Table III Tool [Current through 118-78 (July 30, 2024)]

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. For data processing XML files are available in bulk and broken into acts. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

96th Cong.  ↑  94 Stat.  ↑  Oct. 3, 1980  ↑  96–373 96–374(pdf) 96–375
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1 1367 20 1001 nt
101(a) 1373 20 1001-1005, 1011-1019 Elim.
101(b) 1383 20 1070d-2, 1070d-3 Rep.
201 1383-1386 20 1021, 1022, 1029, 1031-1034, 1041, 1042 Rep.
201 1386-1390 20 1047a-1047j Elim.
301 1390 20 1051, 1057-1063, 1065-1069, 1069a-1069c Elim.
301 1395 20 1064 Rep.
401, 402 1401 20 1070, 1070a Elim.
403 1404 20 1070b to 1070b-3 Elim.
404(a)-(c) 1406, 1407 20 1070c to 1070c-2 Elim.
404(d) 1407 20 1070c-4 Rep.
405 1407 20 1070d to 1070d-1d Elim.
406, 407 1411, 1412 20 1070d-2, 1070e-1 Elim.
411 1415 20 1074, 1078 Elim.
412 1416 20 1075, 1078, 1078-1 Elim.
413 1417 20 1077, 1078, 1085 Elim.
414, 415 1418, 1419 20 1077, 1077a, 1078 Elim.
416 1420 20 1077, 1080, 1082 Elim.
417, 418 1422, 1423 20 1078, 1083a Elim.
419 1424 20 1078-2 Elim.
420(a) 1425 20 1087-1 Elim.
420(b) 1427 20 1087-1a Rep.
421 1427 20 1085, 1087-2 Elim.
422 1432 20 1080 Elim.
423 1432 20 1077, 1078 Elim.
431 1433 20 1087-51 Elim.
432, 433 1433 20 1087-52 Elim.
434 1434 20 1087-53 Elim.
434 1434 20 1087-54 Rep.
435 1435 20 1087-56 Elim.
436 1436 20 1087-57 Elim.
437 1436 20 1087-58 Elim.
441 1436 20 1087aa Elim.
442(a) 1437 20 1087hh, 1087ii Elim.
442(b), (c) 1439, 1440 20 1087cc, 1087dd to 1087ff Elim.
443, 444 1441 20 1087dd Elim.
445 1442 20 1087cc, 1087dd, 1087gg Elim.
446 1442 20 1087dd Elim.
447 1442 20 1087cc, 1087cc-1 Elim.
448 1443 20 1087bb, 1087cc, 1087dd, 1087ee Elim.
451(a) 1443 20 1088-1098 Elim.
451(b) 1458 20 1087-4 Rep.
451(c) 1458 20 1088 nt Elim.
451(d) 1458 20 1087-1 Elim.
501(a) 1459 20 1101 Rep.
501(b) 1459 20 1119 Elim.
502(a)-(e) 1459 20 1103, 1104 Rep.
503(a) 1459 20 1119 Elim.
503(b), (c) 1459 20 1119a Rep.
504 1460 20 1119a-1 Elim.
505(a) 1461 20 1119b to 1119b-5 Elim.
505(b) 1463 20 1119b nt Elim.
506 1463 20 1119c to 1119c-2 Elim.
601(a) 1464 20 1121-1127 Elim.
601(a) 1467 20 1130
601(a) 1468 20 1130a
601(a) 1469 20 1130b
601(a) 1469 20 1131 Rep.
601(a) 1470 20 1132
601(b) 1470 20 3063-3065 Rep.
601(c)(1) 1471 20 511, 512, 512a, 513 Rep.
601(c)(2) 1472 20 1172-1174, 1176, 1177 Rep.
701 1472 20 1132a, 1132a-1, 1132b to 1132b-2, 1132c, 1132d to 1132d-4, 1132e, 1132e-1 Elim.
801 1481 20 1133, 1133a Elim.
901 1482 20 1134, 1134b Elim.
902(a) 1482 20 1134d-1134g Elim.
902(b) 1484 20 1134i-1134r, 1134r-1, 1134r-2, 1134s Rep.
903 1484 20 1134h-1134k Elim.
904 1486 20 1134l, 1134m Elim.
905 1487 20 1134n-1134p Elim.
1001(a) 1489 20 1135 to 1135a-2 Rep.
1001(a) 1491 20 1135a-3 Elim.
1001(b) 1491 20 1135c, 1135c-1 Elim.
1001(c) 1491 20 1221d Rep.
1101 1491 20 1136-1136d Elim.
1201 1493-1495 20 1142-1145c Rep.
1301 1496 20 1226a
1302 1497 20 1232
1303 1497 20 1221e-1b Rep.
1304 1497 20 236 nts Elim.
1305 1497 20 1226c
1306 1498 20 1221e-4
1311-1314 1498, 1499 20 1221e Rep.
1321 1499 29 792
1322 1499 29 714 Rep.
1331 1499 20 1221-1 nt Elim.
1341 1500 20 239a Rep.
1351(a), (b) 1501 25 640c-1 Elim.
1351(c) 1501 25 640c-2 Elim.
1361(a) 1501 7 301 nt
1361(b) 1502 7 326a
1361(c), (d) 1502 7 301 nt
1391(a) 1503 20 1070-1070b, 1070b-3, 1070c-1 to 1070c-3, 1070d, 1070d-1, 1070e, 1071-1077, 1078, 1078-1, 1079, 1080-1083, 1085 to 1087-1, 1087-2, 1087aa-1087gg Elim.
1391(a) 1503 20 1102-1104, 1119a Rep.
1391(a) 1503 20 1133-1134c, 1135c-1 Elim.
1391(a) 1503 20 1141 Rep.
1391(a)(1) 1503 20 1087-52, 1087-56, 1087-57 Elim.
1391(b) 1503 20 1141 Rep.
1392 1504 20 1154
1393 1504 20 1001 nt
1393 1504 20 1087-54 Rep.