33 USC 857-19: Biennial report
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33 USC 857-19: Biennial report Text contains those laws in effect on October 1, 2024

§857–19. Biennial report

Beginning in September, 2001, the President shall transmit to the Congress biennially a report that includes a detailed listing of all existing Federal programs related to ocean and coastal activities, including a description of each program, the current funding for the program, linkages to other Federal programs, and a projection of the funding level for the program for each of the next 5 fiscal years beginning after the report is submitted.

( Pub. L. 106–256, §5, Aug. 7, 2000, 114 Stat. 648 .)

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

National Ocean Policy

Pub. L. 106–256, Aug. 7, 2000, 114 Stat. 644 , as amended by Pub. L. 107–206, title I, §206, Aug. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 833 ; Pub. L. 107–372, title III, §306, Dec. 19, 2002, 116 Stat. 3096 ; Pub. L. 117–286, §4(a)(200), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4328 , provided that:


"This Act may be cited as the 'Oceans Act of 2000'.


"The purpose of this Act is to establish a commission to make recommendations for coordinated and comprehensive national ocean policy that will promote-

"(1) the protection of life and property against natural and manmade hazards;

"(2) responsible stewardship, including use, of fishery resources and other ocean and coastal resources;

"(3) the protection of the marine environment and prevention of marine pollution;

"(4) the enhancement of marine-related commerce and transportation, the resolution of conflicts among users of the marine environment, and the engagement of the private sector in innovative approaches for sustainable use of living marine resources and responsible use of non-living marine resources;

"(5) the expansion of human knowledge of the marine environment including the role of the oceans in climate and global environmental change and the advancement of education and training in fields related to ocean and coastal activities;

"(6) the continued investment in and development and improvement of the capabilities, performance, use, and efficiency of technologies for use in ocean and coastal activities, including investments and technologies designed to promote national energy and food security;

"(7) close cooperation among all government agencies and departments and the private sector to ensure-

"(A) coherent and consistent regulation and management of ocean and coastal activities;

"(B) availability and appropriate allocation of Federal funding, personnel, facilities, and equipment for such activities;

"(C) cost-effective and efficient operation of Federal departments, agencies, and programs involved in ocean and coastal activities; and

"(D) enhancement of partnerships with State and local governments with respect to ocean and coastal activities, including the management of ocean and coastal resources and identification of appropriate opportunities for policy-making and decision-making at the State and local level; and

"(8) the preservation of the role of the United States as a leader in ocean and coastal activities, and, when it is in the national interest, the cooperation by the United States with other nations and international organizations in ocean and coastal activities.


"(a) Establishment.-There is hereby established the Commission on Ocean Policy. Chapter 10 of title 5, United States Code, except for sections 1001, 1006, and 1011, does not apply to the Commission.

"(b) Membership.-

"(1) Appointment.-The Commission shall be composed of 16 members appointed by the President from among individuals described in paragraph (2) who are knowledgeable in ocean and coastal activities, including individuals representing State and local governments, ocean-related industries, academic and technical institutions, and public interest organizations involved with scientific, regulatory, economic, and environmental ocean and coastal activities. The membership of the Commission shall be balanced by area of expertise and balanced geographically to the extent consistent with maintaining the highest level of expertise on the Commission.

"(2) Nominations.-The President shall appoint the members of the Commission, within 90 days after the effective date of this Act, including individuals nominated as follows:

"(A) 4 members shall be appointed from a list of 8 individuals who shall be nominated by the Majority Leader of the Senate in consultation with the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

"(B) 4 members shall be appointed from a list of 8 individuals who shall be nominated by the Speaker of the House of Representatives in consultation with the Chairmen of the House Committees on Resources [now Natural Resources], Transportation and Infrastructure, and Science [now Science, Space, and Technology].

"(C) 2 members shall be appointed from a list of 4 individuals who shall be nominated by the Minority Leader of the Senate in consultation with the Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

"(D) 2 members shall be appointed from a list of 4 individuals who shall be nominated by the Minority Leader of the House in consultation with the Ranking Members of the House Committees on Resources [now Natural Resources], Transportation and Infrastructure, and Science [now Science, Space, and Technology].

"(3) Chairman.-The Commission shall select a Chairman from among its members. The Chairman of the Commission shall be responsible for-

"(A) the assignment of duties and responsibilities among staff personnel and their continuing supervision; and

"(B) the use and expenditure of funds available to the Commission.

"(4) Vacancies.-Any vacancy on the Commission shall be filled in the same manner as the original incumbent was appointed.

"(c) Resources.-In carrying out its functions under this section, the Commission-

"(1) is authorized to secure directly from any Federal agency or department any information it deems necessary to carry out its functions under this Act, and each such agency or department is authorized to cooperate with the Commission and, to the extent permitted by law, to furnish such information (other than information described in section 552(b)(1)(A) of title 5, United States Code) to the Commission, upon the request of the Commission;

"(2) may enter into contracts, subject to the availability of appropriations for contracting, and employ such staff experts and consultants as may be necessary to carry out the duties of the Commission, as provided by section 3109 of title 5, United States Code; and

"(3) in consultation with the Ocean Studies Board of the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, shall establish a multidisciplinary science advisory panel of experts in the sciences of living and non-living marine resources to assist the Commission in preparing its report, including ensuring that the scientific information considered by the Commission is based on the best scientific information available.

"(d) Staffing.-The Chairman of the Commission may, without regard to the civil service laws and regulations, appoint and terminate an Executive Director and such other additional personnel as may be necessary for the Commission to perform its duties. The Executive Director shall be compensated at a rate not to exceed the rate payable for Level V of the Executive Schedule under section 5136 of title 5, United States Code. The employment and termination of an Executive Director shall be subject to confirmation by a majority of the members of the Commission.

"(e) Meetings.-

"(1) Administration.-All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public, except that a meeting or any portion of it may be closed to the public if it concerns matters or information described in section 552b(c) of title 5, United States Code. Interested persons shall be permitted to appear at open meetings and present oral or written statements on the subject matter of the meeting. The Commission may administer oaths or affirmations to any person appearing before it.

"(2) Notice; Minutes; Public Availability of Documents.-

"(A) All open meetings of the Commission shall be preceded by timely public notice in the Federal Register of the time, place, and subject of the meeting.

"(B) Minutes of each meeting shall be kept and shall contain a record of the people present, a description of the discussion that occurred, and copies of all statements filed. Subject to section 552 of title 5, United States Code, the minutes and records of all meetings and other documents that were made available to or prepared for the Commission shall be available for public inspection and copying at a single location in the offices of the Commission.

"(3) Initial meeting.-The Commission shall hold its first meeting within 30 days after all 16 members have been appointed.

"(4) Required public meetings.-The Commission shall hold at least one public meeting in Alaska and each of the following regions of the United States:

"(A) The Northeast (including the Great Lakes).

"(B) The Southeast (including the Caribbean).

"(C) The Southwest (including Hawaii and the Pacific Territories).

"(D) The Northwest.

"(E) The Gulf of Mexico.

"(f) Report.-

"(1) In general.-By June 20, 2003, the Commission shall submit to Congress and the President a final report of its findings and recommendations regarding United States ocean policy.

"(2) Required matter.-The final report of the Commission shall include the following assessment, reviews, and recommendations:

"(A) An assessment of existing and planned facilities associated with ocean and coastal activities including human resources, vessels, computers, satellites, and other appropriate platforms and technologies.

"(B) A review of existing and planned ocean and coastal activities of Federal entities, recommendations for changes in such activities necessary to improve efficiency and effectiveness and to reduce duplication of Federal efforts.

"(C) A review of the cumulative effect of Federal laws and regulations on United States ocean and coastal activities and resources and an examination of those laws and regulations for inconsistencies and contradictions that might adversely affect those ocean and coastal activities and resources, and recommendations for resolving such inconsistencies to the extent practicable. Such review shall also consider conflicts with State ocean and coastal management regimes.

"(D) A review of the known and anticipated supply of, and demand for, ocean and coastal resources of the United States.

"(E) A review of and recommendations concerning the relationship between Federal, State, and local governments and the private sector in planning and carrying out ocean and coastal activities.

"(F) A review of opportunities for the development of or investment in new products, technologies, or markets related to ocean and coastal activities.

"(G) A review of previous and ongoing State and Federal efforts to enhance the effectiveness and integration of ocean and coastal activities.

"(H) Recommendations for any modifications to United States laws, regulations, and the administrative structure of Executive agencies, necessary to improve the understanding, management, conservation, and use of, and access to, ocean and coastal resources.

"(I) A review of the effectiveness and adequacy of existing Federal interagency ocean policy coordination mechanisms, and recommendations for changing or improving the effectiveness of such mechanisms necessary to respond to or implement the recommendations of the Commission.

"(3) Consideration of factors.-In making its assessment and reviews and developing its recommendations, the Commission shall give equal consideration to environmental, technical feasibility, economic, and scientific factors.

"(4) Limitations.-The recommendations of the Commission shall not be specific to the lands and waters within a single State.

"(g) Public and Coastal State Review.-

"(1) Notice.-Before submitting the final report to the Congress, the Commission shall-

"(A) publish in the Federal Register a notice that a draft report is available for public review; and

"(B) provide a copy of the draft report to the Governor of each coastal State, the Committees on Resources [now Natural Resources], Transportation and Infrastructure, and Science [now Science, Space, and Technology] of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate.

"(2) Inclusion of governors' comments.-The Commission shall include in the final report comments received from the Governor of a coastal State regarding recommendations in the draft report.

"(h) Administrative Procedure for Report and Review.-Chapter 5 and chapter 7 of title 5, United States Code, do not apply to the preparation, review, or submission of the report required by subsection (e) or the review of that report under subsection (f).

"(i) Termination.-The Commission shall cease to exist 90 days after the date on which it submits its final report.

"(j) Authorization of Appropriations.-There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section a total of $8,500,000 for the 3 fiscal-year period beginning with fiscal year 2001, such sums to remain available until expended.


"(a) National Ocean Policy.-Within 90 days after receiving and considering the report and recommendations of the Commission under section 3, the President shall submit to Congress a statement of proposals to implement or respond to the Commission's recommendations for a coordinated, comprehensive, and long-range national policy for the responsible use and stewardship of ocean and coastal resources for the benefit of the United States. Nothing in this Act authorizes the President to take any administrative or regulatory action regarding ocean or coastal policy, or to implement a reorganization plan, not otherwise authorized by law in effect at the time of such action.

"(b) Cooperation and Consultation.-In the process of developing proposals for submission under subsection (a), the President shall consult with State and local governments and non-Federal organizations and individuals involved in ocean and coastal activities.


"[Enacted this section.]


"In this Act:

"(1) Marine environment.-The term 'marine environment' includes-

"(A) the oceans, including coastal and offshore waters;

"(B) the continental shelf; and

"(C) the Great Lakes.

"(2) Ocean and coastal resource.-The term 'ocean and coastal resource' means any living or non-living natural, historic, or cultural resource found in the marine environment.

"(3) Commission.-The term 'Commission' means the Commission on Ocean Policy established by section 3.


"This Act shall become effective on January 20, 2001."

[ Pub. L. 107–206, title I, §206, Aug. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 833 , which directed the amendment of section (3)(f)(1) of Pub. L. 106–256, set out above, by striking "within 18 months of the establishment of the Commission" and inserting "by June 20, 2003", was executed by striking "Within 18 months after the establishment of the Commission" and inserting "By June 20, 2003", to reflect the probable intent of Congress.]

The following appropriations acts contained provisions similar to those in section 3(f)(1) of Pub. L. 106–256, set out above:

Pub. L. 107–77, title V, Nov. 28, 2001, 115 Stat. 792 , as amended by Pub. L. 107–117, div. B, §207, Jan. 10, 2002, 115 Stat. 2298 .

Pub. L. 106–553, §1(a)(2) [title V], Dec. 21, 2000, 114 Stat. 2762 , 2762A-98.

Executive Documents

Executive Order No. 13366

Ex. Ord. No. 13366, Dec. 17, 2004, 69 F.R. 76591, which established the Committee on Ocean Policy, was revoked by Ex. Ord. No. 13547, §10, July 19, 2010, 75 F.R. 43027, formerly set out below.

Executive Order No. 13547

Ex. Ord. No. 13547, July 19, 2010, 75 F.R. 43023, which established policy regarding stewardship of the ocean, coasts, and the Great Lakes and established the National Ocean Council, was revoked by Ex. Ord. No. 13840, §7, June 19, 2018, 83 F.R. 29433, set out below.

Ex. Ord. No. 13840. Ocean Policy To Advance the Economic, Security, and Environmental Interests of the United States

Ex. Ord. No. 13840, June 19, 2018, 83 F.R. 29431, provided:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Purpose. The ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes waters of the United States are foundational to the economy, security, global competitiveness, and well-being of the United States. Ocean industries employ millions of Americans and support a strong national economy. Domestic energy production from Federal waters strengthens the Nation's security and reduces reliance on imported energy. Our Armed Forces protect our national interests in the ocean and along the Nation's coasts. Goods and materials that support our economy and quality of life flow through maritime commerce. Our fisheries resources help feed the Nation and present tremendous export opportunities. Clean, healthy waters support fishing, boating, and other recreational opportunities for all Americans.

This order maintains and enhances these and other benefits to the Nation through improved public access to marine data and information, efficient interagency coordination on ocean-related matters, and engagement with marine industries, the science and technology community, and other ocean stakeholders. To advance these national interests, this order recognizes and supports Federal participation in regional ocean partnerships, to the extent appropriate and consistent with national security interests and statutory authorities.

Sec. 2. Policy. It shall be the policy of the United States to:

(a) coordinate the activities of executive departments and agencies (agencies) regarding ocean-related matters to ensure effective management of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes waters and to provide economic, security, and environmental benefits for present and future generations of Americans;

(b) continue to promote the lawful use of the ocean by agencies, including United States Armed Forces;

(c) exercise rights and jurisdiction and perform duties in accordance with applicable domestic law and-if consistent with applicable domestic law-international law, including customary international law;

(d) facilitate the economic growth of coastal communities and promote ocean industries, which employ millions of Americans, advance ocean science and technology, feed the American people, transport American goods, expand recreational opportunities, and enhance America's energy security;

(e) ensure that Federal regulations and management decisions do not prevent productive and sustainable use of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes waters;

(f) modernize the acquisition, distribution, and use of the best available ocean-related science and knowledge, in partnership with marine industries; the ocean science and technology community; State, tribal, and local governments; and other ocean stakeholders, to inform decisions and enhance entrepreneurial opportunity; and

(g) facilitate, as appropriate, coordination, consultation, and collaboration regarding ocean-related matters, consistent with applicable law, among Federal, State, tribal, and local governments, marine industries, the ocean science and technology community, other ocean stakeholders, and foreign governments and international organizations.

Sec. 3. Definitions. For the purposes of this order, the following definitions apply:

(a) "Ocean-related matters" means management, science, and technology matters involving the ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes waters of the United States (including its territories and possessions), and related seabed, subsoil, waters superadjacent to the seabed, and natural resources.

(b) "Regional ocean partnership" means a regional organization of coastal or Great Lakes States, territories, or possessions voluntarily convened by governors to address cross-jurisdictional ocean matters, or the functional equivalent of such a regional ocean organization designated by the governor or governors of a State or States.

Sec. 4. Interagency Coordination. (a) To ensure appropriate coordination by Federal agencies on ocean-related matters, there is hereby established the interagency Ocean Policy Committee (Committee).

(i) The Committee shall consist of the following:

(1) The Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), who shall serve as Co-Chairs;

(2) The Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Attorney General, Secretary of the Interior, Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Transportation, Secretary of Energy, Secretary of Homeland Security, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Director of the National Science Foundation, Director of National Intelligence, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), and Commandant of the Coast Guard;

(3) The Assistants to the President for National Security Affairs, Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, Domestic Policy, and Economic Policy;

(4) A representative from the Office of the Vice President designated by the Vice President; and

(5) Such other officers or employees of the Federal Government as the Co-Chairs may from time to time designate.

(b) The Co-Chairs, in coordination with the Assistants to the President for National Security Affairs, Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, Domestic Policy, and Economic Policy, shall regularly convene and preside at meetings of the Committee, determine its agenda, and direct its work, and shall establish and direct subcommittees of the Committee as appropriate. The Committee shall, as appropriate, establish subcommittees with responsibility for advising the Committee on matters pertaining to ocean science and technology and ocean-resource management.

(i) Committee members may designate, to perform their Committee or subcommittee functions, any person who is within their department, agency, or office who is:

(1) a civilian official appointed by the President;

(2) a member of the Senior Executive Service or the Senior Intelligence Service;

(3) a general officer or flag officer; or

(4) an employee of the Office of the Vice President.

(ii) Consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations, OSTP or CEQ shall provide the Committee with funding, including through the National Science and Technology Council pursuant to title VII, section 723 of [division E of] the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (Public Law 115–141 [132 Stat. 592]), or any successor provision, or through the Office of Environmental Quality pursuant to the Office of Environmental Quality Management Fund, 42 U.S.C. 4375. OSTP or CEQ shall, to the extent permitted by law and subject to the availability of appropriations, provide administrative support as needed to implement this order.

(iii) The Committee shall be administered by an Executive Director and such full-time staff as the Co-Chairs recommend.

Sec. 5. Functions. To implement the policy set forth in section 2 of this order, the Committee shall, to the extent permitted by law:

(a) provide advice regarding policies concerning ocean-related matters to:

(i) the President; and

(ii) the head of any agency who is a member of the Committee;

(b) engage and collaborate, under existing laws and regulations, with stakeholders, including regional ocean partnerships, to address ocean-related matters that may require interagency or intergovernmental solutions;

(c) coordinate the timely public release of unclassified data and other information related to the ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes that agencies collect, and support the common information management systems, such as the Marine Cadastre, that organize and disseminate this information;

(d) coordinate and inform the ocean policy-making process and identify priority ocean research and technology needs, to facilitate:

(i) the use of science in the establishment of policy; and

(ii) the collection, development, dissemination, and exchange of information between and among agencies on ocean-related matters;

(e) coordinate and ensure Federal participation in projects conducted under the National Oceanographic Partnership Program through the Committee's members, as appropriate, to maximize the effectiveness of agency investments in ocean research; and

(f) obtain information and advice concerning ocean-related matters from:

(i) State, tribal, and local governments; and

(ii) private-sector entities and individuals.

Sec. 6. Cooperation. To the extent permitted by law, agencies shall cooperate with the Committee and provide it such information as it, through the Co-Chairs, may request. The Committee shall base its decisions on the consensus of its members. With respect to those matters for which consensus cannot be reached, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs shall coordinate with the Co-Chairs to present the disputed issue or issues for decision by the President. Within 90 days of the date of this order [June 19, 2018], agencies shall review their regulations, guidance, and policies for consistency with this order, and shall consult with CEQ, OSTP, and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) regarding any modifications, revisions, or rescissions of any regulations, guidance, or policies necessary to comply with this order.

Sec. 7. Revocation. Executive Order 13547 of July 19, 2010 (Stewardship of the Ocean, Our Coasts, and the Great Lakes) [formerly set out above], is hereby revoked.

Sec. 8. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the head thereof;

(ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals; or

(iii) functions assigned by the President to the National Security Council or Homeland Security Council (including subordinate bodies) relating to matters affecting foreign affairs, national security, homeland security, or intelligence.

(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

Donald J. Trump.