18991. PreK–12 STEM education

(a) National Academies study

Not later than 120 days after August 9, 2022, the Director shall enter into an agreement with the National Academies to conduct a study to-

(1) review the research literature and identify research gaps regarding the interconnected factors that foster and hinder successful implementation of promising, evidence-based PreK–12 STEM education innovations at the local, regional, and national level;

(2) present a compendium of promising, evidence-based PreK–12 STEM education practices, models, programs, and technologies;

(3) identify barriers to widespread and sustained implementation of such innovations; and

(4) make recommendations to the Foundation, the Department of Education, the National Science and Technology Council's Committee on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education, State and local educational agencies, and other relevant stakeholders on measures to address such barriers.

(b) Omitted

(c) [Log 907 S2522] 1 National STEM Teacher Corps pilot

(1) Purpose

It is the purpose of this subsection to elevate the profession of STEM teaching by establishing a National STEM Teacher Corps pilot program to recognize outstanding STEM teachers in our Nation's classrooms, rewards 2 them for their accomplishments, elevates 3 their public profile, and creates 4 rewarding career paths to which all STEM teachers can aspire, both to prepare future STEM researchers and to create a scientifically literate public.

(2) Definitions

In this subsection:

(A) Administrator

The term "Administrator" means the Administrator of the National STEM Teacher Corps.

(B) Eligible entity

The term "eligible entity" means-

(i) an institution of higher education; or

(ii) a consortium consisting of an institution of higher education and one or more of the following:

(I) A State educational agency (as defined in section 7801 of title 20).

(II) A local educational agency (as defined in section 7801 of title 20).

(III) An education nonprofit Association.

(IV) A cross sector 5 STEM organization.

(V) A private entity, including a STEM-related business.

(C) High-need school

The term "high-need school" has the meaning given the term in section 6631(b) of title 20.

(D) Professional development

The term "professional Development" 6 has the meaning given the term in section 7801 of title 20.

(E) Corps Alliance

The term "Corps Alliance" means a regionally or topically based award under this subsection.

(F) National STEM Teacher Corps Advisory Board

The term "National STEM Teacher Corps Advisory Board" means the Advisory Board for the National STEM Teacher Corps established under paragraph (5).

(3) Establishment of National STEM Teacher Corps

The Director may, subject to the availability of appropriations, establish within the Foundation, a National STEM Teacher Corps 10-year pilot program to be administered by the Administrator, who shall be appointed by the Director. As appropriate, the Director may use existing NSF programs to establish and execute this program.

(4) Duties of the Administrator

The Administrator shall-

(A) create a process and standards for selection of eligible applicants to become members of the National STEM Teacher Corps, including-

(i) uniform selection criteria that includes 7-

(I) deep knowledge of STEM content and pedagogy;

(II) a passion for STEM subjects and dedication to teaching, evidence of leadership skills, and potential for continued career growth as an educator; and

(III) demonstrated experience increasing STEM student achievement and STEM participation rates for all students, particularly those from rural and high-need schools; and

(ii) a uniform selection process, including a comprehensive application that includes recommendations and other relevant professional information;

(B) promote the National STEM Teacher Corps and elevate best practices that emerge from the National STEM Teacher Corps to a national audience;

(C) evaluate the operation and effectiveness of the Corps alliances; and

(D) evaluate the overall and long-term impact of the National STEM Teacher Corps by-

(i) documenting, monitoring, and assessing the program outcomes or impact on the STEM careers of participants; and

(ii) documenting, monitoring, and assessing the program outcomes for the STEM education profession nationwide, particularly for rural and high-need schools.

(5) National STEM Teacher Corps Advisory Board

(A) Establishment

There is established a National STEM Teacher Corps Advisory Board to advise the Director on matters pertaining to the National STEM Teacher Corps for the length of the pilot program.

(B) Composition

(i) In general

The membership of the National STEM Teacher Corps Advisory Board shall-

(I) be appointed by the Director;

(II) include a representative from each of the following: School leaders, STEM researchers, STEM education researchers, Business leaders, PreK–12 STEM educators, and Students pursuing a postsecondary STEM degree; and

(III) be geographically diverse.

(ii) Existing committee

The Director may assign the duties of the National STEM Teacher Corps Advisory Board to another advisory committee of the Foundation.

(6) Duties of the Corps alliances

Subject to the availability of appropriated funds, the Administrator may make awards on a competitive, merit-review basis, to establish Corps alliances at eligible entities. Activities carried out by such alliances shall include-

(A) engaging local partners, which may include local educational agencies, institutions of higher education, STEM organizations, or education nonprofit organizations, to-

(i) develop and serve the community of National STEM Teacher Corps members within the region or topic area, in coordination with local partners to carry out day-to-day activities;

(ii) coordinate professional development activities, including activities led by National STEM Teacher Corps members;

(iii) connect National STEM Teacher Corps members with existing educator professional development programs and coordinate members' involvement as cooperating teachers or mentors;

(iv) seek opportunities to involve teachers who are not members of the National STEM Teacher Corps to participate in National STEM Teacher Corps activities; and

(v) build partnerships with existing education organizations and other efforts by State educational agencies and local educational agencies that operate programs relevant to the National STEM Teacher Corps and its activities;

(B) recruiting eligible applicants, with a focus on recruiting diverse STEM educators to advance equity based on race, ethnicity, sex, socioeconomic status, age, disability status, geography, and language ability;

(C) screening, interviewing, and selecting members of the National STEM Teacher Corps using procedures and standards provided by the Administrator;

(D) coordinating the online network that supports all National STEM Teacher Corps members in the region or topic area;

(E) convening occasional meetings of National STEM Teacher Corps members in a region or topic area;

(F) creating opportunities for the professional growth of National STEM Teacher Corps members, with a focus on increasing STEM student achievement and STEM participation rates for all students, particularly those from rural and high-need schools; and

(G) supporting the retention and success of National STEM Teacher Corps members in the region or topic area.

(7) Duties of members of the National STEM Teacher Corps

An applicant that is selected by a Corps alliance to be a member of the National STEM Teacher Corps shall-

(A) serve a 4-year term with a possibility of reappointment;

(B) receive an annual stipend in an amount not less than $10,000; and

(C) have substantial responsibilities, including-

(i) working with other members of the National STEM Teacher Corps to develop and improve innovative teaching practices, including practices such as inquiry-based learning;

(ii) participating in professional development in innovative teaching methodology and mentorship; and

(iii) continuing to excel in teaching the member's own students, with a focus on advancing equity by spending additional time teaching and coaching underserved students to increase STEM student achievement and STEM participation rates for students from rural and high-need schools.

(8) Evaluation

The Director, acting through the Administrator, shall submit a report to Congress after the third year of the pilot program that includes-

(A) an assessment, drawing on the evaluations the Administrator shall conduct under subparagraphs (C) and (D) of paragraph (4), and other sources of information, of the effectiveness of the pilot program in recruiting and retaining high-quality STEM teachers in the selected regions or topic areas, particularly in high-need and rural schools; and

(B) if deemed effective, a proposal to Congress for permanent implementation of the pilot program.

(9) Sunset

The authority to carry out this subsection shall terminate on the date that is 15 years after August 9, 2022.

(10) Authorization of appropriations

There are authorized to be appropriated $60,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2032 to carry out this subsection.

( Pub. L. 117–167, div. B, title III, §10311, Aug. 9, 2022, 136 Stat. 1510 .)

Editorial Notes


Section is comprised of section 10311 of div. B of Pub. L. 117–167. Subsec. (b) of section 10311 of div. B of Pub. L. 117–167 amended section 1862q of this title.

1 So in original.

2 So in original. Probably should be "reward".

3 So in original. Probably should be "elevate".

4 So in original. Probably should be "create".

5 So in original. Probably should be "cross-sector".

6 So in original. Probably should not be capitalized.

7 So in original. Probably should be "include".